Nuclear God of War

Chapter 24: Enjoy the World

Squatting on the ground, holding the unconscious Hesheng, Pingyan looked up at the old man in white and gorgeous clothes, the president of the Senate - Uvadas.

I don't know whether to believe in Uvadas or not to believe in Uvadas's flat beauty. I can no longer make a decision. Looking at Uvadas, he said, "If you don't want us to have a misunderstanding between us, then let the evil dragon team on the surface enter the earth."

"What's wrong with this? You are here to help us in the world. How can we not let you enter the world?" Uvadas answered flatly with a smile.

After Uvadas answered Pingyan with a smile, he immediately ordered people to open the entrance to the earthly world and invite the evil dragon team from heaven to enter the earth.

Before Pingyan saw Kufeng and others, no matter how Uvadas persuaded her, she always hugged her and won, and did not allow anyone to approach her and win in a coma.


The escaping from the first region of the world were unwilling to say, "If it hadn't been for the sudden emergence of the king of war - He Sheng, I would have controlled the first and second regions of the world."

"Forget it, we have tried our best to fight back. After all, the people who help the world are the king of war - He Sheng, are we his opponents?" A four-level nuclear man persuaded him to kill again.

After a failed recovery, he returned to the place where nuclear people gathered and followed the black wing in front of him and sighed, "Well, I have lived up to the expectations of Lord Hamidas this time."

When Black Wing heard what the reindict said, he saw the lost expression of the reindict and guessed, "Didn't you seize the first area of the world?"

He killed the fourth-level nuclear power man behind him and hurriedly explained to Black Wing for his recovery: "This can't be blamed. We had begun to attack the second area. Unexpectedly, the king of war, He Sheng, suddenly appeared and defeated the killing and protected the earth world."

"Oh! Unexpectedly, such a thing, He Sheng will appear in the earth!" Black Wing was very surprised.

Black Wing was surprised. He was not surprised that the rekill was defeated by Hesheng, because he felt how powerful the nuclear energy released by Hesheng was, which was even several times more powerful than Hamidas.

"Okay, kill again, don't blame yourself too much. With your nuclear energy, you can never be a winning opponent. I don't think Hamidas will blame you." Black Wing comforted the resurreation.

"Alas! I hope so." The killing heart sighed with trembling.


In the meeting room of the Senate of the Central District of the World, the senators do not understand the practice of President Uvadas.

Senator Guquanso saw that Uvadas did not kill and win through the monitoring system. Instead, he ordered the evil dragon team to enter the earth and sighed, "Alas! Now, we have lost the opportunity to kill the trump cards in heaven.

"Yes, that boy is really horrible. He destroyed nearly ten of my brothers just by waving his hand. It's really horrible." Ben Shangyang has always had a lingering heart for the power of Hesheng.

"Guys, let's trust President Uvadas. He must have his own ideas to keep this boy." Tinovs trusted Uvadas very much.


The people sent by Uvadas took the members of the evil dragon team to the first area, so that Pingyan, who hugged Hesheng, could see the members of the evil dragon team.

Uvadas said, "Can you rest assured to go with me now?"

With the help of Captain Kufeng and Vice Captain Sare, Ping Yan helped the unconscious He Sheng up, and then followed Uvadas into the second area.

Uvadas arranged the most advanced ward for Hesheng in the second area, let Hesheng recuperate here, and sent the world's best medical team to help Pingyan take care of the unconscious Hesheng.

Although the world uses the highest treatment to receive Ping Yan and others, Ping Yan is still wary of the people of the world, allowing Captain Kufeng and his members of the Evil Dragon Team to protect and win for a moment.

Seven or eight hours later, Hesheng gradually woke up and saw Pingyan, who had been lying by the bed, lying by the bed and whispered, "Captain Kufeng, come here."

Kufeng, sitting on the sofa opposite the hospital bed, heard Hesheng's whisper, walked over gently, and also asked in a low voice, "Hesheng, what do you want me to do?"

"Captain Kufeng, I just had a strange dream that there are members of the Grand Council in heaven... Do you think it's possible?"

"Hawa Sheng, to tell you the truth, I have always doubted this, but now is not the time to talk about this." Kufeng understood what half of what Sheng said meant.

and Sheng nodded and did not say anything more about it, but lay in ** and continued to rest.

The next morning, Senator Gu Quanso, on behalf of Uvadas, came to the ward to visit Hesheng and Pingyan.

Gu Quansuo saw that Hesheng had fully recovered and invited Hesheng and Pingyan and said, "Hesheng, my president of the Senate - Uvadas, let me thank you on his behalf. Thank you for helping us with the world regardless of the past. As a thank you, I will take you to browse the world.

"Is there any difference between the earth and heaven?" He Sheng didn't understand the meaning of Gu Quansuo.

"Our world has never been open to heaven. In order to express our trust in your heaven, I can take you to visit the earth at will." Gu Quansuo hurriedly reinterpreted it.

With the sincere invitation of Gu Quansuo, Hesheng, Pingyan, Kufeng and Sarui began to visit the extremely mysterious world for the people of heaven.


In the conference room of the main building of the Paradise Metropolitan Council, President Earth Eagle has received a string of digital codes secretly sent back by Kufeng.

President Earth Eagle saw a string of digital codes sent back by Kufeng and thought: What exactly do people in the earth want to do? Why do you try your best to retain and win?

Suddenly, President Earth Eagle thought of a terrible idea, so he immediately said to the legislators, "Fu Heng (President Fu's name), you have to closely monitor every move of the earthly world. As soon as the earth world sends troops, inform me immediately."

"Yes, I understand." After saying that, Senator Fu immediately went to monitor every move of the world.


Guquansuo first began to introduce the situation to Hesheng and others from the first area of the world, saying: "The first area is the closest floor to the surface, with 300,000 people living. It is mainly used for agricultural production and production of various necessities for survival. It can be regarded as an industrial zone in our world. ."

"I'm surprised that agricultural production needs sunshine. How did you solve this problem?" Sally asked curiously.

"Sarui, this is not what we should ask. This may be a secret of the earth world. How can we tell us?" Kufeng thought that Gu Quansuo would not tell them the truth.

"It doesn't matter. Although this is very important to us, it is of no use to your heaven. We collect sunlight through the light-gathering principle of laser weapons. Gu Quansuo spoke and told He Sheng and others. →[End of this chapter]