Nuclear God of War

Chapter 90: Establishment of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament

Hamidas did not expect that the people of the earth would promise her so quickly. He wondered: What the hell are they doing in the earth? How can they give up completely with their hatred for people in heaven?

"Hamidas, Hamidas, what's wrong with you?" Uvadas, the president of the Senate, hurriedly asked when he saw Hamidas stunned there.

Hamedas, who heard President Uvadas's question, immediately came to his senses and said, "Nothing, I'm just thinking about when my people will reach you."

Uvadas immediately became nervous when he heard what Hamidatsu scared him and thought to himself: What does Hamidas mean? He said that he would jointly create an Earth Federation with us while waiting for nuclear mutants to come. What does this mean?

"President Uvadas, since you have agreed to create the Earth Federation with our nuclear people and the people of Paradise, please go with me to Paradise to discuss the specific content of the creation of the Earth Federation." Hamidas urged.

"Okay, then I'll call Gu Quansuo and Seans, and go to heaven with you to discuss major events." Uvadas obeyed Hamidas's intention.

In this way, Uvadas led Congressman Guquanso and Lieutenant General Sean to take a large plane in the world and follow Hamidas to the capital of heaven.

After arriving at the capital of heaven, the people of heaven, the people of the earth and the people of nuclear energy, the three parties began to discuss how to create a federation of the earth.

After three days and three nights of discussion, the three parties finally reached a consensus.

The newly built Earth Federation has been named the 'Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament'. There are 30 parliamentary seats in heaven and 30 parliamentary seats in the earth world. Nuclear energy personnel also hold 30 parliamentary seats. There are 90 parliamentary seats in the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament. Everything must be decided through public voting.

The Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council is replaced by three Speakers, and the Speaker of Heaven is Xu Feng, Pingyan's father. The Speaker of the World is Uvadas himself. The Speaker of the Nuclear Energy Council was handed over by Hamidas to Black Wing.

Now the first meeting of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament will be held by three Speakers to agree on where the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament is located.

"I think the gathering place of nuclear energy people is a very good place, and with the protection of nuclear energy people, this is the most suitable place to serve as the headquarters of the nuclear parliament of heaven and earth." Uvadas was the first to make an opinion.

"I'm afraid this won't work. Most of our brothers and sisters are full of hatred for your world and people in heaven, although they dare not disobey the orders of Lord Hamidas. However, I'm worried that building the headquarters there will lead to tragedy sooner or later. Black Wing refused to build the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council in the gathering place of nuclear energy.

"In my opinion, now we have protection measures, and there will be no accidents. Only we in heaven are not as good as..." Speaker Xu requested that the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament be built in heaven.

"Yes, I also agree with Speaker Xu. It is the best place to build the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council in heaven." Black Wing agreed.

"I'm not disapproving of building the nuclear council in heaven, but heaven is too unsafe. Even our world can attack the central city of heaven, not to mention the more powerful nuclear mutants." Uvadas despises the defense ability of the people of heaven.

"You can invade heaven because the King of War and victory are not in heaven, otherwise you can't invade heaven. Now the king of war is in the hero's core. As long as there are nuclear mutant beasts, the king of war will definitely protect us. Black Wing believes that the King of War will protect the whole heaven.

Uvadas thought: As long as the headquarters of the nuclear parliament of heaven and earth is not located in the earth, no matter where it is located.

Because Uvadas just didn't want to set up the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, and he found that the nuclear mutants were on the side of heaven, he had to send a favor and said, "Okay, I agree to set up the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament in heaven, but we won't look for any problems in the future."

The three presidents of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament all agreed to build the headquarters in heaven. Hamidatsu, President Eagle and President Uvadas said, "Two presidents, now the major events of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament have been basically settled. Speaker Black Wing and I will also return to the nuclear energy gathering place to discuss the candidates of 30 parliamentarians. Two presidents, let's say goodbye first.

After talking about her thoughts with President Earth Eagle and President Uvadas, Hamidas turned around with unhealed black wings, left heaven and returned to the gathering place of nuclear people.

When Uvadas saw Hamidas and others leave, he said to Speaker Xu, "Mr. Xu, please give you the people of heaven for the construction of the headquarters of the Nuclear Council. Gu Quansuo and I went back to the earth first and reported this event to everyone in the earth.

Uvadast intended to leave Sean, who was willing to reconcile with heaven, and appointed Shawns as the vice-yi Speaker of the World of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council to communicate with heaven on behalf of the earth.

On the way back to the earth with President Uvadas, Senator Guquanso asked, "President Uvadas, why do you agree to reconcile with nuclear mutants and people in heaven, and even agree to build the headquarters of the Nuclear Parliament in heaven?"

"Do you think I'm really willing to reconcile with them in heaven? I'm just a stopgap, otherwise the enemies we face will be heavenly people and nuclear mutants, and my world will be destroyed by the whole army.

So, President Uvadas is thinking about the overall situation. It seems that I will still learn more from President Uvadas in the future.

"Well, now that we have joined the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council, people in our world can enter heaven at will, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us." Uvadas hinted.


On the ground not far from heaven, a person lying on the ground is struggling in pain. This person is the blue sky.

Qingtian, who didn't know how to make a choice, suddenly began to calm down little by little, and his consciousness was completely recontrolled by the nuclear beast.

Qingtian, who was recontrolled by the nuclear beast, knelt on the ground with one knee and said, "Please forgive me, Lord the nuclear beast. I really couldn't control my body before to help you attack heaven. The villain really deserves to die."

"It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself."

"However, I killed two nuclear beasts."

"They were killed by He Sheng and have nothing to do with you."

"Thank you for not killing the nuclear beast. I will definitely make up for my achievements and help the nuclear beast complete the task." Qingtian pleaded guilty.

After talking to the nuclear beast hiding in the dark with animal language, Qingtian suddenly emerged from the ground with three nuclear snake kings. →[End of this chapter]