Nuclear God of War

Chapter 91: Prelude to the General Attack of Nuclear Beast

The upper body of the three-headed nuclear snake king snake came out of the ground and once again said in the beast language of the nuclear beast: "Qingtian, if you really want to make up for your achievements and make contributions, then you can accept a little pain of skin."

"Lord Nuclear Beast, what do you mean? Why don't I understand, my lord, what's the meaning of you?

"I want you to enter the shield of heaven, find a way to make people in heaven trust you, and then find a way to open the shield of heaven, so that our nuclear beasts have the opportunity to launch a general attack on heaven." The three-headed nuclear snake king ordered Qingtian.

"Yes, Lord Nuclear Beast, I know what to do. Please rest assured and other nuclear beast adults."

When the three-headed nuclear snake king heard the assurance of the blue sky, his whole body came out of the ground, his head fell down, and three snake heads drilled back into the hole at the same time and disappeared.


Pingyan stood alone on the street of heaven, looking at the core of the hero shining on her head and said, "Brother Hesheng, when can you really come back to me?"

"Xiaoyan, are you thinking about Xiaosheng again? Don't be sad. We now have the clear crystal, and soon we can restore the whole earth to its original state. At that time, Xiaosheng can come back. Qingchu came to persuade Pingyan.

Ping Yan looked back and saw that it was her cousin Qingchu. Her expression suddenly became very frustrated. She jumped into Qingchu's arms and said, "Sister, I really want to be with Brother Sheng."

"Okay, Xiaoyan, don't be sad. As long as we can repair the earth into the beautiful blue planet that used to be full of vitality, I believe we will see Xiaosheng soon." Qingchu comforted his cousin Pingyan.

Pingyan got up and said, "Okay, then I'll help the nuclear energy man transport the clean air crystal to heaven now."

"Xiaoyan, leave the transportation of clean crystals to the nuclear energy people. If you really want to help, you can go to the giant energy laboratory with me."

"Well, sister, let's go to the giant laboratory now." After saying that, Ping Yan took Qingchu to the giant energy laboratory.


The command of Tiandun system, the monitoring system found that Qingtian appeared on the edge of heaven, and Major General Guo Wei did not know how to deal with this matter.

Guowei, who could not handle this matter, could only inform Xu Feng, Speaker Xu, and said, "Mr. Xu, I found that Qingtian appeared outside the shield of heaven. I don't know if he is under control now. Excuse me, Speaker Xu, how should I deal with it now?

"This matter is really difficult to do. Don't act rashly. I'll ask Qingchu to see him. I believe that Qingtian will never take action against Qingchu."

"Yes, President Xu, I understand."

"Okay, if there is anything else, please let me know. I'm building a new headquarters of the World Nuclear Parliament now." After saying that, Speaker Xu hung up the phone.

Speaker Xu ordered a soldier around him to find Qingchu and let him go to the southern city of heaven to meet a person.


In the gathering place of nuclear power mutants, most nuclear power people learned that they could no longer revenge on heaven and the earth world in the future, and were very dissatisfied with Hamidas's approach.

Although most nuclear mutants are dissatisfied with Hamidas, no one dares to speak out their dissatisfaction because they respect and fear Hamidas.

Hamydas has seen the dissatisfaction of the nuclear mutant with her and said, "Are you very dissatisfied with my Hamidas? Don't you understand why I should reconcile with the people of heaven?

"Lord Hamidas, we have always trusted you very much and believe that you will lead us to avenge our dead relatives. However, we never thought that you would reconcile with the people of heaven and the earth, which is something we can't understand. The giant sound walked out of the crowd and boldly said his thoughts.

When all the nuclear mutants present thought that Hamidas would be angered, Lord Hamidas was not angered. Instead, he explained in an easy-going tone and explained, "You can blame me, but I am also thinking about our whole mankind."

Hamidas reasoned with the nuclear mutants and told the nuclear mutants that if they continue to fight, there will be tens of millions of people in heaven, experiencing the suffering of their wives and children and the destruction of their families.

When these nuclear mutants heard what Lord Hamidas said, they were all silent. They experienced the pain of losing their relatives and friends. When they thought of this, they were indeed a little soft-hearted.

Some nuclear mutants said, "The pain we have experienced must not be experienced by other innocent people again, so what's the difference between us and the people of the earth who launched the nuclear jihad."

Before, there were some nuclear people who were slightly dissatisfied with Lord Hamidas. Hearing Lord Hamidas's explanation and the idea of this nuclear man, they began to gradually eliminate their dissatisfaction with Lord Hamidas.

Suddenly, a nuclear man full of extreme hatred said, "Then will our relatives die in vain? If we live with the people of heaven and the earth, are we worthy of our dead relatives and friends, parents, children and wives?

What the nuclear energy man said will reawaken the hatred that has gradually faded away.

Under the leadership of this extremely hateful nuclear energy person, one-third of the nuclear energy people shouted with one voice: "We will take revenge on the people of heaven and the earth. We will avenge our innocent dead relatives and friends. If we do not destroy the people of heaven and the earth, we will never stop."

Hamidas was very uneasy when he heard that one-third of the nuclear mutants kept shouting that they wanted to revenge on heaven and earth.

Hamidas, who didn't know how to persuade these nuclear power people, thought: What should I do now? Professor Lan, I really can't stand it.

Bai Yu, the extremely hateful sixth-level nuclear energy man, said to the nuclear power man who hates the capital of heaven and the earthly world as much as he, "Brothers, let's rely on our own strength to avenge our dead relatives and friends, and destroy the people of heaven and the people of the earth."

At the instigation of Bai Yu, one-third of the nuclear mutants followed him to heaven for revenge.

Hamidas did not stop these nuclear people from going to heaven for revenge, but just watched a large number of nuclear people go to heaven for revenge.

"Lord Hamidas, why don't you stop them from doing stupid things?" A peaceful nuclear energy man asked.

"Alas! Even if I stop them today, one day they will still take revenge again.

"Then let's watch them destroy it. Did you get the fruits of peace?" The nuclear energy man called Water Cutting Day doesn't understand. →[End of this chapter]