Nuclear God of War

Chapter 135: Before the Two Kings Attack

On July 10, 2035, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Hesheng, Pingyan, Di Xiaoer, Qingchu, Guowei, Kufeng, Sa Rui, single drive and Chen Yang entered the main building of the newly rebuilt Paradise Metropolitan Council together.

In the main building of the Grand Council, the members of the Grand Council all cheered the return of Hesheng and others. The president of the Grand Council, Diying, was very happy and said, "Hesheng, congratulations on successfully implanting the clearance crystal all over the world, so that the earth can be reborn. On behalf of all mankind, I thank you for your indelible contribution to our human beings.

He Sheng was a little embarrassed when he heard President Diying's words and said, "Actually, I didn't do anything. This is everyone's credit."

"Hawasheng, don't be modest. If it weren't for you, I don't think those nuclear beasts would never have appeared all the time. These nuclear beasts dare not come out to make trouble, all because we have you and victory in heaven, otherwise we will never have completed the task of implanting the air crystal under the surface of the world so smoothly. Xu Feng, the speaker of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, said.

"Speaker Xu, when it comes to nuclear energy beasts, I find it very strange. They have always wanted to stop us from using clean crystals to restore the earth. Why did they suddenly give up stopping us? This is something I have never figured out."

After listening to what He Sheng said, the people in the conference room began to be silent. In their hearts, why did the nuclear beast suddenly give up to stop them from restoring the earth in heaven?

"I think they may all be afraid and have the power they have, so they give up being enemies with us. After all, their giant wing nuclear energy is like a dragon beast, and they are not our opponent." Senator Fu said what he thought.

"They are afraid of me and don't stop us, which is by no means the reason why they don't stop us. You know, I'm only in the northern hemisphere. If they want to stop us, they can attack Hamidas or Xiaoyan sisters in the southern hemisphere, so they must give up preventing us from restoring the earth for some reason.

After listening to what Hesheng said to Senator Fu, President Eagle said, "Hesheng is right. The nuclear beast must have given up preventing us from restoring the earth for some other reason. Otherwise, they can attack Xiaoyan and others in the southern hemisphere. After all, they are only afraid and win over one person.

Ping Yan thought of a question that she couldn't figure out and interrupted, "President Earth Eagle, can I ask a question?"

"Xiaoyan, if you have any questions, just ask."

"President Earth Eagle, why didn't we find a nuclear beast in the process of implanting the clear crystal under the surface in every corner of the world? On the surface, they seem to be something that doesn't exist at all. Why?

Everyone here is wondering why nuclear beasts give up preventing them from using clean crystals to restore the earth, but ignore this simplest but most critical problem.

When Congressman Hu heard Pingyan's question, he was also very confused and said, "Xiaoyan's problem doesn't seem to matter, but this problem is really not that simple. Our people have implanted clean crystals all over the world, which can be said to have traveled all over the earth, but they have not found a nuclear beast, which is really a big problem.

In the process of implanting pure crystal into the whole earth by He Sheng and others, no nuclear beast has never been found. According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible, unless the nuclear beast deliberately avoids He Sheng and others and does not want to be discovered by He Sheng and others.

"Xiaoyan, the question you asked is really important. There must be another reason why their nuclear beasts always avoid us. I guess there are only two reasons for this. One is that the nuclear beast is worried about being attacked by us after we are found. Second, they are brewing a new action to deal with and win. The president of the ground eagle guessed.

"President Earth Eagle, if the nuclear beast is really brewing an action to deal with Brother Sheng, wouldn't it be very dangerous for me and Brother Sheng?"

"Xiaoyan, you really don't have to worry about peace and victory. Don't forget the ability of peace and victory. Now you are now above the king of nuclear beasts - giant wing nuclear energy like dragon beasts. Even if nuclear energy beasts find a way to deal with peace and victory, it can easily deal with peace and victory." After talking to Ping Yan, President Diying said to Hesheng, "Don't you think so? Peace and victory."

He Sheng also persuaded Xiaoyan's sister around him and said, "Yes, Xiaoyan's sister, Uncle Di is right. With the ability of their nuclear beasts, it's useless to play any tricks in front of me, so don't worry about me."

"Brother Hesheng, that being said, if these nuclear beasts want to harm you, they will definitely try their best to deal with you. Brother Hesheng, you should try not to leave heaven alone in the future, okay?" Ping Yan thinks about substitution and victory.

"Well, okay, sister Xiaoyan, I promise you not to go out alone as much as possible in the future, okay?"

"Brother Hesheng, I'm also thinking about you. Don't think of me as if I deliberately let you stay in heaven with me." Pingyan explained with a smile.

"How come? How can I not know Xiaoyan's kindness? Don't worry, Xiaoyan, I won't think of anything else, because I know that Xiaoyan is caring about me." He Sheng also said with a smile.

"The only thing I'm worried about now is the comeback of the nuclear beast. Once the nuclear beast launches another attack on us, although Hesheng can stop the king of nuclear beasts - giant-winged nuclear energy like dragon beasts, if other nuclear beasts attack the shield of heaven in heaven, it will be a big trouble." Speaker Xu was worried.

"Syi yi Speaker Xu, don't worry, as long as I am here, the shield of heaven will never disappear." He Sheng assured Senator Xu.

"With you and Sheng, I'm relieved." Senator Xu is very trustworthy and victorious.

President Diying suddenly announced, "Well, everyone, let's end our meeting today. We should let Hesheng have a good rest. They are really tired these days."

Di Xiaoer followed Hesheng out of the main building of the Grand Council, walked to Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, I have something to talk to you alone. Can you come to the air with me?"

"Of course."

Without saying anything to Sheng, after answering Di Xiaoer, the two flew into the sky together.

"Hamidas, what can I do for you? Just say it." He Sheng asked.

"Hawa Sheng, I feel something wrong with your body, but I just don't know what's wrong." Di Xiaoer was not sure.

"I don't feel anything wrong with my body. Is it because you feel wrong?" He Sheng guessed. →[End of this chapter]