Nuclear God of War

Chapter 136: Before the Two Kings Attack

But Di Xiaoer can say with great certainty, "No, He Sheng, I really feel that there is something wrong with the nuclear energy in your body, but I don't know what's wrong."

"Hamidas, if what you said is true, what will happen to my nuclear energy?" He Sheng asked Emperor Xiaoer if he didn't know.

Di Xiaoer shook his head: "Alas." He sighed and said, "I don't know about this. This is just an unknown premonition for me."

"an unknown premonition? Wow! Then I really need to pay attention to it in case something unexpected happens. He Sheng was very concerned about what Di Xiaoer said.

Ping Yan suddenly appeared in front of Hesheng and asked curiously, "Brother Hesheng, what are you talking to Hamidas? I also want to know."

"It's nothing, little sister, I didn't say anything to Hamidas. Let's go, Xiaoyan. I have time now. Let's go and play with you.

"Really? Brother Hesheng, that's really great. Pingyan said very happily.

After saying that, Ping Yan took the hand of Brother Sheng and flew to the direction of the Paradise Playground.

He Sheng followed Xiaoyan's sister and whispered to Di Xiaoer, "Hamidas, don't worry, I will definitely check what you said when I have time."


In the central building of the central area of the world, Tai Rui was in a meeting with the senators in the Senate room. Tai Rui said: "Heaven has implanted pure crystals in every corner of the earth, including under the surface of our world. It won't be long before people in the earth can return to Life on the ground. Do you think it is necessary for us to continue to maintain the alliance of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament with heaven?

Senator Tinovs was not in a hurry to express his opinion when he heard what Tai Rui said. He thought: Now that our world has peace and victory and the protection of nuclear power, if we are separated from the nuclear parliament of heaven and earth, will we not lose protection? This is not looking for our own death.

Senator Gu Quanso didn't think much about it and directly refuted Tai Rui and said, "No, I don't agree to break away from the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, which is quite dangerous for the people of our world."

"Gu Quansuo, haven't you always been disgusted with the people of heaven? Why do you continue to maintain a relationship with people in heaven now? Tai Rui was slightly dissatisfied.

The reason why Tairui held this meeting is actually to suggest that the members of the Senate agree with his idea, agree with the people of the world and the people of heaven and nuclear energy, and dissolve the alliance of the nuclear parliament of heaven and earth.

However, to Tairui's surprise, most of the senators did not express their personal opinions, and Gu Quansuo publicly expressed his unwillingness to break away from the people of heaven and nuclear power.

For this reason, Tai Rui thought to himself: Since they are not willing to break away from the people of heaven and nuclear energy, if I forcibly break away from the alliance with heaven, they will not agree. Then I will follow them first, so that there may be a chance to put heaven to death in the future.

Tai Rui thinks so. On the one hand, he obeys the wishes of most people in the world, and on the other hand, he has the opportunity to get closer to heaven.

The most important thing is that Li Tanshe has disappeared. He can't deal with Hesheng at all. He also has to give up facing Hesheng and wait for the new order of Taixincheng.

When Tinofs heard what Gu Quansuo just said, he really sweated for Gu Quansuo and thought: Gu Quansuo, if you publicly expressed your unwillingness to break away from the alliance with the people of heaven and nuclear energy, isn't you against too many people? You are in big trouble.

What surprised Tinovs was that Tairui did not scold Gu Quansuo, but said according to Gu Quansuo's idea.

Tai Rui followed Gu Quansuo's idea and said, "Member Gu is right. We really need the help of heavenly people and nuclear energy people now, so I also think we should not break away from the alliance of heaven and earth nuclear parliament with heavenly people and nuclear power people. What do you think?"

"Since you are too big, how can we have other opinions? We all listen to your big arrangement." Tinovs said tactlessly.

"Well, in that case, let's ask Vice Speaker Xiao to return to heaven first."

Seans, the deputy speaker of the world, who received the order of Tairui, followed Tairui's order to go to heaven.


Di Xiaoer has been thinking, thinking: Why do I always feel better than the nuclear energy in my body? Is there something wrong now? Why is that? I must find a way to figure it out.

Thinking of this, Di Xiaoer decided to follow Hesheng and carefully observe Hesheng's body in order to find this problem that puzzled her.

After Di Xiaoer decided to follow Di Xiaoer, she said, "He Sheng, don't worry, I will definitely clarify this matter and won't let any accidents happen to your body." After saying that, Di Xiaoer went to follow He Sheng, who had left with Ping Yan.


At 7:30 p.m., Vice Speaker Xiao, who came from the earth world, had arrived in heaven to meet President Earth Eagle and Speaker Xu.

As soon as we met, President Eagle first said, "Deputy Speaker Xiao, I'm really sorry. I was really sorry that I refused the refugees from your world to flee to my heaven last time. At that time, we really couldn't help it. Please forgive the suffering of our heaven."

"President Eagle, where are you? Your heaven was at that time and indeed unable to receive refugees from our world, so we will not misunderstand your paradise, let alone the word of understanding."

"I'm really glad that your world can think so." President Earth Eagle said with calm.

After talking about other things with Vice Speaker Xiao, President Eagle sent someone to take Vice Speaker Xiao and his entourage to the largest hotel in heaven to rest.


He Sheng played with Xiaoyan's sister who likes to play all afternoon. Now it's a little dark and he said, "Sister Xiaoyan, I'll play with you tomorrow, okay?"

"Well, I know that Brother Sheng must be tired and want to go back to rest, right?" Ping Yan said happily.

"I'm a little tired. Let's come out tomorrow." He Sheng said according to Xiaoyan's sister's meaning.

"Okay, Brother Hesheng, then you can go back to rest, and I'll go home, too."

"Little Yan, do you want me to take you home?"

"No, Brother Sheng, you'd better go back and have a rest. I can go back myself." After saying that, Pingyan has flown far away.

He Sheng looked at Xiaoyan's sister after she had flown away, put away the smile on her face and said, "Hamidas, come out. Why have you been following me?" →[End of this chapter]