Nuclear God of War

Chapter 221: Ten Reunion Nuclear Energy

General Liekus suddenly disappeared opposite Hesheng and instantly appeared behind Hesheng and punched the back of Hesheng in the head. This punch suddenly generated 930M Seawater's nuclear energy.

Hesheng has never felt such a powerful nuclear energy, instantly turning into a blue light and shadow form, avoiding the blow of General Liekus.

However, when Hesheng changed from a blue light and shadow form to a human form, General Liekus suddenly appeared in front of Hesheng and punched Hesheng in the chest, who had just returned to human form.

He Sheng, who was punched by General Liekus, hit the surface of the moon like an arrow from the string and smashed the moon out of a large crater. At the same time, his body was hit by the pit.

General Liekus stepped on Hesheng's body, and his body dropped rapidly. Hesheng's body was trampled into the pit, embedded in a pit 30 meters deep below the surface of the moon.

General Cus, who flew out of the deep pit, smiled and said, "Huh! Earthmen are earthmen. At first, I thought you would be more powerful, but I didn't expect you to be so vulnerable.

Pingyan, not far away, reminded General Liekus and said, "Don't underestimate my brother Hesheng. He is not an easy opponent to defeat."

"I found that you people on earth don't have much ability, but your tone of speech is quite loud. Your brother and Sheng have only half a breath left after being beaten by me. How can you be my enemy again?" General Liekus laughed.

"Do you think my brother and brother Sheng will be defeated by you so easily?" Pingyan said very confidently about her brother Hesheng.

"Okay, then let me see how you and Brother Sheng climbed out of the pit, hahaha." General Liekus began to be a little arrogant.

It can be said that it is very normal for General Cus's arrogance, because he can't feel the nuclear energy of Hesheng now, and Hesheng has been attacked so heavily by him. Naturally, he thinks that Hesheng has no ability to stand up again.

Suddenly, the arrogant General Huntingus stopped laughing and said, "How could this happen? Why is Hesheng's body releasing the nuclear energy of 777M Seawater? Why didn't I feel the nuclear energy in Hesheng at the beginning?

"This is because I didn't want you to feel my nuclear energy before, but now I want you to feel my nuclear energy, so you can feel my nuclear energy." He Sheng came out of the deep pit step by step.

"How is this possible? How can you be safe and sound after receiving such a heavy blow from me just now? What's going on?

General Liekus has now begun to have a little fear of the nuclear energy of Hesheng, thinking: the nuclear energy of this earthman must not be as little as the 777M Seawater I feel, otherwise he will never be able to resist my blow just now.


In space, sitting in the cockpit of the captain's seat, Siqing, the vanguard ship of the Hunter, saw that Hesheng suddenly had the nuclear radiation value of 777M Seevt and said, "I didn't expect that this earthman has such strong nuclear energy, and this is not his strongest nuclear energy. Measure.

A soldier on the vanguard ship, the Siqing, volunteered and said, "Captain, please allow me to go out and kill this earthman."

"Do you think your nuclear energy is stronger than General Liekus?"

"How can my nuclear energy be compared with General Liekus, but my nuclear energy is enough to kill that earthman."

"You still don't want to die. You can't kill that earthman. I'm worried now. General Liekus is not his opponent."

"No, no complaint captain, our General Cus's nuclear energy level is the primary 'nuclear energy warrior' of 'ten reunit nuclear energy'. How can he not be an opponent of a ten-level four repolymer nuclear energy?"

[Ten-recombation fission nuclear energy: the general term of nuclear energy beyond the ten-level four-repoly fission nuclear energy, breaking through nuclear fusion and nuclear fission, two forms of nuclear energy. Different levels of nuclear energy warriors have different nuclear energy armed energy]

Siqing sighed, "Alas!" Then he shook his head and said, "Although General Liekus has the power of a junior nuclear power warrior, this does not mean that the nuclear energy of the earthman will be weaker than that of General Liekus."

"What! Captain, do you mean that this earthman can also reach the nuclear energy of the junior nuclear energy warrior? The soldier on the vanguard ship was surprised with an incredible look.

"This is my worry. It's not really something. Let's wait and see what happens." Siqing explained to the soldier.


He Sheng came out of the deep pit step by step, walked to General Liekus and said, "What's wrong? You are a star hunter, didn't you say that I was half dead? But why am I fine?"

"You boy, I really doubt whether you are an earthman. How can an earthman withstand the attack of my 930M Seawater with 777M Seawater? You must not be an earthman. Tell me, who are you? Why should we help the earthlings make enemies of our hens?

"I am a dignified earthman! It's not an alien. Remember, I'm an earthman. He Sheng said angrily.

At the same time as Sheng's anger, the nuclear energy released on the body suddenly began to improve little by little, approaching the 930M Seawater that General Liekus now has.

Seeing this situation, General Liekus had no choice but to say, "Alas! It seems that I am now going to use the primary nuclear warriors who reunit nuclear energy to 'arm nuclear energy'.

[Nuclear Armed Forces: Nuclear energy in the body of nuclear energy warriors, breaking through nuclear fusion and nuclear fission, two forms of nuclear energy, producing nuclear fusion and nuclear fission, so as to obtain the nuclear energy armament of armed nuclear transformation. The nuclear power armed forces of different levels of nuclear warriors are different]

He Sheng heard what General Liekus said about the ten repolymerization of nuclear energy, junior nuclear energy warriors, nuclear energy armed and other terms. He was very curious and asked, "Hey! What do you mean by ten repolymerized nuclear energy, junior nuclear power warriors, and nuclear weapons?

"What! You have such the strongest nuclear energy, and you don't know what it is. How is it possible to repolymer nuclear energy, junior nuclear energy warriors, and nuclear energy weapons? General Liekus said in disbelief.

"I really don't know!"

"Well, okay, I'll tell you. Ten-recomposition nuclear energy is the general term for nuclear energy beyond the ten-level four-repolymerization nuclear energy, breaking through nuclear fusion and nuclear fission, two forms of nuclear energy. Different levels of nuclear energy warriors have different nuclear energy armed energy. He Sheng, do you understand now? General Liekus asked.

"What is that nuclear armament?" He Sheng continued to ask curiously. →[End of this chapter]