Nuclear God of War

Chapter 222: The First appearance of nuclear power

After listening to Hesheng's question, General Liekus covered his head and said, "My God, I'm about to have a mental breakdown. You earthman have such powerful nuclear energy that it will soon be upgraded from four repolymerization nuclear energy to ten repolymerization nuclear energy. Don't you know what nuclear energy armament is?

"I don't know but I don't know. I really haven't heard of nuclear weapons, which is a fact." To be honest with Sheng.

"Oh! It's really tiring to talk to humanoid life on a backward planet like you. Well, I'm talking to you about nuclear weapons. Nuclear energy armed is the nuclear energy in the body of nuclear energy warriors. It breaks through nuclear fusion and nuclear fission, two forms of nuclear energy, and produces nuclear fusion and nuclear fission, so as to obtain the nuclear energy armed nuclear weapon. Do you know what nuclear weapons are this time?" General Liekus said helplessly.

"I see, I know what you are talking about ten-recombation nuclear energy and nuclear energy armament. In fact, it is a higher level of nuclear energy on top of four-repolymerization nuclear energy, right?"

"The nuclear energy armed with ten repolymerization nuclear energy is not entirely above the four repolymerization nuclear energy. It also has a higher level of nuclear energy, and it also has more powerful capabilities." General Liekus explained again.

"What is the more powerful nuclear power arm of the ten repolymerization nuclear energy?" He Sheng still asked curiously.

General Liekus is tired of Hesheng's endless problems and is not in the mood to explain to Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, I, Liekus is too lazy to explain to you. You can look at the results directly."

After General Liekus finished talking to Hesheng, he shouted, "Primary Nuclear Warrior - Nuclear Armed - Falcon Armor!"

After saying that, Curse's body instantly released a dazzling white light. After the white light slowly dissipated, He Sheng saw Cus wearing 'Falcon armor' and appeared in his vision.

[Fightingus-Falcon Armor: a pair of large white metal wings with wingspan of ten times the length of the body. The white armor is as white as snowflakes, and the blue lines like water appear on the armor, which are very gorgeous. Holding a bow in his left hand and touching the beautiful feathers on the giant wings in his right hand]

Pingyan, not far above Taixin City, saw Hunting Kus wearing falcon armor, widened his eyes, looked at Hunting Kus with envy, and said, "Wow, this armor is so beautiful. If only Brother He Sheng also had such armor."

He Sheng saw Huntingcus in falcon armor and appeared opposite him and said enviously, "Wow! This is the biggest difference between the ten-reunit nuclear energy and the four-reunit nuclear energy.

"Well, I've wasted so much time with you. I think the battle between us should stop here."

"You mean you want to use your nuclear power to kill me, right?" He Sheng asked General Liekus.

"That's of course. I think you have felt that my nuclear energy has reached 1.8G 'nuclear explosion'. Do you think you still have a chance of winning?"

"I didn't think I could beat you star hunters at first, but you had to destroy our earth, so I had to fight to the death with you." He said without a choice.

When Liekus heard the will to fight and win, he thought to himself: It seems that I must completely kill and win this earthman, otherwise he will not give up protecting the earth, let alone surrender.

"I really admire you, Hesheng, an earthman, because I didn't expect you to have such strong nuclear energy and force me to arm myself with nuclear energy. Unfortunately, you are an earthman, otherwise I will definitely let you go. However, if you are an earthman, I can only kill you. Suffer to death, and win." Cous looked at the killer.

After saying that, his right hand has been stroking his beautiful feathers, and suddenly pulled out a white feather, which instantly turned into an arrow.

General Huntercus put the white feathered arrow on the white golden stringed cloud bow held in his left hand. He quickly pulled away the bow and shot the white feather arrow.

The white feather arrow quickly attacked Hesheng opposite Liekus. When Pingyan saw this white feather arrow shooting at her brother Hesheng, she was very worried and shouted, "Brother Hesheng, you should be careful."

Hearing Pingyan's shouting, He Sheng did not talk to Xiaoyan's sister, but stared intently at the white feather arrow he had attacked.

He Sheng felt that the nuclear energy of this white feather arrow was above the nuclear energy released by the divine blade, so he really dared not take it lightly this time.

He Sheng secretly thought to himself: The nuclear energy of this white feather arrow is more powerful than the extreme nuclear energy released by the divine light blade. How can I resist this arrow?

I really had no choice but to win. I had no choice but to say to myself, "I'm sorry, emperor, I have to use one-third of my own nuclear energy this time, otherwise I will not be able to protect the earth, let alone human beings."

After saying that, the nuclear energy released by Hesheng's body began to rise rapidly, and this increase in nuclear energy surprised General Liekus.

A blue light mist appeared on the body, and the nuclear energy began to improve. He wore a combination of blue and white armor. The armor was embedded with blue crystals, and his eyes turned into red crystals. The golden color was a flame-burning hair, holding the white feather arrow.


In space, Siqing, the vanguard ship of the Hunter, sat in the position of the captain of the cockpit and exclaimed, "How could this happen? Why can this earthman release the power beyond the ten-level nuclear energy of quadruple nuclear energy without becoming a primary nuclear energy warrior?

"Captain, will this earthman not be a normal nuclear energy mutant?" Yaoda, the deputy captain of the Siqing, asked.

"Shaoda, what you said is exactly what I'm worried about. If this earthman is a mutant nuclear mutant, then I can only do it myself."

"Captain, you see, the nuclear energy of this earthman has reached 2.7G nuclear explosion. This is something that a normal nuclear energy mutant can never do. I suspect that he, as an earthman, is a mutant nuclear energy mutant."

The planet hunter - a mutant nuclear mutant that Si Qing is worried about is a nuclear man who has an unknown mutation in genes in the process of nuclear energy evolution. This type of nuclear man has more powerful nuclear energy than normal nuclear people and is an extremely rare nuclear man.

The reason why Si Qing and Yao Da doubted that they are mutant nuclear energy mutants is that it is impossible for normal nuclear energy people to break through the super nuclear energy of 1G nuclear explosion without becoming a primary nuclear energy warrior and obtaining ten repolymerized nuclear energy.

Now Hesheng's nuclear energy has reached 2.7G, which has to make Wuqing suspicious. →[End of this chapter]