Nuclear God of War

Chapter 328: Lost Power Can't Reappear

General Liekus, one of the ten generals of Ares Hunter, although he does not have strong nuclear energy, he can't gather powerful Ares Hunters, but he finds something very beneficial to their Ares Hunters, that is, a friend of his comes to the solar system.

Chekus replied that he was a nuclear man who claimed to be a resurrence and said, "My friend will not appear easily. If you want to see him, you can go back to the earth and wait for him."

"What! Let me go back to earth again? Didn't you just say that you wanted me to go to hell with Hamidas and others? Why do you change your mind now? The soul came back with a smile and asked.

"I don't want you to return to the earth, but my friends haven't come yet. Of course, I can't kill you in an instant, so I give you a short chance to return to the earth."

"Now it seems that you and the others here are not sure to kill us, so you want to let us go first, and then find a chance to make a comeback, right?"

"Not exactly. I'm not going to make a comeback. I'm going to wait for my friends to come. I'm killing you." General Liekus procrastinated.

I didn't know that General Liekus was procrastinating. He was about to talk about this to General Liekus, but He Sheng reminded the soul rebirth and said, "Resurrebirth, don't talk nonsense with him. Let's go back to the earth first."

"Then how do you go back?" The soul came back to ask and win.

"If you help me get back the three sacred objects, I can naturally return to the earth by myself."

"Do you think I'm an idiot? I will help you take back the three sacred things. Can you still make me the master of the earth? I won't help you get back the three sacred objects. The soul resurreed refused to take back the three sacred objects for peace and victory.

Di Xiaoer heard the rejection of the resurreation and said, "If so, He Sheng, let me help you take back the three sacred objects."

"No, Xiaoer, we don't have much time. Let's go back to the earth." He Sheng persuaded Di Xiaoer to stop pestering Kus and others, hoping to return to the earth faster.

The keen discovery of the soul resurrection and Sheng said, "I'll help you get a demon man's aircraft, and then we will return to the earth."

"Okay, please help me with this. I didn't expect that we would work together one day." He Sheng sighed.

"That's right, and I didn't expect that I would join hands with the person I wanted to kill most, which really didn't surprise me. All right, I'll help you get the aircraft." I didn't expect to join hands with Hesheng.

The soul is about to find a demon star aircraft for Hesheng. Di Xiaoer suddenly stopped the soul from leaving and said, "You don't have to bother to find the aircraft so much. I can let the Dilong fighter come back, as long as you don't help the god star hunter capture the emperor dragon fighter."

"Hamidas, I'm on your side now. How can I help the Star Hunter capture the Dragon fighter?"

"I just want to confirm your idea, nothing else. I'll call back the Dilong fighter now. Di Xiaoer explained to the soul resurreation.

After explaining to the soul recovery, Di Xiaoer said, "Dilong fighter, come back to Hesheng."

The Dragon fighter, hiding in the Damo Star Battleships, started in an instant and rushed to the hunter, the mother ship of the Damo star battleship group.

The Dragon fighter aircraft, like an arrow from the string, pierced the Hunter, the mother ship of the interstellar battleship group, through layers of metal walls of the Hunter, and the upper part of the aircraft entered the corridor where Hesheng and others were.

Di Xiaoer said to Pingyan behind him, "Xiaoyan, take Hesheng into the cockpit of the Dilong fighter and return to the earth with Hesheng first. I and the soul will be resurrated."

"Sister Xiaoer, you should also be careful. I'll take Brother Sheng away." After saying that, Ping Yan escorted and won the God Dragon fighter.

Although he suddenly didn't understand the meaning of General Liekus doing this, he still respected General Liekus and let Hesheng and others go.

Mu Dachez really didn't understand the reason why the Hunter did this. He didn't want to see all his previous efforts was in vain and said, "I won't let you leave my mother ship, Hunter."

"I won't let you stop and win away unless you defeat me." Di Xiaoer said to Mu Dachez with a tough attitude.

"Although I am not your opponent, I have the ability to destroy the Dilong fighter. I want the driving system of the Dilong fighter to be completely destroyed." Mudachez said harshly.

Suddenly, Shangcun immediately said to Mudachez, "No, Mudachez, you can't destroy the Dragon fighter plane, otherwise, we can't complete General Xiaojiaosu's order."

"I'm not going to destroy the whole Dilong fighter, I'm going to destroy the control system of the Dilong fighter so that he can't control it." Mudacheth said angrily.

General Liekus saw that Mudachez insisted on preventing Hesheng and others from leaving. He came over, lay in Mudachez's ear, whispered a few words, and then said, "Mudachez, do you understand what I mean now?"

"Well, well, since General Cus also said that you would let them go, I have to let go of the Dragon fighter of Hesheng." Mudachez nodded and answered General Liekus.

After that, Mugaces gave up preventing Hesheng from driving the Dilong fighter from leaving his Hunter, and watched the Dilong fighter withdraw from the Hunter in his heart.

The Dilong fighter withdrew from the Hunter. Di Xiaoer resurred with his soul and said, "It's time for us to leave now. You go first. Their attack on the God Hunters is useless to me, so I finally left."

"Hamidas, you should also be more careful." After saying that, the soul came back along the gap hit by the Dilong fighter and left the Hunter.

Di Xiaoer saw that all the others had left and said, "Abruptly, Cun, Cuse, No Grievance Siqing, and you demon people, you remember one thing. It is absolutely impossible to destroy the earth. I will definitely help and win regain strength and defeat you."

"Don't be arrogant, you earthlings. When my friends arrive on the earth, you just wait to disappear with the earth." General Liekus in turn reminded Di Xiaoer.

"If you want to destroy the Great Magic Stone, the treasure of the Demon Star, with the earth, then you can do it." After saying that, Di Xiaoer has also jumped into the gap made by the Dilong fighter and flew away from the Hunter.

Mudachez was very helpless and said, "I just hope that before your friend arrives, Hesheng has not recovered his nuclear energy, otherwise things will be very troublesome."

"Don't worry, my friend will arrive at us in ten minutes." General Liekus said confidently. →[End of this chapter]