Nuclear God of War

Chapter 329: The lost power cannot be reproduced

Mudachez, the hunter king, heard General Liekus's answer and said, "General Liekus, what do you mean? If your friends can come to us in such a short time, why do you want to let them go and win them?

"Don't you demons want to return to your big magic stone? If we kill them now, do you think we still have a chance to get our big magic stone back? General Liekus explained to Mudachez the reason for letting go of Hesheng and others.

"I'm very grateful to you star hunters for caring about us, but it's really a pity for you to do this."

"Mudachez, what do you mean? You mean it's superfluous for me to do this, right?" General Liekus said angrily.

"No, I didn't mean that. I just think it's a pity to let them go. After killing them, we can go to the earth to get back the great magic stone, the treasure of our demons." Mudachez hurriedly explained to General Liekus.

"But how do you know where the earthlings hide your big magic stone? What if we can't do the big magic stone?

"You can rest assured, General Cus, because I have installed a micro tracker on our Great Magic Stone, and we can easily find the Great Magic Stone, the treasure of our Demon Star."

"Oh, no wonder you said so. It turned out to be because of this. It seems that I am indeed a little superfluous, but I don't regret letting go of He Sheng and others, because fighting on earth can make my friends fully exert all their power. General Liekus also explained to Mudachez.

The deputy commander of the Third King Star Fleet of the Hunting God - suddenly appeared, took the three sacred objects stolen from Hesheng, and said, "General Huntescu, do I know the friend you mentioned? Are you really so confident that your friends can defeat the horrible Hamidas and the earth girl who summoned the queen beast?

"Deputy Commander Shangcun, you and Da can rest assured, because my friend, like me, is one of our top ten generals of Orion. He is General Menggatachi." General Liekus said proudly.

"What! General Menggatachi, one of the top ten generals! He is the favorite general among the top ten generals. His attack ability will make people feel creepy. I have always been afraid of him. Suddenly, he said with a little fear.

General Liekus was very strange and asked abruptly: "Deputy Commander Shangcun, why are you afraid of Menggatak? Why is that? I'm really curious."

"To tell you the truth, I'm afraid of General Menggatachi because he almost killed me and my brother. If Commander Xiang hadn't pleaded in the end, I might have been killed."

"Well, no wonder you are afraid of Menggatachi. But I'm very strange. Menggatachi is one of the top ten generals, and he is not very angry among the top ten generals. Why did he kill you?

"Alas! It's a long story. Let's talk about it later. I want to hide now, and other things will be left to you. After saying that, he suddenly handed over the three sacred objects to General Liekus, and then went to Mudachez for help.

Mudachez's bad tone of reprimand suddenly appeared. Seeing that the sudden existence was always swallowing his anger, he said helplessly, "Well, I'll do you this favor. I'll ask someone to take you to an attack ship."

"Thank you this time. It was my fault before. Let everything pass. Let's start all over again in the future." Suddenly, he lowered his identity and said good words to Mudachez.

"Opin, don't talk too much. Is this still like you suddenly? I guess General Hunter's friends are coming soon. You'd better hide quickly. Mudachez said with no good face.

"Well, then I'll hide first." Suddenly, he nodded his head and left the mothership Hunter with a demon.

General Liekus handed over the three sacred objects in his hand to Wuqing and said, "These three things will be left to you for safekeeping. Don't let the earthlings take them back, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Yes, General Liekus, I will do my best to take good care of these three things with my life, and never let these three things return to He Sheng's hands." No complaint, Siqing assured General Liekus.

"Okay, as long as you say this, I will be relieved. No matter whether you can take good care of these three things or not, I will never blame you." General Liekus said seriously.

When Siqing heard what General Liekus said, coupled with the recent state of General Liekus, he thought: The current General Liekus has been very different from before. Is it possible that General Liekus is gradually becoming one of the top ten generals?


He Sheng flew the Dilong fighter back to the heaven of the earth, opened the cockpit cover of the Dilong fighter, followed Ping Yan, and said, "Sister Xiaoyan, I don't want to go to the headquarters of the World Nuclear Council now. Can I not go in?"

"Brother Sheng, why don't you want to enter the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament? Are you still resenting my father and President Earth Eagle?" Ping Yan asked Brother Sheng.

"No, that's not the reason." He Sheng shook his head.

"Brother Hesheng, you are not because of this, so why don't you go to the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Council with me?" Pingyan asked Brother Sheng incomprehensiblely.

"I am basically a waste now, without nuclear energy, and no longer the hope of saving the earth. If the members of the World Nuclear Parliament know that I am no longer their hope, they will be more desperate, so we can't let them know that I have lost nuclear energy now." Hesheng explained to Xiaoyan's sister.

After listening to Brother Hesheng's explanation, Ping Yan understood the reason why Brother Sheng did not go to the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament. She said, "Brother Hesheng doesn't want people to lose hope of resisting the God Hunters, so he doesn't want them to know that you have lost nuclear energy, right?"

"Yes, so I can't meet the members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council. Do you understand now?"

"Well, Brother Sheng, I understand."

"Sister Xiaoyan, then you can go to the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council alone. I will go to the Antarctic to see if the emperor who has closed himself has left anything for us."

"Brother Hesheng, you should also be more careful yourself." Ping Yan was very concerned about Sheng's brother.

"With the Dragon fighter, I won't be in danger. Don't worry. Sister Xiaoyan, after you talk to the members of the Tiandi Nuclear Council about the situation, have a good rest and come to see me in a few days. He Sheng's caring instructions to Xiaoyan's sister. →[End of this chapter]