Nuclear God of War

Chapter 330: Top Ten Generals - Menggatachi

After talking to Pingyan, He Sheng closed the cockpit cover of the Dilong fighter and flew the blue Dilong fighter to the south pole, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Ping Yan looked at the distant Dilong fighter plane and said, "Brother Hesheng, I hope you can regain nuclear energy. Otherwise, our earth will really be in danger. My nuclear energy can't save the earth at all."

After saying that, Ping Yan sighed and slowly declined helplessly. She returned to the general conference room of the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament and told them what the members of the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament should know.

Pingyan returned to the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Council. After entering the general conference room, Xu Feng, the speaker of the Heavenly Nuclear Parliament, was very happy and said, "Xiaoyan, it's really great that you're back. Dad is worried about you."

"Dad, you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. I'm here to tell you that the Demons are the same as the Ares. Their only purpose is to destroy our earth.

"Alas! It seems that we are really in a disaster." Speaker Xu sighed.

Ping Yan saw that her father Speaker Xu was so desperate and persuaded her father Speaker Xu and said, "Dad, you should believe in Brother Hesheng and the strength of all of us. You should not be so desperate."

"Xiaoyan, although Hesheng is strong, no matter how strong he is, he can't resist the attacks of so many alien invaders. You know, the invaders we are facing are God Hunters and Demons. Our hope for survival can be said to be minimal." President Xu calmly analyzed the current situation.

"Dad, in fact, they are not as powerful as you think. They can't do anything about me and Hamidas."

"Xiaoyan, what do you mean by this? How can they have nothing to do with you and Hamidas? Speaker Xu said in surprise.

"Dad, this is what happened. There is no way to hurt Hamidas in their attacks. Their attacks will be absorbed by the nuclear energy around Hamidas."

"What! Hamidas, do you have such a strong ability? Speaker Xu was very surprised to ask his baby daughter Pingyan.

In addition to telling her father Speaker Xu and other members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament that Hesheng lost nuclear energy, Ping Yan told her father that what happened in space to Speaker Xu and the members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament.

After learning about this situation, Speaker Xu, President Diying and other members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council were very surprised. They did not expect Ping Yan and Di Xiaoer to have such a powerful nuclear energy.

Speaker Xu curiously asked his baby daughter Pingyan: "Xiaoyan, can you tell Dad how you have such a powerful nuclear energy? This is really unbelievable."

"Dad, can I tell you about this later? I can't say it yet." Pingyan said with great difficulty.

"It doesn't matter. If Xiaoyan doesn't want to say it, don't say it. Dad will understand your suffering." Speaker Xu hurriedly explained when he saw his baby daughter's embarrassed look.

The president of the ground eagle came over curiously and asked Ping Yan: "Xiaoyan, according to you, it seems that only you and Hamidas are fighting against the God Hunter and the God Hunter. I'm surprised why didn't He Sheng take action? If he takes action, plus the power of you and Hamidas, he should be able to destroy the mother ship of the Demons. Why doesn't He Sheng take action?

"This..." Pingyan didn't know how to answer President Diying.

Di Xiaoer suddenly came in and said, "Hesheng was stopping the Damo star mother ship from attacking the earth at that time, so he couldn't help me fight against Damo Star and God Hunter."

"Hamidas, it's really great that you're back." President Earth Eagle said with great pleasure.

"President Earth Eagle, we can't take it lightly now. The demons will definitely send people to the earth to find something vital to them. We must be vigilant." Di Xiaoer reminded the president of the eagle and others.

When President Diying was about to ask Di Xiaoer what the demon people were looking for, he was very surprised and said, "The soul is resurrenced! Why are you still alive? What do you want to do here?"

"President Earth Eagle, don't be nervous. The rebirth of the soul is now here to help us resist the attack of the Demons and the Hunters. Don't misunderstand him." Di Xiaoer hurriedly explained to President Eagle.

"Oh, that's right. I didn't expect that the resurrection would help us." The president of the ground eagle said unexpectedly.

The soul resurfaced with a proud smile and said, "Hum! If Hesheng hadn't promised me that, I wouldn't have come to help you."

"What conditions does Hesheng promise you?" President Earth Eagle asked curiously.

Di Xiaoer knew that it was not about this matter now. When she told President Diying and others, she hurriedly came back to life and said, "Rebirden of the soul, you shouldn't say this now, should you?"

"Don't worry, I don't mean to tell this to the ground eagle, because this should be done by He Sheng." The soul comes back and knows what to say and what not to say.

After listening to what the soul came back to life, Di Xiaoer was relieved and thought: I can rest assured now, otherwise it will be really difficult to do.


The Hunter, the mother ship of the Star Trek star battleship group in space, welcomed Menggatachi, one of the ten generals of Orci.

General Liekus saw Meng Gatachi and said, "Tachi, you came at the right time. If you don't come to me, I'm afraid I really can't complete the task of destroying the earth."

"Chekus, although you don't have the top ten general orders and your falcon ship, you won't be so miserable." Menggatachi said very confusedly.

"Alas! Earthlings are not as simple as we think. They are very horrible guys, perhaps powerful opponents we have never met on other planets. Cous said helplessly.

"If this is the case, it seems that I came here at a very timely time. I was just playing, but I didn't expect this to happen. Well, Liekus, this time you owe me a favor. I'm going to the earth now to meet the powerful earthlings.

"Tachi, you must be careful. There is a legendary figure on earth - Hamidus, which is the most terrible thing."

"Oh, it's unbelievable that the legendary character, Hamidas, will appear on the earth, but I really want to see what kind of person the legendary Hamidas is." General Menggatachi said confidently.

"Tachi, you'd better not go to the earth first, okay?" General Liekus persuaded. →[End of this chapter]