Nuclear God of War

Chapter 333: The End of Losing Everything 3

Cus, who is also one of the top ten generals of the Hunter, replied calmly: "Let's go to the place where the earth is the most dense, which is called the capital of heaven by their earthlings."

"Okay, let's go to heaven now." General Menggatachi agreed.

General Mengtaqi, who finished speaking, asked General Liekus to lead the way to the core area of the earth people, heaven.

General Liekus led the way to General Menggatachi while thinking to himself: Tachi, although he is not the most powerful of the ten generals of our God Hunter, I think there is still a chance to compete with Hamidas with his strength. As long as Tachi can hold back Hamidas and let me kill and win, it will be all over.

Thinking about it, General Liekus has taken General Menggatachi to the sky of heaven. General Menggatachi asked, "Is this the paradise of earthlings?"

"Yes, this is the core area of the earthlings. As long as we destroy this place, there will be few earthlings left." General Liekus replied.

"I can destroy the earth with one finger now. Do you think I'm going to do it now?" Menggatachi despises the humanity of the earth.

"Tachi, you underestimate the earthlings. It's a fact that we don't destroy the earth so easily, so I hope you don't underestimate the enemy." General Liekus reminded General Menggatachi.

"Okay, I'll give the earthlings two minutes to see if they can react. I'm over their paradise." General Menggatachi said casually.

"If Hamidas doesn't show up within two minutes, we can really try to see if we can directly destroy the earth." General Liekus guessed.


The shield system of the Heaven Shield System Command has been completely paralyzed half a minute ago, and the Shield System Command has completely lost all monitoring capabilities.

Guo Wei, the commander-in-chief of the Tiandun system, was nervously looking for the cause of the problem. He soon found that the reason was that the Tiandun system detected powerful nuclear energy, which exceeded the processing limit of the Tiandun system and paralyzed the system.

Major General Guo Wei learned about this situation and immediately notified the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament. However, the members of the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament already knew about this matter.

Di Xiaoer has already felt the powerful star hunters entering the atmosphere of the earth and flying to their heaven, but they can't make it out.

Earth Eagle, the president of the Grand Council of Heaven, nervously asked Di Xiaoer and said, "Hamidas, what do you think we should do now? Do you want to call Hesheng back?"

"President Earth Eagle, have you forgotten that my current power has become very strong? Do you suspect that I can't protect the earth, do you? Di Xiaoer asked.

"No, I didn't mean that. I just feel that there is peace and victory, so we will be more confident that we will successfully resist the invasion of the Hunters." President Earth Eagle explained.

"President Earth Eagle, I can tell you the truth that if I can't protect the earth, Hesheng can't protect the earth, so don't hope that Hesheng will be the savior." Di Xiaoer gently reminded the president of the eagle.

Ping Yan came over to Di Xiaoer and said, "Sister Xiaoer, we should also go out now to face our new powerful enemies, otherwise they will think that we dare not be their enemies."

"Okay, let's go out now. We need to let them know that we earthlings are not easy to mess with." Di Xiaoer nodded and said.

After saying that, Di Xiaoer and Ping Yan walked to the exit of the general conference room of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament.

Xu Feng, the president of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, said, "Xiaoyan, you must be more careful. Don't have anything to do, and you must protect yourself."

"Don't worry, Dad, I will protect myself." Ping Yan looked back at her father, Speaker Xu, and replied with a smile.

"Then Dad is relieved, Xiaoyan, you can show Dad how powerful you have become."

Pingyan nodded, and then turned around and left the general conference room of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council with Di Xiaoer to fight a real battle with Menggatachi, one of the ten generals of the powerful enemy they had never seen before.


None of the nuclear mutant eagles in the sky of heaven dare to approach General Menggatachi within one kilometer, because they are all afraid of the nuclear energy released by Menggatachi.

General Menggatachi felt the nuclear beasts around him, smiled at General Liekus and said, "I didn't expect that there would be nuclear beasts on the earth. This is really interesting. Unfortunately, this is a nuclear beast on the earth. Otherwise, I will definitely take back a few nuclear beasts as pets."

"Tachi, I think I'd better advise you to be careful, or you will be very dangerous." General Liekus said with a smile.

"Cuse, what's wrong with you? Did you become so timid because you lost the top ten generals and falcon ships? Don't forget that we are the top ten generals of the Hunter. Who is our opponent in the whole universe? Menggatachi felt that Curse had changed into a person.

"Yes, our top ten generals of the Hunter can be regarded as strong in the whole universe, but we should still be careful not to forget that we are facing the legendary Hamidas."

"What can the legendary king of nuclear energy - Hamidas? Hamidas is just a legend. Do you think Hamidas will really be as powerful as the legend?

"This is not necessarily true. Although what you said is reasonable, you should know that most of the legendary characters have real and powerful origins*, so we must not underestimate the legendary Hamidas." General Liekus said cautiously.

Di Xiaoer appeared opposite General Liekus and General Meng Gatachi and said, "General Liekus, you're right. Don't underestimate me, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious."

"Hamidas, you don't know yet. This one beside me is also one of the top ten generals of the Star Hunter like me. However, he is not me. He is a person with the real ten general power. You earthlings can't beat our star hunters. Give up.

"Why should I give up? I won't give up protecting the earth. I want to protect the earth for peace now." Di Xiaoer said resolutely.

General Menggatachi, who was beside General Huntingcus, asked Huntingcus: "Herculus, is this girl, the legendary king of nuclear energy you mentioned - Hamidas?" →[End of this chapter]