Nuclear God of War

Chapter 334: The End of Losing Everything 4

General Liekus, one of the ten generals, answered General Menggatachi and said, "Yes, she is the legendary Hamidas, and she seems to be a demigod."

Mengatachi, one of the top ten generals of Hunter, was shocked and surprised to hear what General Liekus said: "What! Are you saying that this earth girl may be a demigod? How is that possible?"

"Tachi, do you also know about the demigod? Then you should be more vigilant and don't underestimate the ability of this earth girl. General Liekus reminded his friend Meng Gatachi.

"I also know the legend of the demigod. I didn't expect to see the real demigod so soon. It seems that the incredible legend is true."

Di Xiaoer was very puzzled about the conversation between General Cus and Meng Gatachi and said, "What are you talking about? Why are you so taboo about my name Hamidas?

"Don't you know what kind of person you are?" Menggatachi said.

"Of course, I am an earthman, and I want to fight to protect all life on earth, which is an unchangeable fact." Di Xiaoer was resolute and thought he knew his background.

"You really don't know yourself. Well, let me tell you that you are the legendary nuclear king in the universe - Hamidas." General Liekus replied.

"What does the legendary king of nuclear energy mean? I don't understand." Di Xiaoer didn't understand what this meant at all.

"The king of nuclear energy is a person who can control nuclear energy and has unimaginable nuclear energy. However, I am now doubting whether you are the real Hamidus, because your nuclear energy is not as powerful as the legend. General Liekus laughed.

General Menggatachi was a little impatient and said, "Occouse, don't talk to her anymore. Let me just end her life and break the rumor of that fake legend."

"However, you must be careful. If she is really the legendary Hamidas, and that legend is true, you may not be her opponent." General Liekus reminded General Mengtachi to be careful.

"Okay, Custer, don't be wordy anymore. Why have you become so forward-looking and don't want you to be vigorous before." Menggatachi said very confusedly.

"Be cautious about everything, there is no harm." General Liekus said cautiously and seriously.

"Well, you're right, but I don't like this cautious attitude, because it drives me crazy, so I'm going to do it now." Menggatachi was really impatient.

General Menggatachi, who finished speaking, quickly punched Di Xiaoer. Di Xiaoer did not respond at all. Menggatachi's fist was already close at hand.

One thing that can be completely confirmed now is that Di Xiaoer is indeed the legendary Hamidas in the universe, the nuclear energy king with the ability to control nuclear energy.

At the moment when Menggatachi's fist was about to hit Di Xiaoer's body, Di Xiaoer's body gathered powerful nuclear energy and flashed a strong light.

General Menggatachi's fist touched the nuclear energy gathered around Di Xiaoer's body, and then stopped after being bounced 500 meters away.

After Menggatachi stopped in the air, he said, "What is this power? How can you have the ability to rebound my attack? This makes me unbelievable."

"I think this is the power of Hamidas." General Liekus guessed.

"It seems that as you said, she, the girl of the earth, may really be the legendary demigod, and more likely to be the Hamidas in the legend of the universe." Menggatachi had to believe that what General Liekus said was true.

Di Xiaoer saw that her body was safe and unharmed, and said, "Do I really have the powerful nuclear energy as the Hunter said?"

"No, no, you don't have that much nuclear energy now. You can't control the nuclear energy you have at all, so you still can't beat us." General Liekus in turn reminded Di Xiaoer.

Menggatachi has now been completely enraged by Di Xiaoer and said, "I will definitely destroy this earth today."

"I don't care who you are, how powerful the nuclear energy is, how horrible I think that I will never be afraid of you. I will defeat you and protect our earth."

"Who are you? Get out of here and hide like a shrinking turtle. General Menggatachi heard this voice and looked around.

"I have prevented you Hunters from destroying the earth many times, and I will still prevent you from destroying the earth as before." Hesheng flew the Dilong fighter from afar.

Menggatachi was very surprised to see the Dilong fighter flying from a distance and said, "What! Isn't this the Dragon fighter of that year? Have you been reborn on earth?"

"Yes, this is indeed the Dilong fighter in those years. Xiao Jiaosi also wants us to take a Dilong fighter back and study why the Dilong fighter can beat us. General Liekus explained.

"Well, let's take this Dilong fighter back to Xiao Jiaosi." Menggatachi said very casually.

Ping Yan beside Di Xiaoer was very angry when she heard what General Menggatachi said and said, "I won't allow any of you to hurt me and Brother Sheng. You don't want to touch me and Brother Sheng's hair."

"It's absolutely impossible for a girl on earth like you to stop me from dreaming of Tachi. You'd better give up." General Menggatachi waved his hand and said.

"It depends on whether you have the ability to hurt my brother Sheng." Ping Yan is not afraid of the powerful General Menggatachi.

"If this is the case, then you can wait to die." Menggatachi sighed helplessly.

"Don't blame me. You are looking for your own death."

General Menggatachi, who finished speaking, punched Pingyan with a strong nuclear energy, ready to kill Pingyan, who prevented him from capturing the imperial dragon fighter.

However, this nuclear energy was blocked by Di Xiaoer, who moved in front of Pingyan's body, and did not hurt Pingyan's body.

Di Xiaoer turned around and asked Ping Yan behind her: "Xiaoyan, are you all right? It's really dangerous here. You'd better go back first. Let me stop here.

"No, I don't want to go back. I want to fight with you, and I want to be with Brother Sheng." Ping Yan refused to leave.

General Liekus suddenly laughed and said, "Haha, your end will definitely be to lose everything. Why struggle?" →[End of this chapter]