Nuclear God of War

Chapter 438: The First God of War Awakens

At this moment, General Lun Longfei, the head of the top ten generals of the God of War, who has become the king of the God of War, closed his hands and clamped the black crystal magic sword blade and said, "I guess my weakness should be the back neck."

"It's a pity, Lun Longfei, you guessed wrong. Your Achilles' heel is not your back neck." He Sheng's straightforward answer is Lulongfei.

When Lun Longfei saw talking to Sheng, he kept looking at Lun Longfei's head, which made Lun Longfei feel that something was wrong. While holding the blade of the black crystal magic sword with both hands, he raised his head and looked at his head.

Lun Longfei looked up and took a look! I found that the black crystal ball had hit him from top to bottom and said, "Hesheng, don't you want to attack my back neck?"

"I said that your Achilles' heel is not your back neck. Why should I attack your back neck? You won't guess what your weakness is. He Sheng sneered.

As soon as the sound of Sheng fell, the black crystal ball flying to the dragon flew from top to bottom, and suddenly hit the body of the dragon flying, and a big explosion occurred in an instant.

The black crystal magic sword, which was originally clamped by Lun Longfei's hands, quickly pierced the chest of Lun Longfei's chest and pierced the dragon wing armor little by little.

Chekus, the top ten generals of the Hunter in super falcon armor, said, "General Lunlongfei, I'm here to help you."

Huntingcus appeared in front of the wheel dragon fly, holding the hilt of the black crystal magic sword and preparing to pull out the black crystal magic sword that had just been pierced into the dragon wing armor.

He Sheng, who was weak, opened his mouth to persuade him, "Cus, don't waste your efforts. You can't stop the black crystal magic sword, unless your nuclear energy is far three times greater than that of the black crystal magic sword."

"My nuclear energy is more than three times that of this black crystal magic sword. I can stop this black crystal magic sword." Liekus said without hesitation.

With the full efforts of Huntingcus, he pulled out the black crystal magic sword that had gradually pierced into the dragon wing armor, and quickly threw the black crystal magic sword into the sky.

Lun Longfei suddenly fell to his knees, and his whole body was completely skinless, and he was seriously injured by a black crystal ball of Hesheng.

When Huntingcus saw that the dragonfly had been defeated by Hesheng, and even the dragon wing armor of the top nuclear weapons was incomplete, he sighed, "Alas, I'm sorry, the Hunter Emperor, I can't bring Hesheng back to Hunter, because I want to kill this Hesheng, which poses a great threat to our Hunter."

"No, Huntercus, don't fight against Hesheng. You are not the opponent of Hesheng. Even if you use the most powerful Falconship power, you are not the opponent of Hesheng. Don't forget that he is now possessed by the soul of the super god of war." The wheel dragon flew weakly and grabbed Cus.

"General Lunlongfei, just let me have a try. Maybe the strongest power of my Falcon can really defeat this guy." Cunters is going to give it a try.

"We can't take risks. You'd better take me back to Hunter. As long as I know what my weakness is, peace and victory can't be my opponent." Lun Longfei doesn't want to let Cuse take risks.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. I'll do as you say and take you back to our Hunter." Liekus said helplessly.

After saying that, Couss removed the badly damaged super Falcon armor and threw his Falcon ship into the air. The Falcon ship instantly turned into a space ship.

He Sheng, who exhausted his strength, watched Liekus pick up the dragon and fly to the Falcon ship. He said reluctantly, "If I had a little more strength, I would never let you leave."

Huntingcus stood on the Falcon with the seriously injured Lunlongfei in his arms. Lunlongfei said weakly, "Hesheng, you just wait to disappear into the universe with the planetary system where the Ares of War is located."

He Sheng, who was weak on the ground, was excited when he heard Lun Longfei's words and asked, "Wan Longfei, what do you mean?"

"Do you think my platinum blue star formula will not destroy the god of war if it doesn't hit the god of war? You also underestimated my unique trick - the platinum blue star formula. Lun Longfei smiled weakly.

"Runlongfei, what do you mean? Can your platinum and blue star formula come back and destroy the Ares? He Sheng asked nervously.

Lun Longfei, who was not ready to answer any more questions, followed Cus, who held him, said, "Cus, let's go back to the star hunt, otherwise, we will also be in danger."

"Okay, let's get out of here now." After saying that, Falcons flew into the Falcon ship with the wheel dragon, and the Falcon ship disappeared.

He Sheng watched the Falcon disappear in the dark sky and knew that what Lun Longfei said should be true. He said, "Is it true that the platinum and blue star formula really wants to come back?"

At this time, the super god of war ghost attached to Hesheng's body suddenly flew out of Hesheng's body, removed the fusion, and returned to nearly a thousand God of War's ghosts.

Lord Yan, the god of war, persuaded He Sheng and said, "He Sheng, don't think too much. If the attack of Lunlongfei really returns, don't worry too much about this."

"God of War, you said don't worry about this, do you mean that you already have a way to deal with the platinum and blue star?" He Sheng asked seriously.

"No, no, I think our mission of Ares has been completed, so it doesn't matter if the Ares is destroyed." The Lord God of War explained.

He Sheng was very puzzled and asked, "God of War, what do you mean? Why don't I understand? What does it mean that the mission of the God of War has been completed?

"Now that the king of the God of War has appeared, our mission of the God of War has naturally been completed, and it is also time for us who have died to die."

"Wait, I haven't become the God of War yet. You can't leave me behind." He Sheng said nervously.

"Hawa Sheng, you should not be one of our God of War or the reincarnation of the First God of War, so you are not our God of War." The Lord God of War told the truth and won.

"No, it shouldn't be. The emperor told Di Xiaoer that I am the God of War, and my consciousness is in the palace of the God of War, so I came to the God of War. Lord God of War, didn't you think I was a God of War before? He Sheng said excitedly.

The god of war and Hesheng explained, "I always thought that you should be the reincarnation of the first god of war, but after you used the power of the heart of the devil wolf, I knew that you were not the reincarnation of the first god of war."

"If I'm not the reincarnation of the First God of War, why would the emperor let me come here? Why can I adapt to the gravity of Ares? He Sheng asked continuously.

The Lord God of War Xiang Hesheng explained, "Although you are not the reincarnation of the first God of War, your divine consciousness still exists in the God of War palace of God of War."

"What's going on? Is there any other divine consciousness on the God of War? He Sheng said in surprise.

"Yes, there is indeed a non-God of War on the God of War. Of course, this is another mission for the existence of God of War." The Lord God of War said solemnly.

What exactly does this mean? Can you say something more clearly? He Sheng said confusedly.

Suddenly, the Longxiao battleship appeared over the head of Hesheng and the ghosts of the gods of war. Di Xiaoer jumped off the Longxiao battleship and slowly walked to Hesheng.

Within't wait for Di Xiaoer to speak, He Sheng was very happy and said, "Xiao'er, you're fine! This is really great. I thought you were killed just now.

"You don't have to worry about Hesheng, because Guowei and I were not on the Longxiao warship at that time." Di Xiaoer answered with a smile and won.

"I see, you did this to make me angry and have the power in my body, didn't you?" He Sheng said clearly.

"Well, this is Xiaolongzi's way, and that's what he means." Di Xiaoer nodded his answer and won.

A voice suddenly came from the Longxiao warship and said, "Master, bring up with you. If we don't leave, it will be too late."

When He Sheng heard the shouting of Longzi and Di Xiaoer on the Longxiao warship, he was very puzzled and asked, "Xiaoer, what does Xiaolongzi mean?"

"This is the situation. Xiaolongzi detected the platinum blue star that was bounced into space. No matter how far it exploded, it was powerful enough to destroy everything in 1 light years!" Di Xiaoer explained.

"Xiaoer, are you kidding? Is this trick of Lun Longfei really so powerful?" He Sheng couldn't believe it was true.

Futa, the god of war, explained to Hesheng, "This is really true. The platinum blue star formula is the second unique move of the dragon flying. It has unimaginable destructive power and destroys everything within 1 light year, which is not surprising."

"Then what should we do? What can be done to prevent it from exploding? He Sheng eagerly asked Xiaofu God of War.

"Alas, we may not be able to stop its explosion, because when all the God of War forces of our ghosts are in your body, you can only barely change the direction of the platinum and blue star formula, so we have no ability to stop it from exploding at all." Xiaofu God of War sighed.

The roaring dragon on the Longxiao battleship asked his master Di Xiaoer again and said, "Master, if we don't leave the God of War, we will also be in danger."

"Xiaolongzi, how long do we still have?" Di Xiaoer asked Xiaolongzi.

"According to my analysis, we still have 3 earth hours." The roaring dragon on the Longxiao warship answered Di Xiaoer.

After listening to Xiaolongzi's answer, Di Xiaoer hurriedly persuaded Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, let's leave quickly, otherwise, we can't leave."

"Xiaoer, I know." He Sheng nodded and said.

He Sheng turned around and said to the ghosts of the God of War and said, "You leave the God of War with me."

"No, we will coexist with Ares, and we will not leave Ares." The God of War answered and won.

"Do you really want to die here?" He Sheng was surprised. →[End of this chapter]