Nuclear God of War

Chapter 439: The First God of War Awakens

Lord God of War - Lord Yan answered and Sheng, saying, "We are dead. The reason why we still exist is because of the protection of God of War. If we leave God of War, we will definitely scatter our souls."

"If you say so, if the god of war is destroyed, all your ghosts of war will die, no matter where you are in the universe, right?" Only then did He Sheng understand why the ghost of the God of War did not leave with him and Di Xiaoer.

"Our life and death are no longer important. The important thing is that you are finally here. God of War can complete the two missions of its existence. The God of War said gladly.

Lord Yan, the God of War, then followed Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, go to the God of War Palace with me. Don't you want to get your consciousness back? Then come with me."

"Okay, let's go." He Sheng said without hesitation.

However, Di Xiaoer took Hesheng's hand and said, "Hesheng, don't go. Let's leave the God of War quickly, or we will be in danger."

"Isn't the purpose of our coming to Ares to get the consciousness I left on Ares? Now I can get my consciousness. Why should I give up? He Sheng said unwillingly to give up.

"However, if we don't leave Ares, we will not be able to escape the melting range of the Platinum Blue Star, and we will all die in the star system where Ares is located." Di Xiaoer's nervous reminder and victory.

"Xiaoer, together with Guoweige, leave the God of War first and avoid the destruction of the platinum blue star formula. When I get my consciousness, I will come to you.

"Hawa Sheng, what nonsense are you talking about? If we leave, how can we catch up with the Longxiao warship we are on?" Di Xiaoer persuaded He Sheng to leave with her.

The Lord God of War said to Di Xiaoer, "Well, you can rest assured that our God of War will definitely leave the star system where the God of War is located safely."

"Do you really have this ability? You're not lying to me, are you?" Di Xiaoer didn't believe what the God of War said.

He Sheng persuaded Di Xiaoer: "Xiaoer, believe in the Lord God of War. He won't lie to you. Xiaoer, you'd better leave with others first, okay?"

However, Di Xiaoer will not leave He Sheng and leave with others and said, "He Sheng, since you don't leave God of War, I won't leave God of War. I will live and die with you."

"Xiaoer, you can't do this. You'd better take Guowei and others to leave quickly, otherwise you will really be in danger." He Sheng persuaded Di Xiaoer to leave quickly.

"No, He Sheng, I won't leave. I want to be with you." Di Xiaoer said the truth.

"Xiaoer, listen to me, if you stay here with me, what will Brother Wei and them do? Do you want Guo Weige, Qingchu, Qingtian and Sarui to die here with us?

"This. With Hesheng, I can ask Xiaolongzi to take Guowei and others to leave the Ares first. Di Xiaoer thought of a way and said.

At this time, Guo Wei on the Longxiao warship said through the Longxiao warship speaker, "Xiaoer, Hesheng, I want to tell you that you don't want to get rid of us. We won't be easily dumped by you."

The blue sky beside Guo Wei rushed with Di Xiaoer and He Sheng and said, "He Sheng and Di Xiaoer, we will not leave. We will either go together or stay together."

He Sheng on the ground heard the words uploaded from the Longxiao warship and said, "Brother Guowei and Qingtian, thank you for saying this. I understand your feelings, but you'd better leave the God of War first."

"Hawa Sheng, are you looking down on us? You think our stay can only be a burden for you, don't you?" Guo Wei on the Longxiao warship said sadly.

"No, Brother Guowei, don't think so. I didn't mean that. I don't want you to die in vain." He Sheng explained very nervously.

"Are you the only one who is not afraid of death? Are we all cowards who are afraid of death? You underestimate us too much. We won't be afraid of death. Guo Wei told Hesheng the truth that they wanted to coexist with Hesheng.

The ghost of the god of war suddenly began to clap their hands and praise each other. A leading god of war said, "Your spirit of living and death together is very touching to me. If you really want to live and die together with Hesheng, then I can let you realize this idea."

"Can you let us stand in the land of Ares?" Guo Wei on the Longxiao warship seriously inquired to lead the God of War.

"Of course, as the God of War, I am naturally a god who can change any gravitational situation." The God of War answered Guo Wei confidently.

After leading the God of War to speak, he suddenly flew to the Dragon Xiao battleship, flew to the window outside the cockpit of the Dragon Xiao battleship, and said, "You let me in so that I can adapt your body to the gravity of the God of War."

Xiaolongzi opened the hatch of the Dragon Xiao battleship according to what the God of War said and let the ghost of the God of War enter the Dragon Xiao battleship.

After leading the God of War into the cockpit of the Dragon Xiao battleship, he said, "I can now allow you to move freely on the God of War without being affected by the gravity of the God of War."

"That's really great. Thank you very much." Guo Wei said happily.

"I'm surprised, are you really willing to die in Ares?" The God of War said incomprehensiblely.

"Yes, we are really willing to die with He Sheng, because He Sheng is the future of our earth. If He Sheng really dies, we can't protect the earth, let alone defeat the Hunters who want to invade the earth. We can only coexist with He Sheng." Guo Wei answered the truth and led to the God of War.

"If so, I understand why you still want to stay on Ares, knowing that there will be danger here. However, I'm really a little disappointed, because you didn't stay in Ares for the victory.

"Actually, we do stay in Ares for the sake of victory, but that's only part of the reason, not the whole reason." Guo Wei also admitted that he also stayed for the sake of peace.

The God of War saw through the main display screen of the Dragon Xiao battleship that He Sheng had followed the main god of war to the God of War Palace and said, "It seems that we should also go to the God of War Palace now."

After saying that, the God of War distributed a crystal bead to Guowei, Qingchu, Qingtian and Sarui, each, and said, "This crystal bead is a good thing that can adapt your body to all gravity. I hope you can take good care of them. Well, we can go to the God of War Palace now.

Qingtian, Qingchu, Guowei and Sa Rui followed the ghost of the god of war and stood on the ground of the god of war and found that they really did not feel the gravity of the god of war.

The God of War said seriously, "Come with me. Let's go to the God of War Palace to find and defeat them." After saying that, he walked to the Palace of the God of War first.


He Sheng and Di Xiaoer followed the ghosts of the God of War and other God of War. After entering the palace of the God of War, He Sheng asked, "God of War, can you return my consciousness to me now?"

"Hawa Sheng, the divine consciousness you said is the divine consciousness in the pillar of the God of War, right?" The Lord God of War asked.

"Yes, isn't that my consciousness?" He Sheng asked seriously.

"No, He Sheng, you are wrong. The consciousness in the pillar of the God of War is not your consciousness, but the consciousness left by the first God of War." The Lord God of War explained.

"Then why do you say that the consciousness in the Pillar of God of War is mine? Where is my consciousness now? He Sheng asked anxiously.

"I thought you were the reincarnation of the first God of War, but that was wrong. You are not the reincarnation of the first God of War. I can tell you that your divine consciousness is in the core of the foundation of the God of War Palace. Lord Yan, the god of war, replied.

"Then how can I get my consciousness?" He Sheng asked eagerly.

"If you want to take away your consciousness, you must destroy the Palace of the God of War without using any form of power before you can get your consciousness." The Lord God of War continues to answer and win questions.

Di Xiaoer, who was beside him, felt very unfair and said, "This is too unfair. Hesheng is an earthman. How can he destroy such an indestructible god of war palace without any form of power?"

"Sometimes, strength is not the most important thing, but wisdom is the most important thing. When a person has superhuman wisdom, he is the most powerful living body. The Lord God of War explained.

"How can such a strong God of War palace be destroyed by wisdom alone?" Di Xiaoer still felt unfair.

However, He Sheng persuaded Di Xiaoer and said, "Xiaoer, don't say any more. Let me try it myself. I have no choice but to destroy the whole God of War Palace."

"Hawa Sheng, I think this is really unfair to you, because you, as an earthman, how can you destroy such an indestructible God of War Palace?" Di Xiaoer said unconvincedly.

"Xiaoer, it's not fair. This should be regarded as a test for me." While observing the structure of the God of War Palace, He Sheng answered Di Xiaoer.

Di Xiaoer heard that He Sheng had also said so, and she did not say anything more, but began to help He Sheng figure out how to destroy the God of War Palace.

Suddenly, the pillar of God of War in the center of the God of War Hall began to shine brightly, which made Hesheng very surprised and said, "What's going on? Why is this situation now?"

"I don't know about this. I have never seen this situation since I became the God of War." Lord God of War - Lord Yan shook his head and explained.

The Lord God of War then guessed: "The only explanation for this situation may be that the reincarnation of the First God of War has appeared on the God of War."

"So the reincarnation of the first god of war should be nearby. Let's look for it. The first god of war is finally about to appear." Xiude God of War said excitedly.

"Well, let's go out and look for it." The Lord God of War nodded. →[End of this chapter]