Nuclear God of War

Chapter 450: The Hunting Plan of the God Hunter

The ancestor's boat is a huge metal plane, with a scepter standing in the center. This golden scepter is the scepter that symbolizes the power of Queen Idecival. Whoever first gets the scepter in the center of the ancestral boat is the next queen.

Seven candidates for Queen Good Sivar stood on the edge of the ancestral boat. After the order of the current queen, a transparent protective layer rose on the edge of the ancestral boat.

After the ancestral boat opens the protective layer, all external factors cannot interfere with the things in the ancestral boat, which is enough to ensure that it is fair to choose the next queen.

The queen candidate standing on the edge of the ancestor's boat began to rush to the center of the ancestor's boat in different directions. Suddenly, a queen candidate changed her direction and appeared in front of Igude Sivar Qianyu.

Igud Sivar Qianyu asked inexperablely, "Why are you blocking my way?" Don't you want to be a queen?

"To tell you the truth, my sister and I don't want to be a queen. My sister and I stand here to prevent you from becoming a queen." The Good Sival girl said.

"So, you and your sister are helping with yarn, aren't you?"

"You can say this, but you can't say that completely, because my father died because of your father's General Da Yide. We are also helping ourselves."

Qianyu heard what the Gude Sivar girl said and asked in surprise, "Who the hell are you?" Is it the daughter of General Rutasu, Egud Sivar Shuangyin or Yigud Sival Shuangxiang?

The girl in front of Qianyu is the eldest daughter of General Good Sivar Rutasu, the eldest daughter of Good Sivar Shuangyin.

The two tones in black said coldly, "Since you already know who I am, do you still need to ask me this question?"

"Are you really the daughter of General Rutasu? My father has been looking for you because things don't want to be what you think? Qian Yu explained.

"My sister and I won't believe your nonsense. You can't get the staff symbolizing the queen's power. You must die." Good Sivar said in two tones.

Igud Sivar Gohler outside the ancestor's boat, saw the Igud Sivar Shangshasa on the Ancestor's boat and knocked down the two queen candidates and shouted, "Miss Qianyu, you have to hurry up. You are about to get the scepter."

Qianyu on the ancestor's boat heard Gao Le's shouting and knew that he could no longer waste time and said, "Shuangyin, I'm sorry, I have to get the scepter. Let's talk about the matter between us later. I'll give you an explanation."

After saying that, Igud Sivar Qianyu quickly bypassed Igucival Shuangyin, who blocked her, and was ready to compete with the gauze for the scepter.

Although Qianyu bypassed the obstruction of the double tone, she was stopped by the sister of the double tone, Igudcival Shuangxiang.

Then, Igud Sivar Shuangyin also came up and stopped Igucival Qianyu with her sister.

Seeing Qianyu getting closer and closer to the center of Shangshali's ancestor's boat, he had no choice but to focus on the overall situation and say, "I'm sorry, Shangshasha from becoming the queen."

As soon as Qianyu's words fell, she disappeared in front of the double tone and double sound, appeared dozens of meters behind the double tone and double sound, and continued to run to the center of the ancestral boat.

The people on the periphery of Zuzhizhou were very surprised to see Qianyu's movements. A general of Good Sivar said, "It's worthy of being the daughter of General Da Yide. What a tiger father and no dog daughter."

"Yes, this kind of body particle recombination can only be used by people like Miss Qianyu." Another general said.

"It seems that Miss Qianyu will become the next queen of our Good Sivar Star."

When these Italian generals Sids thought that Qianyu would become the next queen, the inconspicuous queen candidate suddenly released nuclear energy and injured Qianyu and the gauze.

Igud Sivar gauze and fell to the ground. He was very angry and said angrily, "What do you mean? Didn't you say you only helped me stop Qianyu? Why did you even stop me?"

"Hahaha, stupid Igudecival, you are so self-righteous. How can I miss the good opportunity to become the Queen of Igudecival? Isn't it better for me to become a queen myself than to make you a queen? The star hunter, who pretended to be the queen candidate, laughed.

Iguswal Qianyu said angrily, "You despicable star hunter, I won't let your conspiracy succeed."

Qianyu, who finished speaking, stood up little by little and was ready to fight with this star hunter to the end.

At this moment, Igucival, who fell to the ground, realized that she was used by the star hunter and said angrily, "Oh, I really shouldn't trust the hateful star hunter."

"It's not the time for you to blame yourself. Hurry up and help me stop this star hunter." Qianyu persuaded Shangshadao.

"It's useless. We can't be her opponents. She is the only female general among the ten generals of the Star Hunter. She is the 'giant leopard thinking'." Shang gauze shook his head and sighed.

Suddenly, two giant spaceships appeared over the ancestral boat, and they were attack-type spaceships. They were ambushed by the Hunters.

The giant leopard quickly knocked down Qianyu and came to the center of the ancestral boat and said, "Igude Sival, you have been completely surrounded by us. You should die."

"That's not necessarily true, because Kufeng will definitely stop your star hunters' conspiracy." Qianyu, who fell to the ground and couldn't move, said with difficulty.

"You are no longer the enemy of our star hunters. Don't waste your efforts and make unnecessary struggles." The giant leopard wearing a white spiral ribbon thought and smiled.

At this moment, the giant leopard, who had already appeared, thought about it and smiled indifferently, "I thought it would be quite difficult to attack you, but I didn't expect it to be so easy. This is really thanks to your gauze. If it weren't for her, I would never have caught you all so easily. ."

"Do you really think we have lost? Let me tell you, we don't have to lose now, because we have him. General Igud Sivar Daide came out of the crowd and said.

Suddenly, a three-meter-diameter metal sphere emerged from the hillside opposite the ancestral boat. At the moment it fell to the ground, the metal sphere was already a machine warrior on the ice.

This robot warrior is shining with silver light, similar to a nuclear warrior in armor after being armed with nuclear energy.

Inside this machine warrior, the person who controls this super machine is Kufeng, an earthman. His left chest has been embedded in a metal structure, with a blue crystal ball with a diameter of ten centimeters in the center.

Only those who are embedded in the 'blue left chest' can control this 'round mecha' and become the top warrior in the universe.

[Blue left chest: the core controller of the round mecha, only if the heart does not have a humanoid intelligent life on the left side can you have the opportunity to own it and become the owner of the round mecha]

Kufeng drove the round mecha and walked to the ancestral boat step by step. As he walked, he said, "I'm going to defeat you hateful star hunters for us earthmen and the Good Sivar people."

"Hahaha, that depends on whether you have this ability." The giant leopard Sisi doesn't care about the existence of Kufeng.

The round mecha controlled by Kufeng walked to the edge of the ancestral boat. The round mecha, the robot warrior, inserted his hands into the protective layer of the ancestral boat, tore the protective layer with both hands, and the whole body entered the ancestral boat.

The round mecha, a machine warrior with a height of 5 meters, stepped on the ancestral boat, controlled its cool peak inside, and said, "You, a star hunter, will definitely pay the price for looking down on me."

"I'm a five-level nuclear warrior. How can I be scared by your low-level life? You really look down on us star hunters." The giant leopard is full of confidence.

After the giant leopard Sisi finished talking to Kufeng, he quickly jumped up and released a powerful nuclear energy to attack the round mecha controlled by Kufeng - machine warrior.

This attack contains 2T nuclear explosive nuclear energy. On the round mecha controlled by Kufeng, the light of nuclear energy dissipates, and the round mecha is safe and sound, appearing in front of the giant leopard.

The giant leopard, one of the ten generals of Orion, thought four times. When she saw this machine warrior, he could resist the 2T nuclear explosion she hit, which really surprised her.

Igud Sivar Qianyu was very happy to see this situation and said, "Kufeng, I knew you could start this thing. Hurry up and defeat the hateful God Hunter."

"Miss Qianyu, pull out the scepter first, and the star hunter here will be handed over to me." Kufeng reminds Qianyu.

"Well, I see." Qianyu nodded.

Qianyu, who finished speaking, got up weakly from the ground and walked to the center of the ancestor's boat step by step, but she was stopped by the two sisters.

At this time, Igud Sivar Shangsha, who had been deeply enlightened, said, "Double tone, double sound, don't stop Qianyu. She is the real next queen."

"Shangsha, you are not qualified to order our sisters. We are not your subordinates. Our sisters are just cooperating with you. Now that our sisters have the opportunity to avenge their father, they will never give up easily." Shuangyin said unpreparedly.

Igud Sival double-sounded, quickly rushed to Igucival Qianyu, and knocked the unstable Qianyu to the ground with one punch.

Igud Sivar Shuangyin stood beside Qianyu who fell to the ground and said, "Da Yide, you killed our father. We want to kill your daughter and make your life worse." →[End of this chapter]