Nuclear God of War

Chapter 451: The New Queen of Good Sivar

When the two-tone voice of Igud Sivar fell, the people of Igud Sivar outside the boat of their ancestors were very worried about the safety of Igucival Qianyu.

At the moment when Good Sivar Shuangyin's fist was about to hit Qianyu's head, Good Sival's gauze blocked the blow with her body.

After gauze blocked this punch for Qianyu, she spit out a mouthful of purple blood and asked, "Qianyu, are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Qianyu shook his head and replied, and then asked, "Shangsha, why did you block this punch for me?"

"I was wrong before, and now I will try my best to make up for my mistakes. I hope it's not too late." The gauze said weakly.

Igud Sivar Shuangxiang said to her sister Igucival Shuangyin, "Sister, what are you waiting for? Kill Qianyu quickly."

"No, I'm going to change my mind now. I'm going to get a staff symbolizing the queen's power and become the queen of our Good Sival Star, and then we have the right to kill Daede and avenge our father." Two tones answered my sister's double voice.

"Okay, sister, I support you. Go get the scepter. I'll kill Qianyu." Shuangxiang agreed with her sister's idea of Shuangyin.

Igud Sivar Qianyu stood up weakly from the ground and said, "Double tone, double sound, I won't let you hurt my father."

"That's not up to you. I'm going to pull out the scepter and become the next queen." Shuangyin turned around and walked to the center of Zuzhizhou.

Qianyu, who was weak, was about to stop Shuangyin, but was stopped by Shuangxiang and said to him, "Qianyu, you can't stop my sister from getting the scepter."

"Double sound, I have to be the queen of Igude Sival. I'm sorry." After saying that, Qianyu used the body particle reorganization technique again, moved behind the double sound, and hit the neck behind the double sound with all his strength, and stunned the double sound.

After fainting, Yigucival Qianyu quickly used the body particle recombination technique again. Before the double tone reached the center of the ancestor's boat, he pulled out a scepter erected in the center of the ancestor's boat and raised it high.

After the scepter was pulled out by Qianyu, the protective layer released by the ancestral boat dissipated, because a new queen had been born.

Igud Sivar Shuangyin was very angry and said, "It doesn't matter if I can't be the queen of Igud Sivar, but I will never make you feel better."

After saying that, he pulled out a dagger with a black blade from his left leg and prepared to kill Qianyu, who raised his scepter with a knife.

Two-tone waved a dagger to kill Qianyu, and suddenly someone held her right wrist that stabbed Qianyu. This person was Good Sivar Gohler.

Gaole took down the dagger in Shuangyin's hand and said, "You are assassinating our queen of Good Sival. You should know that this is a crime of rebellion."

"I don't care whether she is the queen or not. I just want to be good for my father, General Rutasu. I want to make Igut Sivar Da Yide in pain."

"Do you know? Your father, General Rutasu, was not killed by General Da Yide, but by the former queen. Goler explained.

Igud Sivar Shangzasa came over step by step from not far away and said, "Double tone, double sound, in fact, I'm cheating you. Your father, General Rutasu, was indeed not killed by General Dayide. I used to let you help me. That's what I did."

"Shang gauze, how dare you deceive our sisters? I won't let you go." She felt that the double tone that had been deceived was very angry. If it hadn't been stopped by Gao Le, she would have been eager to kill the veil.

With a loud noise, all the people turned their attention back to Kufeng, who was resisting the giant leopard, one of the ten generals of the Hunter.

The loud noise just now was made by the round mecha controlled by Kufeng - the robot warrior, which was hit hard on the ground.

At this moment, all the Good Sivar people present realized that the round mecha alone could not compete with the giant leopard four thoughts, one of the ten generals of God Hunter.

General Igud Sivar Daede, who was among the crowd outside the ancestral boat, boarded the ancestral boat and said, "Qianyu, please order us to attack us quickly. You are now the new queen of our Igud Sivar Star. Hurry up and order the battle."

Qianyu, who was reminded by his father General Yide, immediately raised the scepter in his hand and ordered, "All the Good Sivar people obey the order. As the Queen of Good Sivar, I order you to launch a full counterattack against the star hunters who invaded us."

Igud Sivar Qianyu, as the queen of Igud Sivar, ordered all Igud Sivar to activate the controllers on their left wrist and control their own space flying saucers to resist the invasion of the God Hunters.

The giant leopard Sisi hit the round mecha-machine warrior on the ground. When he saw the Good Sival people, he launched a full-scale counterattack and said, "It seems that my plan has failed."

"Your plan is not only a failure, but also your whole invasion of the Star of Good Sivar will fail completely." The round mecha - the robot warrior stood up again and said.

The giant leopard, one of the top ten generals of Hunter, suddenly laughed and said, "I tell you, don't think that the counterattack of these Good Sivars will destroy Igut Sivar."

"What! Do you want to destroy the Star of Igudesivar, not rule the Star of Igusivar? Kufeng said in surprise.

"The Good Sivar Star and the Three Ring Star, the Magic Star, the Feather Star and the Ares Star are all obstacles to our god star hunters to dominate the universe, so we must destroy these planets." The giant leopard said indifferently.

Igud Sivar Qianyu said doubtfully, "Aren't you already the hegemon of the universe? Why do you still want to destroy our Good Sivar?

"Although we are now strong in the universe, we know that the people on your planet are plotting to find the nemesis of our star hunters and drive us away!" The giant leopard said angrily.

At this moment, the angry leopard thought twice and shouted, "Level 5 nuclear power warrior - nuclear energy armed - leopard armor!"

"What! Do you want to use nuclear weapons to destroy the whole of Good Sivar? Kufeng said in surprise.

The giant leopard Si Si Si did not say anything, but continued to use nuclear energy to arm her and put on her 'Leopard Armor' to completely destroy the whole Igud Sivar Star.

[Giant Leopard Sisi - Leopard Armor: The armor is brown, covered with black stripes and four tails with black spots. Brown leopard head with black spots, located on the back, spewing blue flames back from the mouth]

The current top ten generals of Orion, the giant leopard, have raised the nuclear energy to the powerful nuclear energy of 90T nuclear explosion.

Kufeng suddenly received a notice from the round mecha. If the round mecha is hit by this level of nuclear energy, it will be abated by powerful nuclear energy to abrate the protective armor.

Kufeng received this notice and knew that the matter was in big trouble and said, "This time, our trouble is really terrible. It seems that I can't help Miss Qianyu protect the Good Sivar Star."

"Master, we can transfer this ten generals of the Hunter to other planets, so that we can save Good Sivar."

"But what planet should we transfer the top ten generals of this planet?" Kufeng asked helplessly.

"Please wait a moment, master. I'm looking for the power to defeat the ten generals of the star hunter, and then we will move the ten generals of the star hunter and her warship there." The round mecha replied.

"Okay, then search quickly, otherwise, the Star of Good Sivar may really be destroyed." Kufeng gathered and said.

At this moment, the giant leopard, who has completed the nuclear armament, thought four thoughts and said, "You low-level life has ruined my good things. I just want to destroy you, a low-class creature."

After speaking, the giant leopard thought four thoughts, and the four rope-like leopard tails behind the leopard armor quickly wrapped around the round mecha - the hands and feet of the machine warrior.

Immediately after that, four leopard tails began to transmit powerful nuclear energy to the round mecha, the machine warrior, ready to connect the inner cool peaks and melt them together.

The cool peak inside the round mecha was very nervous and thought to myself: It seems that I can't repay Miss Qianyu's life-saving kindness to me.

Igud Sivar Qianyu, who stood on the boat of his ancestors, said, "Everyone sees that he is the benefactor of our Good Sivar people."

"I'm afraid we don't have that ability." Igud Sivar Gohler said regretfully.

"No, our defense ability of the Good Sivar people is very strong. How can we not save Kufeng?" Qian Yu said in disbelief.

"Miss Qianyu, you can see for yourself." Gao Le stretched out his finger into the air.

Igud Sivar Qianyu looked in the direction pointed out by Goler's hand and found that their Igud Sivar's space flying saucer had been surrounded by the three-conical drones released by the Hunter attack ship.

Only then did Qianyu know that she and their Italian army could no longer save the cool peak in the round mecha, and said lost, "Cool peak, I'm sorry."

At this moment, the round mecha suddenly informed the owner Kufeng and said, "Master, I found that the God of War has just experienced a war. That kind of power is enough to be a thousand times or ten times that of the ten generals of the Hunter."

"Okay, what are we waiting for? Hurry up and transfer the space ship of the top ten generals and star hunters to Ares."

"Yes, master, but you will be very painful to do this. You must stick to it."

"Don't talk too often, or we will die now." Kufeng gathered and said.

The round mecha received the order of its owner Kufeng and began to use its unique 'space-time mobility' to move the attack ship of the giant leopard and the Hunter to Ares. →[End of this chapter]