Nuclear God of War

Chapter 452: Chapter 452: The Crisis of the Three Rings

Round mecha - After using its space-time movement, the machine warrior released a little star-like flash on his body. These glittering stars began to spread around and attached to a three-cone drone.

The giant leopard Sisi, the top ten generals of the star hunting star wrapped around the round mecha with four leopard tails, found that her body was also attached to the starlight released by the round mecha.

The round mecha, the cool peak in the robot warrior, said, "You star hunter, come with me to a planet where you can have your real opponent."

"What! What do you mean? What do you mean by that? The giant leopard didn't understand what Kufeng meant.

"You will soon understand what I mean." Kufeng did not answer the giant leopard's thoughts.

After the star-like light released by the round mecha attached to the two giant attack ships of the Hunter, Kufeng shouted, "The round mecha! Start, space-time movement!"

After Kufeng's round mecha started space-time movement, those star-like light points suddenly released dazzling light and emitted a strip of light. The light emitted by all the light points were connected to each other, forming a huge network structure similar to a neural network.

The three-cone drones and two attack ships connected by this special starlight network suddenly become looming and faster and faster.

The round mecha - the robot warrior, and the giant leopard, one of the ten generals of the star Hunter, also appeared at the beginning, as if it was about to disappear from the sky of Good Sivar.

At this moment, Igud Sivar Qianyu handed the scepter to the gauze of Igud Sivar beside him and said, "Gag gauze, help me manage Igud Sivar Star well."

"Qianyu, what are you going to do?" She took over the veil of the queen's scepter and asked.

Igud Sivar Qianyu, who did not answer the veil, started her white space flying saucer, Qianyou, through the controller on her left wrist.

The white space flying saucer, Qianyou, appeared on Qianyu's head and shot a light on Qianyu's body, and Qianyu rose to Qianyou.

Qianyu entered her white space flying saucer, Qianyou, and ordered Qianyou to quickly rush to the starlight network released by the round mecha.

In the starlight network built by Qianyou rushing into the round mecha, Qianyou and the round mecha - machine warrior and the star hunter disappeared together in the sky of God Sivar.

Igud Sivar Shang gauze, saw the Qianyou disappearing with the round mecha in the sky and said nervously, "Qianyu, will she not be in danger?"

"Don't worry, Qianyu will not be in danger. The round mecha just seems to use mobility, not to die together. They should now move to a certain position in the universe." General Igud Sivar Daide boarded the boat road of his ancestors.

"General Dayide, I'll give you this queen's scepter. I did something wrong before, and I'm willing to accept your punishment." Shang gauze is willing to be punished.

"This queen's scepter was given to you by Qianyu. Now that Qianyu is not here, you can take care of it. I hope you won't disappoint Qianyu." General Dayide said seriously.

"Thank you, General Yide, for your tolerance. I will definitely do my best to help Qianyu and manage the Good Siwal Star on behalf." Shangza said with great emotion.

General Good Sivar Dai Yide turned around, looked at the disappearing sky of Qianyou and said, "I hope Qianyu can come back safely."


At this time, the Longxiao warship, which was heading for the three-ring star, now only takes three days to reach the three-ring star.

Sare on the Longxiao warship asked the Lord of War, "Excuse me, why did you leave the God of War with us? Don't you God of War can only live on the God of War?

"I'm here because I want to give you all my strength and make you a god of war." The Lord God of War replied.

"What! What do you mean? Do you want me to be a god of war? Sally said in surprise.

"Why, you don't want to be the God of War?"

"No, no, of course I want me to be the God of War, but what I don't understand is why you sacrifice yourself to make me the God of War?"

"I am a ghost who has no meaning to exist, and you have the potential to become a god of war, so I want to continue my power and exist in you, so that my power has the meaning of existence, which is much better than my meaningless existence on the God of War."

"However, I'm worried that I can't be a god of war, because I never thought that I would become a god of war. Do you really want to sacrifice yourself and let me become a god of war?" Sare said without confidence.

"Don't worry, you will become an excellent god of war." The Lord God of War encouraged Sarido, who was not confident.

Now Guowei, who has become the first god of war, said, "Sari, don't give in, because you can shoulder this heavy responsibility. You can let the power of the god of war exert to the extreme, so you should have confidence in yourself."

"Major General Guowei, are you telling the truth? Can I really become an excellent god of war? Sare still said with little confidence.

He Sheng was about to encourage Sa Rui. Suddenly, he heard someone talking to him and asked, "Who is talking to me?" Answer me quickly."

Di Xiaoer heard He Sheng suddenly speak and asked, "He Sheng, what's wrong with you? No one talked to you just now."

"I did hear someone talking to me, but I don't know who is talking to me." He Sheng said very doubtfully.

Guo Wei, the first god of war, suddenly said, "No, no, I also heard someone talking. It should be the thousand-sound God of War on the God of War. He used his power to talk to us."

"Then why can He Sheng hear it first? And can you hear it now?" Di Xiaoer asked doubtfully.

"This is because Hesheng is stronger than me, so Hesheng can hear the voice of Qianyin God of War before me. I think soon, you can also hear the voice of Qianyin God of War. Guo Wei explained.

Shortly after Guo Wei's words fell, Di Xiaoer and others really heard the voice of Qianyin God of War from the God of War. Qianyin God of War said, "Son of Light Energy, come back quickly with the first God of War. There are also hunters appearing on the God of War."

Hearing this, He Sheng said very nervously, "Brother Guo, shall we go back now? I'm worried that the Ares will be destroyed."

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the Ares is destroyed, because its mission has been completed." Guo Wei replied without emotion.

"No, Guo Weige, after all, God of War is an important planet and a place to cultivate the God of War. How can it be destroyed by the God of War?" He Sheng is ready to go back to rescue the God of War.

Suddenly, the voice of Qianyin God of War came over again and said, "Son of Light Energy, you and the first God of War don't have to come back, because the God Hunters who came this time can't be compared with the wheel dragon flying. Their power can't destroy the God of War."

Guo Wei, the first god of war, and He Sheng said, "He Sheng, you can safely go to the three-ring star now instead of returning to the god of war, right?"

"Well, okay, Guowei, I'll listen to you. I won't return to the Isle of War, but continue to go to Iss." He Sheng nodded and said.

After that, He Sheng continued to wait for the Longxiao warship to reach the three-ring star and meet the ring god of the three-ring star.


The giant leopard, the top ten generals of the Hunter star who was moved by the round mecha - the machine warrior to the god of war, thought doubtfully and said, "How can I appear here? What is this place?

"This is a stronger planet than you, which is enough to defeat you, the star hunter." Kufeng in the round mecha replied.

"You underestimate our star hunters, and you underestimate my giant leopard. Although I am weak among the ten generals, there are very few people who can defeat me."

"Then just wait. I believe that the strong man on this planet will soon appear here and defeat you, the hateful star hunter." Kufeng said confidently.

"Is that true? Well, I'll wait here for the strong man you mentioned to appear." The giant leopard Sisi stopped attacking the round mecha.

At this time, the cultivated god of war among the souls of the god of war on the god of war appeared in the sky and asked, "What do you god hunters mean? What tricks are you playing now? Why do you let the weak man among the top ten generals of the God Star come to our Ares of War after the defeat of Lunlongfei?

"What! Is this the Ares Star? The giant leopard Sisi said with great surprise.

"What? Don't you even know that you came to Ares?"

"I was transferred here by this thing. My goal is not your Ares."

"If you don't want to be killed, then leave God of War quickly, otherwise our God of War will fight with you." Xiu was intimidated by the God of War.

The giant leopard Sisi had just heard the god of war say that Lunlongfei was defeated, and thought: even the general of Lunlongfei is not the opponent of these god of war, so I am not their opponent. I'd better retreat first.

The giant leopard, one of the top ten generals of the Posei hunter, said, "All the god hunters give me orders, and all of them will withdraw from the god of war and return to our god of hunt."

"I advise you to go back by yourself. Your army can't withstand the super gravity here, and now the whole army has been destroyed." Xiude said indifferently.

"What! How could this happen?" The giant leopard said in disbelief.

However, the current giant leopard Sisi has had to believe what the God of War said, because she saw that all the three-cone drones transferred to Ares have been compressed into metal spheres and landed on the ground of Ares.


At this moment, it has been surrounded by the Star Hunter star fleet led by the third brother of the giant leopard, one of the top ten generals of the Hunter. →[End of this chapter]