Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 23 Nuclear Emperor's Secret

"Ha ha... Why do I think this is your so-called master that has already been calculated?"

Zhang Yi sneered and said that he no longer dares to think about the good things that fell from the sky. There is no love for no reason. No matter what he wants, he always needs to pay a corresponding or multiple price.

"Ha ha, you can say so, but do you still have a choice now?"

Nirvana 9 said with a very humane action, spreading out his hands and shrugging his shoulders to eat you. Zhang Yi and others can't refute this. That's the truth. Without it to save everyone, it is estimated that they won't even leave bone slag.

"No matter how you feel, there is one thing you must know, at least as far as I know, my master has not thought of harming you. My master has been dead for tens of thousands of years. Do you think it is necessary for him to harm your cowardly people who don't know how many tens of years later?

"What? How many tens of thousands of years have you been dead? Then don't you also have an antique that doesn't exist for many years?

Hearing the words of Nirvana 9, Zhang Yi suddenly screamed and asked. His eyes were staring at the boss. Just kidding, this kind of joke is not funny at all!

"Hmm! In your words, it is true. I have witnessed the fragmentation of this huge planet, the world war, the ashes of countless racial civilizations, and countless planets forever become cosmic dust!"

Nirvana No. 9 sighed and said with emotion and vicissitudes, and he obviously felt some faint sadness from his tone. Can a robot also have thoughts? What kind of science and water products do you need?

"What? In the past, the earth was much bigger than now? Are those things recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas true?

Luo Ting first exclaimed this time. You should know that she has been a naughty and energetic girl since she was a child. She likes all kinds of strange things, especially the so-called legends of various demons, such as Journey to the West, Classic of Mountains and Seas, Liaozhai Zhiyi, including Modern Network. Fantasy, immortals, fantasy novels and so on are all read with great interest.

"Ha ha, your so-called earth now is indeed very small. Even if it is the vast land recorded in your Classic of Mountains and Seas, it is completely less than 1% of the owner's era.

Nirvana No. 9 said with a very proud chest.

The vast and boundless earth recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas is less than 1% of the original. How big should this earth ever be? What amazing and subverting cognition is learned from the concepts of modern people!

"You don't have to think too much. You are not qualified to know many things now. But one thing can tell you clearly that your so-called earth is actually the core of the planet where our master used to be. Even the biggest moment of this planet is only a small planet in the universe, which is insignificant compared with several huge planets in the center of the universe!"

"Well, no matter how many questions you have, just hold it in your stomach now. Your brain and body development are almost the same. Now I will teach you the master's cultivation formula first, and then I will take you to watch a good play, hehe..."

Nirvana No. 9 said with a smile, and four white lights immediately shot in the center of his forehead. The target pointed directly at the eyebrows of the four people, and suddenly a large amount of information poured into the minds of the four people like a tsunami.

"The rest is up to you. How much you can achieve depends on your own creation. As for this little girl, it is difficult to practice anything at the beginning because you are too young. Don't worry too much. I have sealed all the following formulas in your mind. When you have enough strength, you will unlock the following formulas by yourself!"

After saying these words, Nirvana No. 9 disappeared out of thin air, leaving four people who were a little sluggish.

After a period of confusion in his mind, he returned to normal. Zhang Yi was immediately attracted by the massive knowledge in his mind and began to study it carefully. It turns out that this so-called cultivation formula is really a process of helping people self-evolution and stimulate their own potential talents.

It's just that a process is very different from the so-called cultivation of immortals, martial arts, magic, etc. As it is said in these knowledge, there has always been a variety of energy in the universe, and many different systems cannot explain the differences and principles of energy used between them.

For example, you can't explain feng shui to a modern scientist, and you can't explain the relationship between atoms and nuclei to a magician who practices magic; you can't explain the specific production and conversion details of nuclear energy to a person who cultivates immortality. On the contrary, you can't explain the so-called five elements of aura to a modern scientist. The existence and use of the so-called various magical elements...

Based on the "Nine Zhuan Xuanyuan Tips", the energy required for the cultivation of this set of mental methods is called Reiki, which is usually invisible and untouchable. Only by practicing relevant skills and methods can you feel the so-called Reiki, and you can absorb it into the body and convert it into your own true qi, vitality and true element.

Now the set of skills passed on by Nirvana 9 requires a large amount of scientific knowledge of nuclear weapons technology, especially related to its own biological knowledge and physical knowledge. According to the Nuclear Emperor's Secret, the main energy cultivated by this set of formula is nuclear energy, which includes all radioactive energy.

Modern technology has long discovered nuclear energy and used the technical level to convert certain radioactive materials into other energy that can be used by ordinary machines, such as electric energy. Only nuclear bombs really belongs to one of the most primitive nuclear energy uses.

However, the Nuclear Emperor's Secret regards the body itself as a living reactor that can hold all nuclear energy. By constantly absorbing various radioactive energy contained in minerals, sunlight, air, rain, void, etc., it is transformed into its own power and stored in Zhongdantian, and finally its transformation is controlled by mental power. Against the enemy in various ways.

This kind of unimaginable and imaginative idea, if it were before, Zhang Yi would definitely feel that it was whimsms and pure as a pastime. But after reading this huge information, Zhang Yi was convinced, at least feeling that it was very feasible. Anyway, even if there is a problem, he seems to have no loss now.

For the person who has recovered a life, he will die again at most. Perhaps the only thing he can't let go is the "female demon". As for whether his parents are still alive, I dare not think about this question at all! They are too old. How can they adapt to this kind of upheaval?

Nuclear Emperor's Secret: The first layer of forging is mainly to forcibly stimulate cell potential by guiding nuclear radiation energy into the body and increasing its resistance and resistance to nuclear radiation, physical attacks, etc. In this process, it will also improve its own strength and self-recovery ability, which was discovered soon after Zhang Yi woke up from the disaster. In addition, he was forcibly evolved by Nirvana 9 into the evolution tank, so he has directly crossed this very dangerous hurdle.

Why do you say it's dangerous? Without this evolutionary groove for evolution, people are likely to let their genes develop in a bad direction at the moment of guiding nuclear energy cultivation for various reasons, and eventually have various strange diseases, early aging of the body, completely alienation into bloodthirsty monsters, etc. If the excess is likely to directly lead to death, it can be seen Its risk factor is so great!

The second layer of energy gathering: As the name implies, it is to gather energy. When you cross the first layer, you can start real cultivation. This second layer of energy gathering is the real start. It is to inhale nuclear energy into the body, deliver it layer by layer of blood cells into the blood cells, then transport it into the lungs, then converge it from the lungs into the heart, and finally transport it from the heart to the middle Dantian, opening up the Dantian space while storing it, which is a process of accumulation.

After careful understanding, Zhang Yi calmed down and began to practice according to the requirements of the mental method. Countless small cold and lifeless energy slowly inhaled the capillaries through the surface of the skin, and then flowed into the main blood vessels through the capillaries, then into the lungs, then into the heart, and finally turned into a trace of metallic texture. Cool air poured into Dantian, and such a reincarnation was completed.

It feels very simple now. The only unpleasant thing is that this energy is completely separated from itself and cannot be completely compatible with the body. This is like putting a metal pimple in the heart, which is always uncomfortable, but according to the record, this feeling seems normal.

Zhang Yi doesn't think much now. He continues to follow the formula to mobilize the nuclear energy in Zhongdantian, so that it pours into the arterial blood vessels at the exit of the heart, and then flows along the arterial blood vessels to the whole body. The intermediate process is like a magnet that constantly absorbs the energy that has just entered the body, constantly strengthening itself, and then returns to the heart through venous blood vessels and finally enters Zhongdantian again, so that the second cycle is completed.

After the completion of this second practice reincarnation, you can obviously feel the enhancement of your ability in all aspects. The weak nuclear energy not only strengthens a little, but also seems to be no longer so cold, no longer so repulsive to the body, and there is a faint feeling that it can be slightly controlled. In the face of such a good cycle, Zhang Yi's confidence doubled and began the next round of cultivation.

"Well, handsome men and beautiful women, that's all for the time being. I will take you to watch a magnificent play and miracle right away. It's definitely a miracle for you. Don't be scared at that time!"

The saying of practicing without years is true at all, and I don't know how much time has passed. The sound of Nirvana 9 sounded in his mind again, and then Zhang Yi felt that he was weightless in an instant, and a soft force pulled him and flew high.

Although the previous story may feel a little procrastinating and somewhat ignorant, I think it's good to lay it out in this way, especially to write about the painful experiences of the protagonists and the great changes in the surrounding environment, so that everyone can cherish the present. I hope this tragedy will not appear in the real world!

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