Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 24 Nirvana

Soon the four people were taken to a circular transparent cover with a diameter of about 100 meters. Looking up at the sky, they could obviously see the stars above the sky. Why is it a line of light emitted through the metal under their feet. Obviously, they can see the high and sharp cliffs on both sides. It seems that this is The top of this strange building.

Through this period, I learned about the situation after I fell into a coma from Luo Ting, and what I saw now, that is, I and others fell into this bottomless underground crack and was also hidden in the depths of the earth. It was strange that I don't know whether it was Nirvana 9 in the machine or the building, and then there was a strange adventure behind.

Originally, the four people were bound to die, but they were rescued. It is completely certain that no matter what plans Nirvana 9 and its owner have, it is absolutely right to save the lives of the four people. Even if they compensate for their lives, it is true that the four of them are always restless, unhappy and uneasy. It's a complete silence.

"Haha... Now it's time for us to witness miracles together, haha..."

Nirvana 9 said excitedly and loudly. With its speech movements and sounds, he would not have thought that this was a robot, which shows how horrible the advanced technology mastered by its owner and others has reached such a terrible level!

With the sound of Nirvana 9 falling, Zhang Yi and their feet immediately felt a violent vibration, and then they were completely sure that the things under their feet were rising rapidly into the sky.

"What on earth is this thing that we stepped on?"

Zhang Yi finally couldn't help asking with strong curiosity.

"This is the Nirvana Tower, which took a hundred years to build for the Nirvana Project. You can immediately witness its great power and magical ability!"

Nirvana 9 shut up after answering proudly and stood in the distance like a wooden stake without moving at all.

In the bottomless underground crack, a cylindrical tower more than 100 meters high as a whole emits a faint metal light and rises vertically into the sky like a rocket. The red hot magma at the bottom is getting smaller and farther away, and finally disappears completely.

Nirvana Tower finally rushed out of the horizon, and the boundless sky finally showed the gorgeous starry sky in front of Zhang Yi and others. A long-lost feeling of life came back again, and they and others finally appeared under the sky again. After the Nirvana Tower rushed out of the ground, its speed remained unchanged, but continued to rise straight up high.

The four people have been deeply shocked by what they saw in front of them. They watched the changes in the surrounding environment nervously and were afraid of missing the most critical place. Even the little girl who had always liked to talk, laugh and be naughty, now quietly took Luo Ting and Zhang Yi's hands and said that her little head gently leaned against Luo Ting like jade. Above the **, a pair of watery eyes blinked and stared at the surroundings and looked into the distance.

"Haha, open your eyes and take a closer look at this great miracle and change. Now the Nirvana Plan is officially launched!"

When the Nirvana Tower rose to an altitude of about two or three kilometers from the ground, suddenly a faint blue light appeared in the surrounding sky and radiated rapidly towards this side. At the same time, the Nirvana Tower also emitted a dazzling blue halo, and finally connected with the blue light in the sky, completely covering the light of the stars in the sky, and the original appearance of the earth Presented in front of Zhang Yi and others.


The deafening sound resounded through the world at this moment, and the earth cracked everywhere. Huge cracks like dragons appeared on the vast earth. Large mountains that were already very high. At this time, they also rose rapidly and went straight into the sky.

In the boundless ocean, islands that had never appeared suddenly appeared on the sea level and then rose. The original Eurasian continent began to merge quickly and more closely. At the same time, the Australian continent, the African continent and Oceania also moved rapidly towards this new continent, and its surrounding seabed, together with this newly formed continent, began to rise rapidly.

At the same time, South America and North America also began to approach quickly and will soon become one. It seems that only Antarctica is still motionless. During the whole process, countless mountains and rivers have disappeared, and countless mountains and rivers have also reappeared.

The great changes in several continents have brought endless shock to Zhang Yi and others who are watching through virtual projection. They have made them dull, their heads temporarily completely lose their ability to think, and an inexplicable coolness has swept over their whole body. However, God, or Nirvana 9, seems to feel that the people they have suffered are still not huge enough. Countless meteors in outer space are now beginning to drag their usual tails like rain and prepare to settle on the planet.

The sky looks like a huge moon with a diameter of about five meters with the naked eye, and now it is also rapidly getting bigger. Through the virtual image, it can be clearly seen that it is approaching the earth and its fast speed. As a result, huge waves appear above the sea, and huge tsunamis begin with strong winds everywhere. Rage!

"Hehe, are you surprised? Look, there are more surprised people waiting for you here?"

Nirvana 9 suddenly turned his head and said mysteriously, and then with the wave of his right hand, a three-dimensional activity image of the solar system appeared in front of everyone. Through this image, it is obvious that Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Saturn are also moving rapidly towards Jupiter; Uranus, Pluto and countless asteroids on the edge of the solar system are moving rapidly towards Neptune, and their previous revolution has completely stopped.

That is to say, the whole solar system is only slightly normal, but it is also constantly absorbing some relatively recent meteors, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

How's it going? Isn't this amazing enough? Not only these changes, but also several planets outside the neighboring galaxy and countless meteor asteroids will eventually merge into the only three planets after the three solar system, Taiyin, Sun and Earth. At the same time, I will tell you a good news in advance that Taiyin and the sun will be centered on the latest earth in the future. Public transfer!"

Zhang Yi and others have now lost their chins, and their eyes are even bigger. Sweat the size of beans all over their bodies keeps coming out, dripping like countless blue pearls. They still don't know it. Nirvana 9 threw another blockbuster at this time, as if they don't scare these four people to death! To be precise, the little one was not affected at all, but looked at the magical scene in front of her with great interest!

"Is this true?"

Zhang Yi felt that it was difficult to close his mouth and swallowed his saliva with difficulty.

"What do you think?"

Nirvana 9 asked with great interest.

"Is the moon disappearing?"

"Yes, but there will be a new Taiyin replacement."

"If Taiyin and the sun rotate around the earth in the future, will there be four seasons?"

"Yes, but the length of time has changed a lot."

"Are you doing all this?"

"Then who else do you think can do it?"


After that, the three adults Zhang Yi kept asking me one by one, and the last one was shocked that he could no longer speak. He really wanted to fall asleep, but he was reluctant to miss the scene of witnessing this peerless miracle, so that the three of them struggled to support!

As time passed, the whole earth kept undergoing earth-shaking changes. The moon finally covered half of the sky and seemed to fall from the top of the head at any time. The new continent centered on Asia and Europe is finally about to be completed. Similarly, South America and North America are about to merge. At the same time, a huge continent in the center of the Atlantic Ocean has begun to emerge.

"Nirvana, Nirvana and Phoenix Nirvana are reborn in the fire. I know that all this is the plan of you and your master. Now we will completely destroy our civilization and then let us build a new civilization according to your will?"

At one moment, the "female demon" who had never spoken suddenly pointed to Nirvana 9 with hatred in her lost eyes and asked loudly.

"The Nirvana Plan was indeed designed by our master, but the destruction of your civilization has nothing to do with us. The starting principle of the whole Nirvana Plan is that your civilization has only begun. We are just helping you, the remaining human race, to re-establish and continue a few on the ruins. It's just a great civilization."

Nirvana 9 said slowly in the face of the scolding and questioning of the "female demon", but said slowly.

"Didn't you destroy it? Is it that we are brain-damaged and destroyed ourselves?"

The "female demon" roared with a pale face, but after saying that, she felt a little guilty!

"This is also a little right, because half of it is your own problem, and half is the real behind-the-scenes pushers. These behind-the-scenes are likely to be also enemies of our master, with at least 70%!"

Nirvana 7 suddenly roared with hatred in his eyes.

"What enemy?"

Zhang Yi felt that the complexity of the matter may be far beyond his own imagination, but he still blurted out.

"Ha ha... You are too weak now. Knowing that it is not good for you, it will only make you despair, so in order for you to continue to live, it is absolutely impossible to tell you before you are not strong enough. Never ask again in the future. I will tell you in person when the time comes!"

It's similar, which is very annoying and angry, but there's nothing we can do! One by one, they had to fall into silence again. Because they felt that the time had passed for a long time, the three adults began to pay attention to the changes outside and slowly practice.

Time seems to be insignificant and dispensable for Zhang Yi and others who are already numb. Once again, I don't know how much time has passed. The surface of the moon that has covered two-thirds of the sky began to appear countless cracks, and then gradually fragmented and finally turned into countless fragments. To the ground and sea, the last central radius falls straight to the center of the Pacific Ocean, quickly forming a brand-new continent.

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