Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 35 Xiaoqi's tragic past

"Which direction does the sound seem to come from? Don't touch me and have a look."

Zhang Yi said with a serious face. The sound was too abnormal. It was definitely a voice he had never heard before.

"Then be careful!"

Ji Tianxue also warned with a serious expression that the sequelae of Zhang Yi's body had been completely cured at this time, and it should not be a big problem as long as he was careful.

"Dad, be careful!"

The little boy hid in Luo Ting's arms and said with a worried face.

"Be careful" Luo Ting also reminded in a low voice.

"Well, don't worry, I'll be careful, because I can't bear to part with you!"

Fee their strong concern, Zhang Yi's heart is surrounded by warmth, which is the feeling of home. For many years, he has been wandering alone for life. There have never been sincere friends around, and some of them are just a group of alcoholic friends. This can be said to be the sadness of an era. In the past, I could no longer feel this warmth except for my parents, but now it is hard to get it, so I must not let it slip away.

In the slightly dark jungle, Zhang Yi carefully ran slowly in the direction of the sound, breaking through the thorns all the way, and at the same time solving several poisonous snakes with great offensive characteristics.


Zhang Yi finally approached the source of the sound, but was disturbed by this sad and painful sound like a tiger. He was a little unwilling to continue to move forward. He always felt that he would see something very miserable and unwilling to see, but in the end he continued to move forward.

However, after really seeing the owner of the sound, Zhang Yi was really scared to death by the scene in front of him. He really felt that he should not come. He would have nightmares for many days in the future, but since he had come here, he always had to take action, so he turned on the video function built into the watch.

The reason why I was stunned by the scene in front of me was that there was a man's head under a big stone not far away. Although its face is distorted and tears fall, this face still seems to give itself a familiar feeling.

The front opponent is similar to that of an orangutan, with a body like a tiger's hind legs and a tail like a wolf. What's more shocking is that there are three little monsters next to the body that look almost exactly like it, which seem to be newborn, lying there and breastfeeding. This scene is really chilling!

"Someone's smell, who? Come out!"

At this time, this face turned his head to look at Zhang Yi and roared viciously with wide eyes.

"Hum..." Zhang Yi felt that his brain had stopped, and all his cognition had been broken. This monster could actually speak, and he was also very fluent in Chinese, and his world outlook had completely collapsed! Knowing that it was useless to hide now, I had to sigh and get out slowly, always feeling that I would not be in danger.

" you Brother Zhang Yi? You...didn't you die?"

When the monster saw Zhang Yi clearly, he suddenly said with unexpected excitement, and the three milking monsters also stopped and looked at Zhang Yi like a curious baby.

" know me?"

Zhang Yi was shocked again. This monster actually knew himself, and this face was really familiar!

"You're really not dead. I don't know if Sister Ting, sister-in-law and little girl are all okay?"

The tears in the monster's eyes finally began to decrease, and immediately burst out three of Zhang Yi's most familiar names, which shocked Zhang Yi again, and some pictures in his mind began to flash.

"They are all fine. We are lucky to escape. Are you?"

Zhang Yi tilted his head and asked awkwardly and carefully. Although he had some impressions, he was really not sure.

"Ha ha... Yes, who can recognize me like this now?"

The monster smiled bitterly and was full of endless sadness, and his eyes were full of red bean-sized tears again.


Seeing the other party like this, Zhang Yi was also sad. For a moment, he really didn't know what to say.

"I'm Chen Xiaoqi. Everyone calls me Xiaoqi. At that time, you laughed at me for being too cowardly."

Chen Xiaoqi seemed to fall into some kind of memory and showed a bitter smile for a short time.

"Chen Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi, I remember, how are they? How did you become like this?

Zhang Yi finally remembered this cowardly and unlucky child. Zhang Yi felt that he was very cowardly, especially before the disaster, but only after he woke up again, he began to gradually become less cowardly. The blood in the hidden field body finally woke up slowly, otherwise he would not have lived to Now.

And the boy in front of him is still so cowardly in the face of such a dramatic change. It can be said that he is completely submissive. It is a great miracle that anyone can bully and live in such an environment until now.

"Hey... After you were chased and escaped, after a wave of shaking, Qin Hao's group of beasts returned and immediately humiliated all the remaining women in front of everyone. And we keep torturing the people who survived, and do everything until we torture people to death before changing to the next one.

"After all the women were humiliated to death and tortured to death several people in a row, everyone finally learned to resist. But they are not only single and powerful, but also have excellent skills and advanced weapons. We are opponents. I was too timid, so I seized the opportunity to run away.

"I'm really useless. I don't even have the courage to fight with these beasts. If I can have the courage to fight with them, maybe I won't be as miserable as I am now, haha..."

Chen Xiaoqi was a little out of control and said painfully, a big man shed more tears than a woman!

"In the process of my escape, I looked back a few times and found that almost all the remaining people had died and were killed by this group of animals. And I ran away desperately. Later, they also chased me. I don't know how long they were chased. In the end, they were chased to the place where a wolf and a tiger fought.

"Haha...woo... In the end, I was shot by them with these two beasts. At the moment when my consciousness was about to be confused, the mountain shook again, and my consciousness completely fell into a deep sleep. But when I woke up again, it was really in an underground gap.

"I began to find that my strength was getting stronger, and then the whole world changed dramatically, and all kinds of strange disasters came. But it is strange that my body seems to be protected by some kind of force and has never been hurt. But the body changed more and more, until the whole bare and lifeless land began to grow all kinds of plants inexplicably.

"My body has become what it is now, which has made me very painful, and I didn't think it would be more painful later. Whoo... A man has become a human-like monster like a wolf and a tiger, and he can actually generate his own lust. And Kai found that he had become a male and female. What's more ridiculous is that the thing is outside and very close!"

"Haha... Once the male part is, you can immediately find the right position to enter the female part, haha... I did it myself, haha... I not only enjoyed two pleasures at the same time, but also got pregnant in the end... And all this is beyond my control."

"My mother, in this life... in the last life... in the last life... what on earth did I do? Need to suffer such a tragedy, need to bear this kind of pain, woo... Have you seen these three little monsters? They are actually made by myself, haha..."

Chen Xiaoqi's heart was heartbroken, his eyes were congested, and the corners of his eyes were full of blood and tears to slowly tell his tragic experience. As a listener, Zhang Yi's heart was also extremely painful, and the tears in his bloody eyes kept spinning. If these things happen to me, I suddenly shiver all over, and I can't imagine it at all!

"When they are born, I really want to kill them immediately, but...but...they seem to be their own children. I don't know whether it's motherhood or paternity flood, and I can't do it, haha...woo..."

When Xiaoqi cried for a period of time, he began to talk about his intermittent pain again.

"Brother Zhang Yi, do me a favor. I beg you."

After Xiaoqi cried for some time, he pleaded with Zhang Yi in pain.

"Do you want to?"

Zhang Yi can probably guess the other party's idea, but it is really difficult to do it cruelly.

"Yes, kill us. I'm alone, don't be such a monster. I'm cowardly and can't do anything. Please help me. I will always be grateful to you in the underworld!"

Xiaoqi knelt down and kept pleading. He was so desperate and painful...


Zhang Yi closed his eyes in pain, and a cool breeze blew by. Finally, he sighed and slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of firmness flashed in his eyes. The long knife came out of its sheath, four cold knives flashed, and four lives ended.

"Thank you..."

Xiaoqi smiled relieved, and then slowly closed his eyes. At this time, it seemed to be so peaceful. The pain was finally completely over. I hope there would be no more afterlife. He really lived enough and was afraid...

"Xiaoqi, have a good journey. I will definitely avenge you. I will make that group of animals have no place to die, and I will smash them into ten thousand pieces!"

Zhang Yi looked at the four corpses under his feet, feeling unprecedentedly heavy and painful. He hated all the people who caused all these tragedies now, including their owners, who seemed to have a share of all these tragedies.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

After Zhang Yi cremated these four bodies, he unconsciously returned to Ji Tianxue and others with heavy steps. When Luo Ting saw that he was so depressed, he immediately asked anxiously.