Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 36 Acquaintance?

"What a poor little seven, hey... Why can't good people get a good reward?"

After watching Zhang Yi's painfully playing the image she saw, Luo Ting sighed with tears on her face. After watching the image, she felt very painful. Only she and Xiaoqi are the most familiar here, and have helped many Xiaoqi. In her heart, they are vaguely regarded as their younger brothers. Now they know that such a tragic experience is like a knife in their hearts for a while.

"There may be a small number of good people who can get good retribution in peaceful and prosperous times, and it is not easy to survive in troubled times. Do you still have the right to be rewarded?"

Ji Tianxue said in a sad voice. This is unpleasant and distorts people's cognition, but it is essential, especially in Ji Tianxue's special family environment. She has seen the most luxurious, gorgeous, brilliant and glorious side of the world, and has also seen too many nothing hidden under these lights. Darkness.

Pure good people will never want to step on the peak of society. Even if they are lucky enough to enter it, they can't integrate into it, and it is a flash in the pan by chance. In the end, they may harm others and themselves. In that peaceful era, authentic good people and bad people who don't know how to bleach and camouflage have no chance of becoming upper-class people; they are also not cruel, and they don't have to use their brains to suppress their opponents, and they can never become upper-class people by stepping on their opponents.

Someone once said that the highest realm of being a human being, that is, black and white are compatible, black and white are not divided, which means almost to the extreme, and also white to the extreme. Only those who hold these two powerful forces at the same time are qualified to become real human superiors.

A gang boss of a beautiful empire once said to his younger brother: Our president is not only the most powerful righteous representative in the world, but also the most powerful gang boss in the world. The person I killed in my life is less than a fraction of him; I shot with a submachine gun, not as much as his eyes and hint; she said If the words become black, the same words turn white; it is a crime for us to kill, and it is a crime for him to kill or let us kill.

In a word, in peacetime, only a person who has mastered the ultimate power of black and white at the same time is qualified to define good and bad, black and white, and is qualified to decide whether a good person has good or not. A once good leader in China ended up because the black fight was too serious. A person at the highest level of power in the whole country is like this, so what about ordinary people?

In peacetime, the law can at least bind most people, but what about in this era without any laws or institutional constraints? It is difficult for good people to get good retribution in peacetime. Do they still expect to get good retribution in such an era? Obviously impossible.

This topic is very heavy. As a Zhang Yi, who has been indoctrinated to be a good person for a long time, now he has learned that good people do not have so-called good retribution. If he wants to live, he can't be a good person, at least he can't be a pure good person. This is too subverting my life values, but the bloody cruel reality is in front of us.

Xiaoqi and others are finally good people, but what was the result? In the end, almost all of them died tragically in the hands of Qin Hao's beasts. What is the good reward? And now if you want to avenge them, you must kill these bastards. Is this kind of behavior a good person in a society ruled by law?

Now, if people on both sides are about to starve to death suddenly encounter a moment of food that only one side can survive, what should you do as a good person? Give food to each other and then watch yourself and the people on your side starve to death? At least Zhang Yi can't do it now. He will definitely grab it and feed his woman's daughter first. Is this what a good person should do?

So Zhang Yi thought about it and finally completely confirmed the fact that a pure good person can't live in this environment at all, such as Xiaoqi. If you don't want yourself and the people around you to follow Xiaoqi, then you can't be a pure good person. Even if you don't want to be a bad person, you can only be a person who wanders between good people and bad people.

Under the good circumstances of yourself and the people around you, you can be a good person, and you can only help those who are worth helping. As for those who are not worth helping, do they still want to help if they don't kill Amitabha? Sure enough, people don't kill themselves. It's true. Let's be a selfish person first!

Because everyone's mood was too heavy, they stayed still for the time being and held up the tent to live with a family of four at the same time. The night finally came, but it was too long away from dawn. Looking at the time, it took 26 hours at night at dawn. Sure enough, as the current time difference was completely confused as No. 9 said.

Finally, the sun rose high again, and the golden morning light fell on the earth, reflecting many beautiful scenery in the lush and vibrant jungle.

"Ah, our lovely little chick woke up? Why don't you seem to have slept well last night?

In the big tent that was almost integrated with the surrounding environment, Zhang Yi looked neatly and looked at Luo Ting combing the little guy's hair, so he pinched his plump and delicate face and smiled.

"Humph... it's not all your fault!"

The little girl pouted and snorted coldly, with a dissatisfied face.

"Oh... Tell me how we made our little baby dissatisfied?"

Zhang Yi continued to say with a smile, thinking that it would not wake up the little girl with too much noise at night, and it won't be. Our department is very cautious, but the movements are very light, cough...

Who made you love for so long? But Dad, you are much better than my former father. How can you make your mother and mother beg for mercy at the same time, hee hee..."

The little girl turned her head to the strange elf, and a pair of big smart eyes were looking around at the adult, and finally said thieves.

"That's, otherwise how to do your father, er..."

When Zhang Yi heard this, he couldn't help but look proud. When he said half of the sentence, his throat seemed to be stuck by something. The old face was extremely red and embarrassed. How could he say his inner ideas openly in front of the children?


Luo Ting and Ji Tianxue's eyes were red, and their eyes were full of murderousness and staring at Zhang Yi. They couldn't wait to hum coldly to show their dissatisfaction!

"Someone is coming, let's hide!"

When Zhang Yi and others had just had enough to eat and drink and put away the tent and prepare to move elsewhere, they suddenly found a group of people wearing their former military uniforms and holding guns moving quickly to this side.

"Head, it seems that someone has stayed here, and it should have just left."

Hawari checked the surroundings and then reported to Lu Chuan.

"Well, it's a good thing to meet people. There are only four of these footprints, a man, two women and a child. It's definitely not easy for them to survive in this environment."

Tar and handsome, but left a ferocious scar on his face, with a slightly destructive appearance, but more powerful and domineering Lu Chuan nodded and smiled.

When Zhang Yi heard this sound, he immediately remembered the words of those soldiers. It seemed that this was the "head" at that time, and his back was also very similar.

"Head, do you need us to pursue them? They must not be able to run far now."

Xue Kui, who was dressed in a special military uniform, came forward and asked.

"No, remember that we used to be Chinese soldiers anyway. We failed to protect our country, but became the bastard's eagle-clawed running dogs, which has harmed many ordinary people. Now the whole Chinese nation may have survived less than 1%. Since we are no longer able to protect them, there is no need to hurt them.

"I hope everyone can understand that we are always Chinese, and no matter what in the future, we can't lose our bottom line. Whoever dares to kill innocent people indiscriminately, don't blame me for ignoring brotherhood. I hope that even if our brothers can't be good people, it's better not to be bad people first.

Please remember that no matter how they raised us for at least several years, any of them are half of our parents. I can't do things like killing my father and mother, and I don't want my brothers to do it. And most importantly, the purpose of our coming out this time is that so many brothers and sisters are waiting for us to take their prey back. Don't make any difference! Does everyone understand?"

Lu Chuan said loudly with a blank face. His voice echoed around for a long time. He didn't know whether he would say it to his own people or those who hid in the dark. Maybe both.

However, no matter what the purpose is, his words have won some favor of Zhang Yi and others. This is the bottom line that a soldier should have at least. It is not all bad people!


Nearly 50 people answered loudly at the same time, and a great sense of righteousness suddenly burst out, although it also disappeared quickly, and then the group quickly left.

"Dad, I don't think they are bad guys. Why do we avoid them?"

The little girl tilted her head and asked doubtfully with her big watery eyes.

"Ha ha, it's not a bad person, and it's not necessarily a good person. Now we can't afford to gamble!"

Zhang Yi said seriously. Now he is so wary that he will not easily believe everything he sees.

"Do you seem to know them?"

Luo Ting has always been so observant. Zhang Yi now seems to be unable to hide anything from this shrewd woman, while Ji Tianxue stared at the corners of Zhang Yi's mouth slightly raised, and it seems that she has also found a change in Zhang Yi's expression.

"To be precise, I have heard this sound..."

Then Zhang Yi briefly said everything he heard at that time.