Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 37 Major Discovery

"Head, why do you say that?"

When he was far away from Zhang Yi and others, Xue Kui, as an elite among the former special forces elite, looked fat, honest and careless.

But everyone who is familiar with this guy knows that this guy is not only powerful, powerful, but also extremely flexible, but many times this guy doesn't speak until the critical moment and has been pretending to be stupid for a long time. But once you speak seriously, you will definitely grasp the point, and that's the current situation.

"Why do you say that? The first is to remind everyone. Second, I feel that they are paying attention to us somewhere. Maybe they are far stronger than we think. We don't need to build a strong enemy for no reason. You should know that in this environment, anything strange can happen. I don't want to provoke a strong enemy that should not be there because of carelessness, and finally hurt my brothers and sisters!"

Lu Chuan looked at it seriously, and the people around him said in a low voice.

"Then we don't have to show our goodwill to them!"

Havari is still very dissatisfied and said that as a pure Hui, his personality has always been very direct, and as long as he is unhappy, he will definitely burst out directly.

"This is a must. After all, we disturb others, and what you start is easy to cause misunderstandings. Well, stop talking. I know that all of you think that I am a little timid now, and I don't have the same momentum as I used to be fearless? Yes, I'm really afraid now, but I'm not afraid of my own death, but I'm afraid that my brothers and sisters will die in vain because of my carelessness!"

Lu Chuan said loudly with a heavy face that he did not blame these brothers' views and misunderstandings, because there was nothing wrong in their position, but as their head, their words and deeds are related to everyone's life and death, so they can't depend on their own nature, because it is likely that a wrong decision will Kill everyone's lives.

After listening to Lu Chuan's words, these people are ashamed to bow their heads and meditate. Which of the people who can enter this elite force is not carefully selected by the country? It is impossible for fools to have the opportunity to join this group. Since you are not a fool, people have already made it so clear that if they don't know how to advance or retreat, it's your own problem.

"Huh... Cher, Ting'er, come and have a look. Is this ginseng?"

Zhang Yi accidentally grabbed a plant and asked doubtfully. Zhang Yi really didn't know this rare thing.

"Oh, let me see, this is ginseng, and it's still wild ginseng, but..."

Luo Ting took it over and said with great certainty after reading it carefully, but the smell seemed to be a little different, and she couldn't say anything specific.

"This is indeed wild ginseng, but the medicinal power and the vitality contained in it have been different, and it seems to be mixed with something else."

Ji Tianxue took her hand and looked through it for a while. At the same time, she smelled it with her nostrils and said, and then carried out the practice route of "Nuclear Emperor's Secret" and saw the thumb-sized ginseng in front of her quickly shrink, and did not stop shrinking until there was only about half left. Ji Tianxue felt a pure nuclear energy being sucked into her body, and the remaining ginseng no longer had that strange feeling.

"I think I understand what's going on. Because of the special environment now, almost all the animals and plants, including the rabbits we ate before, have actually mutated. Either it has strong resistance to nuclear radiation, or it can be absorbed into pure nuclear energy and finally stored in the body.

"After I just ran the nuclear emperor's formula to absorb all the nuclear energy, this ginseng returned to normal." Ji Tianxue excitedly said her experimental effect, and then said with a mysterious smile: "And the rest of the ginseng also contains strong vitality, medicine and aura, which are used to heal and practice the "Nine Turn Xuanyuan Secret" and "Nine Turn Xuannu Heart Sutra" are all good things!"

"Ah... there is such a good thing, there is such a large area here!"

Hearing what Ji Tianxue said, Zhang Yi pointed to the ground in front of him excitedly and shouted excitedly.

"Since there are so many, why don't you try to pull out some more by yourself?"

Ji Tianxue's thin willow leaf eyebrows rose slightly, her beautiful big eyes narrowed slightly, and she spoke slowly with the crisp and ethereal voice like a yellow warbler.

"Oh! Damn, why am I so stupid, hehe...try it..."

Zhang Yi immediately pulled up a ginseng like a child, and then ran the skill and method, as Ji Tianxue said, his strength suddenly improved a lot. Then wipe it clean, throw it into your mouth and chew it up. After swallowing it, the medicinal power attacks and immediately runs the Jiuzhuan Xuanyuan Secret. With the operation of the skill and method, the medicinal power is quickly absorbed and the true qi in the Dantian began to increase rapidly.

"Wow...haha... My baby Cher is indeed a genius, and it can be found that this time we have found a way to practice quickly, roar..."

After absorbing the medicine, Zhang Yi laughed loudly, cooperated with the dance, and finally hugged Ji Tianxue and kissed him fiercely. The whole person is no different from the madman, but this is indeed worthy of madness. Now it seems that there should be a lot of this type of medicine in this endless jungle, which means that the drug energy needed for cultivation in the future has been settled. What could be happier than this?

"Okay, okay... Look at you, you're like a child."

Luo Ting's charming eyes looked at Zhang Yi gently and doted, and smiled softly with a faint feeling of maternal love. This smile was colorless and charming, and this shot was enchanting, and this sound was soft all over...

"Hee...shy...I'm not even like this, gurg..."

The little elf was also accompanied by a grimace at this time and despised Zhang Yi.

"Well..." Zhang Yi's face was embarrassed and was actually despised by this little girl! However, it's really immature to think about what I just looked like, but there is a kind of trance back to the ignorant and carefree moment when I was a teenager. This feeling is actually really good!

Then Ji Tianxue's erudite and versatile ability, especially for the identification of plant herbs, was perfectly demonstrated. Astragalus, yam, Sumu, Ganoderma and other common and rare herbs, as well as their related medicinal uses, were pointed out one by one, especially for various legendary rare medicinal herbs.

At the same time, I have also tested a variety of medicinal materials and found that almost all of them have mutated, containing more or less very pure nuclear energy. Now it seems that this planet has become a paradise for cultivating nuclear ability. It may be a good thing for Zhang Yi and others now, but it is unknown for most people and animals.

Only after discovering this shocking secret, Zhang Yi and others began to collect all the rare drugs found under the guidance of Ji Tianxue, and also consumed them. Anyway, they don't have to use them for nothing. For them now, it is actually very dangerous in this unknown world. If they can improve their strength, the greater the chance of survival in danger.

"Haha...interesting, very interesting. It's worthy of the person I like on the 9th. I actually found some secrets so quickly. It's really a very smart group of people, but you have only found the tip of the iceberg now. There are still many things worth finding and applying. Rookies, I hope you don't let me down, otherwise hehe..."

Nirvana 9 is watching a series of images of Zhang Yi's actions and talking to himself alone, giving people a somewhat gloomy and horrible feeling. Fortunately, Zhang Yi and others have not seen this expression, otherwise they don't know how to feel.

"Huh... The fruit on that tree is so beautiful that it's actually fiery red!"

Zhang Yi and his party were quickly searching in the forest, and all the rare medicinal materials where they passed were exhausted, and they began to pay attention to the things in the meteorites around them to see if it was useful through the knowledge they got from Nirvana 9. When everyone came to the bottom of a cliff, the little girl saw a strange tree in the center of the cliff, with fire-red strange fruits shining and beautiful, so she said with her fleshy, white and tender little finger.

"Ha ha... What strange, beautiful and enchanting trees and fruits!"

Zhang Yi and Luo Ting were also attracted by this beautiful fruit tree and couldn't help sighing.

"Impossible... This is impossible... How can there be such a thing that should have been extinct now?"

Ji Tianxue was not as relaxed as Zhang Yi, but also muttered to herself excited and a little unbelievable.

"Do you know this thing?"

"Do you know what this is, sister?"

Zhang Yi and Luo Ting both looked at Ji Tianxue and asked doubtfully.

"I'm not sure yet. I need to go up and watch it in person to know!"

Ji Tianxue blushed and said excitedly.

"Oh, let's go and have a look. Anyway, it's not a big problem with our current ability."

It must not be easy to make Ji Tianxue lose such a gaffe. Zhang Yi doesn't want to lose any good things he may get, especially him who has tasted the sweetness.

"Don't worry, if it's really this kind of fairy tree I guess, there must be a very powerful animal guarding next to it. A careless our little life may be explained here."

Ji Tianxue suddenly thought of something, and then reminded her very seriously.

"It's easy. Let's just get a little closer to detect it!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said easily.

"This is a good way."

"That's the decision."

"Oi, listening to Xue'er say so much, for the sake of safety, I'd better go alone to detect it. You can respond at any time!"

In the end, everyone agreed, and then Zhang Yi, as the only man, had to volunteer.

A new week has begun. It needs to be on the list. There is a lot of demand for collection, clicks and tickets.