Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 79 Suspended Vehicle

Miao Feng gradually entered a state of selflessness. There was only the enemy in her eyes, and the enemy was about to suffer her ruthless destruction. Years of experience told her that she could not be soft on any enemy. So she began to kill ruthlessly, and blood flew everywhere, and her whole body was like a demon god who came to the abyss, constantly harvesting life. The more she killed, the more excited she became, and the more powerful she felt.

"Ah... Are we going to die here today? I'm not willing..."

Lu Chuan watched his comrades-in-arms fall down and then be submerged by the beasts, and his whole heart was desperate to the extreme. And he is now scarred and can't hold on for long. Facing the endless beasts, he can't see any hope.


A deafening roar sounded in Lu Chuan's ear, and then turned his head to see a huge wild boar open its mouth and bite his head. Lu Chuan was furious and tried his best to avoid it, and then he was knocked to the ground by a black bear and was deeply hit and then unconscious.

"Sweeter, be careful..."

Seeing Jiang Tian in danger, Deng Xunhui's liver and courage were cracked, and his eyes were congested and his blue veins shouted.

"Be careful, sister-in-law!"

Because Hao Yingjun was relatively close, he rushed directly and stood in front of Jiang Tian in an instant.


Hao Yingjun's chest was slapped directly on the chest by a chimpanzee, opened his mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of blood mist, and even Jiang Tian behind him was sprayed on his face.


The gorilla beat his chest twice, and then grabbed Hao Yingjun directly and threw him into the center of the herd in an instant.

"Ah... I'll kill you!"

Jiang Tian poked the orangutan's chest crazily with a dagger on her face. In the blink of an eye, several blood holes appeared in the orangutan's chest, and bright red blood kept flowing out, which completely angered her fierceness. She suddenly threw Jiang Tian's petite and exquisite body to the ground.


Jiang Tian was smashed to the ground, her eyes spit blood, and her whole body has become a bloody person.


Deng Yingjun was surrounded by the fierce wild wolves on the nose and couldn't get rid of it at all. He could only watch Hao Yingjun die to save Jiang Tian. Now he sees this woman who loves him deeply!

"Two fat people, no..."

A bigger blow came again. Seeing his sister-in-law and brother leave, Feng Tianbao was slightly distracted and was entangled by a python and then swallowed alive. In a short time, Deng Xunhui, the most important three people in his life, were blown into the abys, spitting out a mouthful of blood fog and fainted, and then submerged by the herd.

The tragedy was constantly staged, and people kept falling down one by one. In the end, there were only eleven chicken claws, plus three Zhang Yi. At this time, the attacks of all the beasts finally stopped.

"Ha ha... Sure enough, 14 of you stayed, which is about the same as my estimate. It's amazing!"

The sound of killing Ji sounded, and then a soft force wrapped Zhang Yi, who were completely stained with blood, and then the three of them only felt a flower in front of them and appeared in a new place.

"What about them?"

Zhang Yi did not observe the surrounding environment first, but looked at Kill Ji and asked Miao Feng about their situation.

"They are all your subordinates. Congratulations, they are now receiving inheritance as before, but the time will be completed in seven days, so you should know what to do?"

Kill Ji blinked her eyes and said with great interest. It seems that it is also very comfortable to flirt with people. Huh... How can I feel comfortable and refreshing? This is not right. I'm not a human being. I have seven emotions and six desires!

"The rest of the people are not really dead, are they?"

Zhang Yi continued to ask worriedly. He didn't pay attention to Killing Ji's strange expression at all, and he was not interested in caring about it.

"What do you think?"

Kill Ji raised her head and asked.

"I think most of them should be alive."

A trace of strange color flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes and said confidently.


"It's very simple. I didn't see their real bodies. They disappeared at the moment they fell down and were about to die. Coupled with the rules you said at the beginning, is that enough?"

Zhang Yi directly said his guess, hoping that this guess is true. Although it is very sure, any variable is possible before the answer is obtained.

"You are really smart. I think all three of you know, but with your strength, it's normal to find such a flawed plan. Of course, those guys are not so lucky. I guess they will think they are in the Hall of the King of Periry when they wake up, hehe..."

Kill Ji's tone was still very cold, but there was always a smile on her face.

"Equipment library? How to distribute the things here?

Zhang Yi began to notice the environment, looked at the various weapons and equipment placed on the surrounding shelves, and asked with great interest.

"Since I brought you here, of course you can choose some weapons and equipment you like, but it is limited to ten sets of each person. For example, you can choose a total of ten cold weapons, and the same is true for hot weapons. The suspension car over there is for you. Remember that all this is based on your majesty. Above."

Kill Ji said lightly without giving face.

"These are all at the lowest level. Is there any higher?"

Zhang Yi looked at some of these things and asked with a little disappointment.

"I'm sorry, according to the rules, you can only get this level of equipment now. If you want to get better, get more knowledge, and know more about the great civilization of our master, you need to continue to work hard in the future and remember to keep an eye on the new relics and strange buildings, machines, etc. ! Well, you can find it yourself. If you take more, then don't take anything. Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Killing Ji likes to see Zhang Yi embarrassmented, but she still tells her authority that she can tell them, although she doesn't know why she has to hide so many things.

"Wow... What a beautiful suspension car, and the space in it is so large that there is no problem for 20 people to ride!"

The three of them took enough equipment and entered the suspended car given to them with great interest, and were immediately impressed by the car beyond imagination. Its appearance and interior are impeccable, especially the exquisite use of space technology, which is even more amazing.

This suspension car has no wheels and is beautiful and gorgeous in appearance. It is about the same size as an ordinary car, but its interior space exceeds that of ordinary buses. That is to say, it has almost become an independent space. The cheapest and lowest-grade suspension car uses this technology. What will the advanced ones look like? I can't imagine!

"I think you already know how to open it. I don't need to say more. I'll send you out."

With the fall of Killing Ji's voice, the environment has changed again. Zhang Yi's suspension car has appeared outside the Killing, suspended in the air more than ten meters away from the ground. High-tech is high-tech. Obviously, the manufacturers of these suspended vehicles have studied all kinds of forces to the point of perfection.

The reason why this suspension vehicle can be suspended is that it relies on the interaction between magnetic field gravity to find a balance and suspended, and as long as this suspension does not move, it will not consume energy. Usually, this suspended vehicle can automatically absorb nuclear energy and store it for later use.

"What should we do now?"

Luo Ting now asks with some unisting opinions.

"Since they will not come back in a few days, let's go home and settle down, take a shower and change clothes by the way, and wait for this floating car!"

Zhang Yi was a little worried that the little one would cry at home, so he put forward his own opinion and went back and forth at five times the speed of the speed of the suspended car.

"I have no problem."

Ji Tianxue said lightly.

"All right!"

Luo Ting nodded.

"Oh, you can have a good time and set out invisibility!"

With the order of Zhang Yi, the suspended car immediately turned into a glass-transparent airflow and went away. Except for the sound of breaking the air, there was nothing left, even a little roar of the machine.

"It's the third day, and it hasn't come out yet!"

The little girl nestled in Luo Ting's arms and watched the situation outside through the special window of the suspended car. From the excitement at the beginning to the current irritability, not to mention the little girl for so long, even the adult's patience is limited. But it's better not to go out again, in case the beast comes, it will be troublesome.

"Someone came out, huh... Except for all eleven of them, you stay here. I'll go down first to see how our people are damaged."

After saying that, Zhang Yi appeared from the air out of thin air, and then fell in front of Deng Xunhui and the others.

"You're fine. It's really great!"

Zhang Yi immediately gave him a normal hug.

"Are we really still alive?"

Deng Xunhui asked in disbelief, and the rest of the people also looked at Zhang Yi with the same eyes, which was very obvious and wanted an accurate answer.

"Of course, do you think I will be so happy to talk to you when I die?"

Zhang Yi answered with a positive answer of course. Originally, he wanted to tease these guys, but considering that they had suffered such a heavy blow, there was no need to fall into the pit.


One or two heard that they were still alive. Suddenly, countless people hugged each other and cried to vent their devastated mood.


A cat's surprise cry sounded, and then Xue Ni suddenly came to Zhang Yi's side and licked his cheeks with her tongue very affectionately, looking excited.

"Oh, it's all drooling. Girls should be more reserved!"

Zhang Yi reminded awkwardly that she was rude to this cat again, but she enjoyed this feeling. Do you have that kind of bad hobby? Oh, definitely not!