Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 80 Xueni Speaks


Xuni bowed her head and looked very shy, but she still rubbed Zhang Yi's arm with her body very affectionately.

"Why do I feel that Sunny has changed? I really can't say what exactly is for a moment.

Looking at Xue Ni's performance, Luo Ting, who was sitting in the suspended car, said with eyebrows.

"It has indeed changed, more spiritual, and even faintly human nature!"

As the closest Ji Tianxue, she knows Xueni better than anyone else.

"Yes, what about Phoenix?"

He has been talking very little, and Hao Yingjun, who seems to be very honest, asked abnormally this time, looking very anxious.

"I'm just waiting for them, and they haven't come out yet!"

Zhang Yi said with a smile. In fact, he is also very worried. He is always a little unsteady when he doesn't see people. It's good to have such a sister, and he is used to it. Of course, he also understands that what Hao Yingjun cares about is a girl like Hu Li. It seems that this simple and honest guy is really affectionate!

"Ah... I haven't come back yet!"

Although it should have been thought of for a long time, after all, there are still a few phoenix claw members standing here. Hao Yingjun was very disappointed and bowed his head sadly.

"But they should be fine. The woman said that they were not dangerous and seemed to have received great benefits. It took about seven days to come out."

Zhang Yi couldn't bear to see this simple guy sad, so he had to pat him on the shoulder and tell him what he knew.

Really? Isn't it a lie?"

Hao Yingjun raised his head, his eyes flashed with a different color, and he was so excited that he couldn't believe it. Seeing Hao Yingjun's current performance, Deng Xunhui and his group of people smiled helplessly. It seemed that they were really too deeply involved!

"They are my people. Do you think I can not worry about them? By the way, where did you get the weapons in your hands? And don't you remember that you all?"

Zhang Yi smiled helplessly. Sure enough, the IQ of men and women in love will decline. Looking at all kinds of cold weapons in everyone's hands, Zhang Yi pretended to be curious and asked.

"Haha...that's great, my fox is fine!"

Hao Yingjun, like a child, began to jump and shout happily, and then suddenly found that he was wrong. How could he do this, so he covered his mouth awkwardly and looked black and red and eager to find a seam to get in.


The embarrassing and lovely appearance made everyone laugh.

"Cough... Let me tell you, we all thought we were dead, but when we woke up and another huge room appeared, all the injuries were magically healed. At this time, the terrible woman appeared and took out a lot of such weapons and let us choose one we like. Finally, she was sent out inexplicably. I still don't know how it came out.

Deng Xunhui said with a wry smile, and he is still confused and can't figure it out.

"So that's it!"

Zhang Yi nodded and looked at these confused guys, feeling a little funny, not far from what he imagined.

"Bear by the way, you seem to have come out a long time ago. Let's talk about what you have gained."

Deng Xunhui asked curiously. She noticed that Zhang Yi fell from the sky, and there was no plane in the sky. How did she get down? It's impossible for him to really become an immortal!

"Like you, the only thing is that you didn't die once and take one more weapon!"

Zhang Yi smiled helplessly and said that some things were really better to hide.

Then everyone chatted with each other for a long time, and then dispersed and began to walk to their homes. As for Lu Chuan and his group of people, Zhang Yi and others were not embarrassed and let them leave like this.

"Okay, they are all gone, and now our secrets can be exposed!"

After all of them left and disappeared from sight, Zhang Yi looked at the girls in front of him and said mysteriously.

"Wow... so beautiful, is this a car or an aircraft?"

The girls were stunned by the sudden floating car and screamed one after another.

"This is a secret between us. I hope you can keep it a secret! The door has been opened, all go in!"

Zhang Yi said with a smile that it was not surprising that he had such behavior for these girls. If he had not experienced such an adventure, he would have had the same performance.

"We are all going in for such a small car?"

The girls asked uncertainly.

"Of course, you will know when you go in!"

Zhang Yi said a little, hey, this is my car. We also have a car now, and it's still a suspended car!

"Ah... is it so big? So spacious, it looks so luxurious and advanced!"

The girls came in and were surprised to see the very sci-fi thing in front of them.

"This is the last reward for us not dying. It is called a suspended car, and the power source is nuclear energy."

Luo Ting quickly smiled and explained that there was no need to hide it from her own people.

"It seems that we are really the biggest winners!"

The crisp and pleasant female voice sounded, and everyone was stunned when they heard this. Where did such a beautiful little girl's voice come from?

"No way!"


Everyone suddenly looked at Xue Ni lying on the sofa in horror, and her mouths all turned into O-shaped.

"Hee... Sister Cher, I can also talk!"

As expected, Xueni rushed to Ji Tianxue's side and said happily, while rubbing Ji Tianxue's arm with her head affectionately.

"Ah...Xuni, can you really talk?"

Ji Tianxue held Xue Ni's big head in surprise and still didn't dare to ask for sure, which was incredible.

"Well, really, I can also chat with you in the future!"

Xuni said with tears and excitement.

"Wow! That's great. Our Shennie can talk!"

Luo Ting also ran over in surprise and hugged Xue Ni and said.


Zhang Yi really didn't know what to say for a moment, but he just approached and touched the smooth and soft hair on Xue Ni's body.

"Hey, big perverts don't allow me, don't you know if men and women can't accept it clearly?"

Xingni suddenly jumped up and said strangely.

"Ah... then you... then you..."

Zhang Yi was stunned and pointed to Xue Ni and was interrupted by her savage before she half said it.

"No nonsense, dare you dare to say that I broke your little brother, hum..."

Xue Ni shouted domineeringly, very much like the coquettish voice of a little girl, and there was no lethality to hear it.


Hearing Xue Ni's words, everyone covered their mouths and laughed secretly. In the end, they couldn't help laughing, but Zhang Yi was bitter and looked aggrieved.

"Okay, tell your sister how you can talk, okay?"

Ji Tianxue's words immediately solved Zhang Yi's embarrassment.

"It was Killing Ji who asked me to soak in the pool for three days and took three very sweet pills. When I woke up, I not only felt much stronger, but also became smarter. Now I seem to understand what I didn't understand before, and I can talk, so I'm so happy that I can finally talk to my two sisters. Am I a monster?

Xuni said happily, but in the end, she was a little sad about what she thought of.

"Stupid girl, it's a good thing to be able to speak. You will always be my good sister Xue Ni. Whoever dares to say that you are a monster, I will kill him!"

Ji Tianxue said dotingly.

"Wow... Sister Xueer, you are so kind!"

X she actually cried like a child.

"Ha ha, we have shared joys and sorrows for so many years, and you have not abandoned me at that moment. Will my sister abandon you?"

Ji Tianxue stroked Xue Ni's hair and said softly.

"I know that my sister is the best. By the way, I can also practice. Can you teach me the Nine-turn Xuannu Heart Sutra?"

Seni suddenly thought of something and said eagerly.

"Okay, if you can learn it, I dare to teach it!"

Ji Tianxue was slightly stunned and said with a smile. At the same time, the rest of the people were also stunned. A mutant cat also needs to learn martial arts. Will it be called Kung Fu Cat in the future? The world is really crazy.

So in the next four days, except for dining and bathing, everyone sat in the suspended car and practiced silently while waiting for Miao Feng and others to come out. Xueni really learned the mind method of the Nine Heavenly Xuannu Heart Sutra, and her speech became more and more smooth, and the feeling of being a little stiff was quickly disappearing.

"Sister, they are out!"

Just when Zhang Yi and the others were about to lose their patience and wanted to break through, Miao Feng's heroic figure finally appeared outside.

"It's really nice of you to be fine!"

This time, Ji Tianxue came to Miao Feng as fast as possible and said happily with her little hand.

"Yes, it's good to see my sister again!"

Miao Feng rushed into Ji Tianxue's arms and sobbed in a low voice.

"Your temperament and breath have changed greatly. It seems that you have got a lot of benefits, right?"

Looking at the girls who have changed a lot in front of him, Zhang Yi smiled and said.

"Indeed, we have all got a lot of benefits. None of the eleven sisters have received a kind of inheritance, and we will never drag you back your brother-in-law and sister again!"

Miao Feng looked at Zhang Yi's eyes and said with a smile.

"Your performance is excellent, even perfect. You are all rare geniuses, but remember that only by meeting the requirements as soon as possible can you get a real inheritance, and this killing number can really be given to you. I hope to call your little master as soon as possible!"

Killing Ji appeared beside everyone out of thin air, stared at Miao Feng and nodded.

"Well... that day will come soon, and this killing is destined to belong only to me!"

Miao Feng raised her head and replied confidently and loudly.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news. This suspended car is for you. Remember that these two suspended vehicles are only the lowest, just used as a means of transportation. They don't have any fighting power. You can take care of yourself. I hope we can meet again soon. Goodbye!"

Kill Ji Yu waved her hand gently, and a suspension car flew to Miao Feng and stopped. After saying that, Killing Ji disappeared in an instant. At the same time, the huge killing number also disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a huge deep pit and crack that could not be seen at all. Such a huge thing had never appeared before!