Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 240 Showdown 6

"There will never be a chance to catch up with them!"

Hao Benfang now finds that no matter how hard he tries, it is difficult to catch up with Zhang Yi, and the original intention of unhance in his heart has disappeared. If you can't catch up, you can't catch up. What you do is yourself. Why compare with others? That's too tiring. Different personalities cast different thoughts. Compared with Hao's unrestrained, most people are always so free and unrestrained!

Why should we compare with others? That's too tiring. It's better to simply do it ourselves!"

Yao Hong leaned her head against her man's shoulder and smiled indifferently.

"Cough... Zhang Yi is indeed Zhang Yi. Originally, I thought I was strong enough, but I found it still difficult to beat you!"

The two can't remember each other. How many moves you have fought with me, and the armor on them has been tattered and can no longer be repaired. However, Xiang Yang's rags were more serious, and his body had been stained with blood. After coughing a few times, the scarlet blood gushed out of his mouth, but it was soon forcibly suppressed by him.

"Ha ha... On the contrary, I didn't expect that the person who had no power in my hands a few months ago could force me out so many cards now. Xiang Yang is worthy of being Xiang Yang. You are definitely one of my biggest opponents in this life!"

A little look at a few small scars on his body, Zhang Yi shrugged his shoulders, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. For a moment, I wondered whether I should seize the opportunity to get rid of Xiang Yang, a strong enemy, but then I let go of my eyebrows. Now it is not the best time to get rid of the other party, but the worst time.

If you are alone or just a family, it's easy to do. You don't have to care about any overall situation. As long as there is revenge, you can get rid of Xiang Yang now. But I am now the leader of a big force, and now is the most dangerous moment for the whole race.

No matter how much hatred Xiang Yang and himself are, the other party is still a member of human beings, and he is still extremely powerful. At this time when Gonglong people are rampant, Xiang Yang and others have shared a lot of pressure for themselves and others! If Xiang Yang is eliminated now, their forces will quickly collapse and be taken advantage of by those dinosaurs.

Once Xiangyang's forces are destroyed by the dinosaurs, it will be the fall of 230,000 lives! Don't say that they are kind-hearted, and don't care about the life or death of those people, but once these dinosaurs lose the containment of Xiang Yang and others, they will definitely eliminate the forces formed by Zhao Junjie and Hao Benfang and others with a thunderous momentum.

Once all these forces are eliminated, it is obvious that it will be your turn. If you are eliminated again, then almost the whole Chinese people can be regarded as a complete extermination. Then as the culprit, you may become the sinner of the whole ethnic group.

Zhang Yi doesn't care about the so-called reputation. After all, this thing can't be eaten. But I can't stand being a sinner of the whole ethnic group! You should know that in any case, you are a member of this group. This is the place where you are born and raised yourself. In any case, this minimum book and root cannot be forgotten and cannot be erased!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi suppressed Xiang Yang's murderous intention and tried to calm down and temporarily remove and suppress hatred as much as possible, but Xiang Yang did not know that for a moment, he walked around the ghost gate without his knowledge.

"Ha ha... Everyone has good luck. How about you and I'm going to make the final move now?

Xiang Yang stared at Zhang Yi like a scorching sun, and asked loudly like a bell and a long rainbow.

"Good! As you wish, let me see how strong you are now!"

Hearing Xiang Yang's words, Zhang Yi's eyes burned with fighting spirit, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Hearing Zhang Yi's answer, Xiang Yang immediately operated all the remaining forces in his body. The forces in his body suddenly surged out like a torrent, and the power of yang was injected into the power of flames, quickly fused together, and then changed the surrounding environment through magnetic support to change the most suitable attack method. At the same time, silk sword power also began to be born at this time.

With the birth of sword power, Xiang Yang's whole brain fell into an ethereal state, felt the subtle sword power, and then carefully observed. A trace of mysterious perception was integrated into the moves. Suddenly, a sword sound resounded through the world. Looking at the sword in everyone's hands outside, he actually trembled slightly at this time. And the sound of the sword resonating with it.

"I actually understood the meaning of the sword at this time. Sure enough, I am a genius, but if you have the meaning of sword, don't I have the meaning of the sword? Then let's see if it's your pure sword spirit or my sword spirit!"

He muttered to himself that Zhang Yi here was suddenly ethereal. At this time, his whole body seemed to become a peerless knife, and the horrible and violent murderous spirit surged out. Suddenly, in addition to the cold, hot and violent breath, the breath had a bloodthirsty cold air. A pair of originally black and white eyes also turned bloodthirsty blood red.


On the stand, the knives in the hands of countless people also made a creepy cry, as if they were afraid of a terrible bloodthirsty overlord.

With the deepening of Xiang Yang's perception and the complete relaxation of the whole body and mind, and at the same time stimulating all the potential in the body, outside the original breath momentum, a like a king's spirit began to appear and became more and more condensed, resulting in a king's momentum, which slowly merged with the fire god momentum, and then The momentum of Mount Tai crushes the wings.

seemed to feel provocation, and the momentum in Zhang Yi's body was also stimulated at this time. With the sound of the illusory sound of dragon singing, a domineering breath of domineering combined with Longwei, forming a unique domineering momentum and facing it crazily with a destructive hegemony.

If the move hasn't come out, it will move first. The collision of the peak momentum of the two began at this moment, and the whole industrial city suddenly shook because of this, and the invisible boundary began to appear countless cracks like spider webs, which were about to break like broken glass.

"Daw, how can these two little bastards have such a horrible king and hegemony so quickly? I have to do it again, otherwise many people here will have to play. Hey! Old people have a hard life!"

With a sigh, an invisible force enveloped everyone in an instant, and the boundary that was about to collapse was also quickly healed and strengthened.

"These two kids are good. In the end, no matter who wins the final victory, they all well-declaimed and the luck of the whole human race! But you people, hey... can anyone really be lucky? Perhaps all the creatures born on this planet are actually a kind of misfortune, a disaster-prone planet... I hope that this time with the joint efforts of both inside and outside, the outcome will change..."

"Ready to take the move, Wuyang Burning Sky..."

As Xiang Yang opened his eyes, the fire around him instantly condensed into five burning swords. The tip of the sword locked Zhang Yi to death, and the terrible heat wave became more and more intense, like a tsunami, and it seemed that it would completely devour Zhang Yi's whole person at any time.

"Come here... ten thousand ghosts..."

With Zhang Yi's explosion, countless hands held deadly long knives, and the horrible shadows like ghosts and dragons suddenly appeared. A horrible yin gas instantly injected into the cold air. Everything in all the lower space behind Zhang Yi was completely frozen, but above was the horrible and warm flame.



In the dull eyes of countless people, two people roared at the same time, and five indestructible swords shot out like lasers. Dozens of horrible ghosts also displayed horrible knives to meet the sword at the same time. Then everyone saw countless sword shadows and ghosts fighting together. In an instant, no one could see whether the two sides had only made one move or thousands of moves.

With the sound of countless crackling explosions and all the visions and forces disappeared, only the two opposing people in the field looked at each other from a distance.


In everyone's surprised eyes, the only armor left on Xiang Yang's body turned into countless fragments and bounced down, followed by 360 degrees of blood spray all over his body. From top to bottom, from left to right, and from front to back, Xiang Yang's head was all bloody knife wounds.

That's not to mention that. Although the terrible flame power was forcibly dispersed by itself, the cold power still swept around, and the whole body was as painful as thousands of knives. The meridians in the body were also destroyed at this time, and I still clearly remember that if it hadn't been for Zhang Yi's last knife stabbing in his heart, his life would have ended.

"I lost. Why did I stop in the end and never suffer?"

Now Xiang Yang, who is more miserable and miserable than a beggar, keeps trembling and relies on willpower to barely stand, still unwilling to kneel or fall down. His face was full of bitterness, and he asked in a faint reluctant voice. He didn't understand why the other party let go of such a good opportunity.

"Because you can't die yet!"

After completely smashing the tattered armor, Zhang Yi now has only a few sword wounds on his body, which is many times better than Xiang Yangming's eyes. There is no superfluous words, just such a simple sentence as an answer.

In fact, he will die in his heart and is unwilling to let go, but many times people are very helpless and can't just be happy for a while. The last time Xiang Yang was released, it was the same without killing Zhao Junjie. This time, Xiang Yang and Zhao Junjie were released at the same time. This may be the difference between big people and small people!