Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 241 Industrial Ship

"Ha ha... Congratulations, lucky and well-deable little guy, you won the final victory. From now on, this industrial city will belong to you for the time being!"

At the moment when Xiang Yang wanted to say something else, the old man came to Zhang Yi and said with a kind smile.

"Does it belong to me for the time being? Why?"

Hearing the word temporary, Zhang Yi suddenly felt a burning feeling of anger, but he immediately forcibly suppressed his inner anger and asked in a deep voice. Nima Laozi worked hard and almost sacrificed his brothers' lives. Unexpectedly, he got a temporary one, so it's useless!

"Ha ha... It's very simple, because the planet can only have one owner in the end, and the final winner can get all nine industrial cities and the whole planet. It's not impossible for you to have it forever, but you must be the final winner. The loser will either die or not be qualified to have it. Even if you have it before, it will be taken back.

"Of course, what you use to make yourself in the industrial city is not within the final recycling range, so what to do, with your ingenuity, should you understand? Well, there are too many words. I guess it's because it's too old and has existed for too long. It's better to cure your injuries first and restore your strength at the same time. There is still a war waiting for you outside.

After the old man finished speaking, a pair of old palms like dry branches slightly raised an invisible force and suddenly poured into the bodies of Zhang Yi and Xiang Yang like a tide. He saw that the injuries of the two were recovering quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the power in their bodies was also recovering like lightning.

"Now it's your turn!"

After helping Zhang Yi and Xiang Yang, the old man began to recover for the injured members who watched, including Hao Benfang, Zhao Junjie and others.

"Okay, now, except for the people on the winner's side, the rest of you will be transmitted by me immediately. Get ready for the war!"

As soon as the voice fell, except for Zhang Yi's people, the rest of the people suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"This is the whole city. In fact, it can also be called spacecraft, warships, spacecraft, etc., and the real name of our owner in that era was indeed called it an industrial ship, which means a ship specially used for manufacturing, and it is a flying ship."

"Here is all the scientific and technological information except imperial secrets, including production methods, etc., and almost everything you want to know, including planting, biology, chemistry, etc. The most important thing is that there are all kinds of intelligent robots used to make any items, weapons and equipment.

"They do not have the authority to assist you in fighting now, but they can make any belongings. Of course, the prerequisite is that you have relevant materials. As long as you have materials, they can make spaceships, combat robots, clothes, food and everything else for you. Of course, except for the technology of * people, because it is forbidden by order of the empire.


After the old man crackled a lot, and then let the whole industrial ship's main brain recognize Zhang Yi, the massive basic information about the industrial ship suddenly poured into Zhang Yi's mind like a tide. It was not until about an hour later that Zhang Yi woke up.

The first thing after Zhang Yi woke up was to open the relevant authority of Miao Feng, Deng Xunhui and others, so that they could know everything they could know about the industrial ship. After the arrangement was made, Zhang Yi finally began to sort out the massive information in his mind.

Only then did I understand that the old man was originally the general manager and guardian of the ship. He was a strange life created. In view of the fact that there is no life energy and soul between human and mechanical life, he has his own independent thinking and can live like a human for a long time.

also understands why this ship was previously called an industrial city by Nirvana 9, which is really good, because the existence of this kind of ship is actually for manufacturing. As long as you have enough relevant materials, you can command the millions of robots in it to make all the items and equipment you have in any materials.

Small as large as screws, as large as a kilometer-long and 10,000-long huge spacecraft and warships can produce simple paper, towels and other daily necessities, as well as complex robots comparable to real people. It can be said that this is a huge ship that makes everything, and it is estimated that it can make everything except the cosmic planet.

Why is it huge? From the outside, the whole ship is only a few kilometers long, but its internal space is so large that it is beyond imagination, reaching hundreds of thousands of meters in horizontal and vertical diameter, which is no different from any big city on earth. Moreover, it has a beautiful environment and pleasant air, with almost all the facilities except military.

Of course, the most exciting thing here is to directly give a foundation that can make everything, and also to provide a thousand practice rooms for training. This advanced practice room can not only provide the powerful aura nuclear energy needed by itself and others, but also provide virtual arenas, physical energy opponents, etc., which can cultivate the powerful existence of countless masters in a short time.

Although the entire industrial ship cannot provide combat support, it can carry out autonomous defense, and can fly and move at any time, and can dock anywhere, which is extremely convenient. There are also other powerful functions that need to be powerful. Zhang Yi has no time to look at it carefully, but as far as he knows, it has made him ecstatic. It seems that this struggle is finally not in vain. It is absolutely worth it!

Then Zhang Yi couldn't wait to take a small warship, take Miao Feng and other key personnel, and began to visit. They were suddenly like children, and they were excited to discuss all the new things they saw, especially all kinds of professional robots, so that everyone was finally big. Open your eyes.

These robots with different functions, sizes, shapes and materials really subvert all the imagination in everyone's mind. There are giant robots dozens of meters high, and some are small enough to be seen clearly with a magnifying glass. Some are shaped like people, some are ants, some are like centipede and so on.

Some materials are made of metal, some are made of plastic, and some are purely energy bodies, which are dazzling and dazzling. As for other auxiliary equipment, machinery, etc., it is even more amazing, especially everyone who has intelligence that is not inferior to the human brain, and everything can be truly and completely automated.

As for the relevant supporting facilities in life, it makes people feel like they are in a dream. If you want to eat, you only need one sentence. As long as you have the materials, there will be relevant robots to make the most nutritious and delicious food for you. If you are tired of what to do, it is easy to give a command to a masseuse, and there will be a professional beautiful robot to serve you immediately.

I really can't sleep by myself. I can find relevant robots to hypnotize you, even *. As for men who don't have a girlfriend or wife, what kind of life they need, there are beautiful robots that are completely different from real people to meet your physiological needs. Of course, women can also get relevant services, provided that you need it!

Seeing all kinds of incomparable services suddenly excited countless coquettish young people. This is simply perfect and incredible. How happy people living in that era should be! Especially those single children's shoes, their eyes are now shining with strange light, and happiness has fallen...

In a word, only you can't imagine, and there's nothing they can't do. All the details of life will be arranged for you, from eating, dressing, sleeping, wiping sweat to pooping and wiping your buttocks, etc., as long as the owner needs it, you can get relevant services.

"This is a truly perfect life. It's better than those so-called immortals. I envy the owners of these guys!"

"Haha... Xiao Huang, it is said that you are still a virgin. This time, you can have sex. Brothers will let you enjoy it first!"

"Go, you perese!"

"Ouch... Look at the blush!"

"Wow... Sister, how handsome that male robot is. It's simply a perfect sex partner. Why don't you try it?"

"Well, you little girl, how dare you make out of me? I think it's you*. Do you want it? Oh, it's all wet!"

"Oh! Don't **, gurg... It's so itchy!"

"Ouch... admit that you**, it's itchy?"

"Wow... I really want to try it!"


Seeing this, everyone began to sigh and joked with each other.

"Cough... If you need it, I will give you some permissions after everything is dealt with. Now let's continue to visit!"

Looking at some men and women who have been holding for too long, Zhang Yi smiled bitterly. This normal need is understandable as a modern person. Even when I see the enchanting and beautiful existence, I can't control it. There will be evil thoughts in my heart. I really want to try it, not to mention them? As for those girls or women, it's normal to have some thoughts in the face of such a perfect-looking opposite sex, which is much better than using sticks, vegetables and so on!

"Oh, what's wrong with you coming here at this time?"

Seeing the old man suddenly come to everyone, Zhang Yi immediately asked doubtfully.

"Your people are being besieged outside. Do you need to rescue them? Decide for yourself. This is the current timely image outside!"

After the old man finished speaking, the picture outside suddenly appeared in front of everyone.