Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 248 Saving 6

"Damn, these are the legendary monsters or demons!"

Seeing that Kracillin was about to rush in front of Zhang Yi and others, he looked up and saw the army of birds and monsters in the sky. Suddenly, he was furious, and the most frightening thing still happened.

He can't tell the difference between monsters and demons, but he knows that almost all of them live together, and demons can control and suppress most monsters. Originally, monsters and demons, like themselves, can be regarded as branches of beasts.

But there is a big difference. The way of growth and cultivation between people is completely different. Dinosaurs evolved and mutated from dinosaurs for countless years, and finally formed today's three families of dinosaurs, representing the kings of land, sea and air. The rise of dinosaurs is actually the same as that of other races. It is a process full of endless killing.

If you want your own race to dominate the earth at that time, you must eliminate all obstacles and let countless other creatures extinct. There is no way, and there is no right or wrong. It is all for the survival and reproduction of your own race. There is nothing to say about this, and every race is such a rising process.

However, in the process of the rise of dinosaurs and dinosaurs, they encountered fierce resistance from several races, even bloody fighting. Among them, there were countless demons and monsters that had a long history and even more time than dinosaurs.

During the most powerful period of dinosaurs and dinosaurs, of course, they relied on their strong combat power and finally swept all their opponents, including monsters and demons, and finally allowed the whole dinosaurs to dominate the world for hundreds of millions of years, causing other races to exterminate or withdraw from the historical dance. Taiwan.

At that time, monsters and demons also had to hide for the sake of race reproduction because they could not defeat the dinosaurs that were already powerful at that time, and many of them even went to another space. Yes, as long as almost all their defeated races are not exterminated, they rely on strong means to hide or flee to other planets and spaces.

Although they temporarily fled, it does not mean that they have given up their hatred. You know, it is a revenge for extermination. I don't know how many billions of ethnic groups died under each other's claws and were finally expelled from their resistant hometown. Is this hatred so easy to resolve? Who can be willing?

This is also true. These surviving races, who were hidden at that time, finally returned to revenge in the great changes of heaven and earth after hundreds of millions of years, so the devastating terror war began. According to the inheritance records, the war can be said to have darkened the sun and the moon, and the whole world was beaten to pieces, and finally led to the separation and collapse of the continent.

This war is really terrible. Countless ethnic groups have been exterminated, and the earth does not know how many layers have been overturned. I don't know how much blood has been shed, and how many mountains and rivers the bones can be piled up. At that time, their own ethnic group had trillions, and the dinosaurs driven by them were unknown.

As other races that also retaliate against their own ethnic groups, we don't know how many billions of dollars have been invested in this war, because the number is so large that no one can count them. The war was too fierce. At the most fierce moment of the war, the daily casualties were calculated in hundreds of millions.

Because of the war all over the world, almost all the top masters of the participating races are participating in the final battle, and the result is the final collapse of the whole planet. Maybe it's a causal cycle. In the end of the war, the dinosaurs were defeated. Fortunately, the great high priest at that time seemed to have expected this step long ago.

At the end of the war, they used the power of dozens of top masters of the ethnic group to sacrifice their lives to open up the underground world, and transferred all the most talented group of the young generation to the geocentric world, which finally saved their descendants. At the same time, it also predicted the arrival of this era, which is the only chance for their ethnic group to come back.

There is no doubt that race wars are always the most cruel. As the defeated dinosaurs, those who have not been able to transfer to the geocentric world have certainly suffered a devastating blow to the rest of the victors. As they have done, all their civilization and related messages have been completely destroyed by the victorious side.

Even all traces of their existence have been completely erased, which means that even archaeological scientists can't find any evidence about the existence of dinosaurs, so the humans and demons behind them only know the existence of dinosaurs, and they don't know the existence of dinosaurs who drive and enslave dinosaurs at all.

Racial hatred between demons, human races and dinosaurs, no matter which side opens their memory, they are immortal. Fortunately, human beings can't remember these hatreds because history has been tampered with and erased. But monsters and demons are different, and they may not remember at ordinary times.

But once you have wisdom and see the target at the same time, this inheritance memory flowing in the blood talent will awaken. Even if you fail to wake up, once you encounter the subconscious hostility formed in the blood of the other party, it will occur, so the hostile relationship is almost absolutely doomed.

Of course, some people will say that humans are actually hostile to demons. Why do demons or monsters still cooperate with humans? This has to be fundamentally said, that at the beginning, in fact, there was no so-called hatred between human beings and demons, but for some special reasons, such as the war between racial power for interests and power, which directly affected the following and future generations.

The biggest reason is that the human race began to be born late, because of the congenital weakness of physique, bloodline, talent, etc., which led to the weakness of the whole human race at the beginning. Then, because of the strong learning and creative ability of human beings, human beings slowly rose.

You should know that in the early days, because human beings were too weak, they were bullied by monsters, demons and other races, and even treated as food, livestock, etc. With the strength of human beings and the wisdom far beyond many other races, it was inevitable to resist and compete for territory, so there were various wars and grudges later.

Even so, the relationship between Chinese people and demons and monsters is still extremely complex, and no one can cut the relationship between each other. Of course, the reason is not only the competition between them, but also because they have to cooperate and form alliances to deal with strong enemies in order to survive.

It's okay to say that you can distinguish between kindness and resentment once or twice, but from ancient times to the present, when this kind of cooperation is followed by falling out, there are too many, and the more complicated the relationship between them will be, not to mention each other because After the transformation of monsters and demons, they have a relationship with human marriage.

So later, the difference between human beings and monsters and demons is actually only the gap between appearance and races, resulting in various small grievances and contradictions. It is not nonsense that people must be different from ours. This is the kind of vigilance and defense that can be applied to any race and other races. The heart, and it exists subconsciously.

Therefore, there is no absolute hatred between human beings and monsters and demons, which is one of the reasons why the so-called demon emperor is willing to look for the face of Huang Fengjiao and become an ally with Zhang Yi. Because everyone has the same enemies such as mutant mantis and dinosaurs, and they are still the kind of sworn enemies, which can't be resolved at all.

Therefore, after these birds and monsters joined the battlefield, the hatred hidden in the blood was stimulated, and they continued to attack and kill the dinosaur army with their most powerful offensive, making the already defeated dinosaur army even worse.

"Look, those birds have helped, brothers, we are also on. Aren't we as good as those beasts? Kill..."

Hao Benan, who saw the blood boiling in the distance, the factor of the belligerent elements played a role at this time. At the same time, because of the bloody hatred, he didn't want to let go of the opportunity to beat the water dog now. What's more, because he has been sure that it was Zhang Yi and others, he was also more reluctant to see his brother in order to save himself and others, and Fight alone.

"Brothers, let's kill, come with me..."

Xiang Yang also reacted immediately. Now that they are saving you, you are not in danger. You are watching the play next to him. He can't do such a thing, so after hearing Hao Ben's unrestrained shouting, he immediately responded.


"Let's go..."


Suddenly, the sound of killing was shocking, and someone took the lead. No matter what everyone had in mind, they had to bravely keep up with the army at this time. After all, after experiencing so much, no matter who's heart is full of blood, it has long been stimulated.

"Damn it, they have already targeted Zela screws, and they all stopped them with me!"

With a bitter and sad face, Kracilin found that Miao Feng and others actually began to chase in the direction of Zela's screw. Suddenly, he was anxious. After a roar, he rushed to Miao Feng and others like an arrow from the string.

Where are you going? Your opponent is me!"

It has long been found that Kracillin may be Zhang Yi behind the head. He has been paying attention to his actions and is also approaching quickly. At this time, he found that the other party's goal was to intercept Miao Feng and others. He immediately guessed the general intention of the other party, so he rushed up directly and cut him with a knife. The other party stopped here!