Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 249 Saving 7

"Hmm...looking for death!"

In the face of Zhang Yi, who waved a long knife to kill, Kracillin was furious, and the long gun in his hand suddenly hit him fiercely.

"What? How is that possible?"

At the same time, both sides have regressed, and no one has taken advantage of it, which makes them very confident in their own strength. Human beings are too weak, and Kracillin, who has no one enemy, is completely unbelievable.

"You creatures that should have been extinct and can only exist in the river of time can appear. What else is impossible? I didn't expect you to understand Chinese, but it made me a little impressed.

Fee that he was no weaker than the other party by himself, which immediately increased Zhang Yi's confidence, although the other party's size and weapons were really scary. Of course, it was also a little shocking. After all, I used almost 80% of my strength, and the other party was just a hurried blow. In this regard, it was obvious that the other party had an advantage over the individual power.

"Can't you understand if you kill a few more Chinese people? What's so difficult about this? If you want to exterminate us, let me exterminate you today!"

Worried that Zela's screw would be caught up by Miao Feng and others, Cla Xilin was extremely anxious and endured *'s heart. Just halfway through the voice, the long gun was like a poisonous snake spitting out letters, stabbing Zhang Yi, and instantly covering Zhang Yi's whole body in the light of the gun.

"Good luck!"

Facing such a powerful dinosaur man for the first time, Zhang Yi was a little excited. He waved the long knife fearlessly, spawned the hell magic knife to the extreme and chopped it head-on.

"Would you like to run? Get rid of me, there's no way!"

What shocked Zhang Yi was that he had just collided with the tip of the other party's gun and bounced back from each other. Kracillin actually took the opportunity to jump and his huge body jumped high in the direction of Miao Feng. After a short period of shock, Zhang Yi snorted coldly, and Tenglong's steps immediately unfolded, and instantly caught up with Kraxilin, and the two sides suddenly fell into a entanglement.

When Zhang Yi dragged Kracillin, Deng Xunhui and others had already discovered the movement of these high-level generals of dinosaurs, and all rushed up to intercept most of them who wanted to support. However, the advantages above the number of the other party are still not comparable to their own side, and dozens of them still catch up.

I have to say that although Zhang Yi and others are completely against the trend in terms of power compared with dinosaurs, they have greatly surpassed each other in terms of speed and sensitivity. In a short time, Miao Feng and other women who fought all the way have caught up with dinosaurs such as Zela screws, and everyone started.

The strong combat power of the Feng killing members once again shows that the personal defense of Zela's screw is not the opponent of this group of girls at all. He can only try to drag Miao Feng and others and create time for Zela's screw to escape. And Zela screw is now fully aware of the situation. Obviously, he can't compete with the other party now, so he has to escape desperately, but he is tightly glued by Miao Feng.

Zela's screw is indeed very powerful. In addition, it has not been entangled with Miao Feng at all. While resisting Miao Feng's attack, he escaped quickly. Similarly, Miao Feng was also upset. Every time she was about to kill the Zella screw, she was entangled by the rest of the dinosaurs, thus losing one good opportunity after another.

"Go to hell! Duan Yue!"

Finally, Miao Feng burst out with the unbearable dinosaur man who was constantly pestering her. The fierce knife skill with a horrible gray flame and a frightening smell of death, turned into a knife net and enveloped more than a dozen dinosaurs in an instant.

Then in the panic and painful howl of the dinosaur man, on the knife marks on his body, the gray-white flame burned crazily and quickly expanded its wound. At the same time, other places that had not been injured were actually wrapped in a layer of horrible ice. The whole looked strange and horrible, in just dozens of seconds. These dinosaurs turned into ashes.

Miao Feng finally showed the powerful power she gained from the abyss of death in front of the world for the first time, and the terrible fire of death will accompany her long-lasting reputation. When these dinosaurs turned into ashes, the flames that were still burning seemed to become more powerful and horrible, and were taken back and sucked into the body by Miao Feng.

" are a demon!"

Seeing this horrible scene, Zela screw can no longer describe what she saw in front of her. This human woman wrapped in beautiful armor is one of the most horrible beings she has seen so far in her life, especially the gray flame that makes her dead, an unspeakable Fear began to spread in the heart.

"Ha ha... what if it's a devil? You picked up all this. Since you dare to pick it up, you have to pay for it and die!"

There are not many words. Knowing that the longer the time goes on, the bigger the change will be. At the moment of speaking, she secretly gathers strength again. At the moment before the voice falls, she brazenly launches an attack and must kill the dinosaur man in front of her.


Feel the horror of Miao Feng's blow, and he had no possibility of running away or dodging. Zela's decisive decision to fight to the end with the other party and suddenly roared. The terrible strength formed by force, accompanied by the stone knife in his hand, met Miao Feng's knife with the sound of sharp air friction.


With a loud noise, Miao Feng flew back more than ten meters away, which could not stop her body. Zela's screw took two big steps back, and the power was obviously dominant, but the big knife in his hand was ignited by the gray horrible flame and was quickly spreading towards his arm, which immediately frightened Zelar's screw.

It's so horrible that this damn flame can burn her weapon. At the same time, the cold death on her face also made her extremely afraid, and in addition, the strange flame faintly appeared countless horrible illusions. Fortunately, he was firm-willed, clear-headed, and instantly dispersed the horrible vision in his mind.

Knowing that he was no longer Miao Feng's opponent at all, he threw the big knife in his hand directly at Miao Feng like a spear, but he turned around and ran away desperately. After rushing out more than a dozen steps, he found a pterosaur not far away, so he used his dragon control talent.

"It's so decisive!"

Miao Feng was very impressed by the decisiveness of the Zela screw. She dodged the horrible knife, took back the flame on it, and rushed up again. At this time, she found that the Zela screw had jumped on the back of the pterosaur, and the pterosaur carrying the Zela screw was about to fly to the sky.

"Do you think you can escape in this way?"

A sneer appeared at the corners of Miao Feng's mouth. A long bow and an arrow appeared in her hand, and then the beautiful bow shot in one breath. The flame arrow with a gray-white breath of death suddenly roared out and disappeared into the pterosaur's abdomen in an instant. Then with the fear of the pterosaur, its body began to burn.


The frightened Zela screw had to curse and jump off the pterosaur. She knew that the horror of the flame was not able to resist it at all.

Seeing Zela's screw jumping off the back of the pterosaur, it immediately made Miao Feng breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that her archery has not deteriorated by chance! However, when they wanted to catch up, the dinosaur generals who came to support Zela's screw have blocked Miao Feng's way forward and once again provided Zela's screw with a chance to escape.

"No, Feng'er is entangled!"

At the first time, I found that Miao Feng was entangled Zhang Yi, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. There was no need to stay. The whole person was suddenly surrounded by hot flames, and the surrounding air was distorted by the sudden terrible high temperature.

"Wan Ghost Style"

The strongest knife skill that can be used at present was used by Zhang Yi at this time. With a series of strange ghost calls and illusory ghosts, Zhang Yi, who held the knife in both hands turned into countless virtual shadows and killed Kracillin.

At the same time, in Kracillin's eyes, there was a panic, because there were countless ghosts in front of him. Knowing that it was illusory, he still frightened his heart and forcibly dispersed it, but he found that the terrible enemy in front of him instantly turned into countless fire shadows, making himself unable to distinguish between true and false.

Fortunately, Kracillin has experienced a lot of battles, and has seen many horrible and strange attack moves, and instantly understood the key, so he closed his eyes and relied only on his ears and perception to determine the direction of the other party. Suddenly, a horrible murderous atmosphere burst out, and the long gun was immediately stabbed out with the perception.

At this time, the corners of the mouth of the wings wrapped in the flames rose slightly, and a strong electric current bombarded out of the left hand. At the same time, he used seven stars to travel and strangely change the action trajectory in the air. In an instant, he came to the mid-air behind Kracillin and chopped down fiercely and silently.

At the same time, he was hit by the long gun by electric current, and then poured into the body from the long gun, which made his body painful and paralyzed. Because of a blow, Zexilin felt the terrible crisis from above him with a strong perception. After biting his tongue, the blood suddenly gushed out like a fountain. Under the intense pain, he instantly felt that the paralysis effect was reduced and his soul returned to its place.

Then he quickly turned around and blocked what he thought was the most dangerous route with a long gun. He was indeed a battlefield master who had experienced hundreds of battles. Unexpectedly, he did it right with his feelings and stood in front of Zhang Yi's blade.


However, Zhang Yi's knife is really terrible. In addition, the Furious Thunder itself is a famous knife, and its sharpness and hardness are far higher than the long gun in Zexilin's hand. Fortunately, the long gun in Jerseylin's hand was big enough, but it was still split by Zhang Yi's fierce blow. In an instant, Mars splashed everywhere, and the terrible heat wave hit in all directions.

Zhang Yi's knife finally cut on the other party's chest. The thick cortex left in an instant, and the terrible flame burst out completely.