Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 258 Zhenli, the strong gather

For 50 years, there has been a legend of demon hunting in the flood and famine.

He is cruel and easy to kill. As long as he meets a monster, he will fight first. After his body is bruised, he will kill the monster with storm-like power, skin them and cramp, raise the fire, and roast the monster meat.

In 50 years, the powerful demons and demon kings on the land went to Wuzhou Mountain one after another. It is said that there is a ladder leading to the outside of the sky for 33 days.

They all went to the grand event of the demon clan.

The demons left on the land are either uncivilized beasts or unshaped monsters. Even if there are big demons, there are not many. This situation gives Huang Xiaoyao a good opportunity to exercise.

Cruel, easy to kill, demon hunter, these labels are understandable in Huang Xiaoyao's view. He has never felt that he is such a person. To put it bluntly, he just protect himself without any psychological burden.

Will there be a psychological burden when killing chickens and ducks in the previous life? In the previous life, tigers ate people, and tigers did not have a psychological burden. This is the food chain, which is taken for granted.

The law of the jungle is the main theme of the famine.

Without the norms of moral civilization, the stronger the power, the stronger the desire, which also causes most demons to die under the fist of Huang Xiaoyao and become his food.

Roar! A hundred-foot demon bear stood upright, emitting a heavy breath, stepping on a stone pillar-like foot, the earth sank, and the ground shook.

Huang Xiaoyao stared at the bear demon, and his heart was solemn. This was the 100th demon he met, and also the most powerful demon. His cultivation was the same as that of the eagle demon in Kunlun Mountain. Moreover, this bear demon had a rough skin, infinite strength and unparalleled defense.

Fifty years is like a smoke cloud for the gas refiner, but for Huang Xiaoyao, it has been half a century. After 50 years of continuous fighting, he has been numb, taken off the kindness of his previous life and has more wildness.

Kill! His momentum soared, and an invisible force emanated from his body, and all the flowers and trees within 100 meters were smashed, as if they were a field.

This is the result of 50 years of cultivation. His true strength has been filled with flesh and bones. Moreover, through continuous fighting and guing the battle mode of the demon clan, his "All Beasts Zhenwu" has finally become its own system, which is completely different from the refiner and the demon way.

Absorb the essence of heaven and earth aura, strengthen the body, strengthen the skin, muscles and bones, which is called a strong state. This realm can endlessly strengthen the body, make the strength grow, and produce real strength. This realm makes his body a combat machine.

By constantly devouring the flesh and blood of monsters, he feels that there is a mysterious power in his blood. The source of this power comes from the heart, as if there is a source of power in the heart.

He has found the next realm of Wan Beast Zhenwu. As long as the mysterious power and Zhenjin in his blood are fully integrated, it will definitely produce qualitative change. This qualitative change will definitely make him find a way to compete with his magical power.

Boom! The two figures collided, and the 100-foot-high bear demon was like a mountain, but he was beaten by the yellow demon, but his magical power was earthy and his defense was very strong.

Wo! The bear demon was angry, and a pair of stone armor rose all over his body, full of spikes. The ground was full of stone pillars, turning into a field full of stones. This is the magic power of the bear demon.

Huang Xiaoyao is covered with scars, but this situation has been thousands of times and thousands of times. He no longer cares. He wants to maximize the strength in his blood, so he let himself be injured.

He jumped up, stepped on the top of the bear demon's head, punched it down, and interrupted a few spikes.

clicked, the bear demon screamed, and the head was burst open, and a fragrance emanated from it. A bear-shaped yuan god flew out of the head, carrying a drop of blood.

This is the gengod of the demon. That drop of blood contains his magical power, which was developed after Huang Xiaoyao killed 99 demons.

He devoured the blood, and the mysterious power in the blood became stronger and stronger, making his physical potential stronger and stronger. Whenever his body reached a bottleneck and his true strength no longer increased, he absorbed a drop of blood, which could break the bottleneck.

However, he felt that his blood had reached a limit, and the mysterious power was about to overflow, and some of it was combined with real strength to produce a more powerful force.

If a trace of real strength can make him exert his physical strength multiple times, then that new force can make him exert his physical strength hundreds of times.

Swallowing the drop of blood and the big demon genshen, an explosive force hit the body and entered the blood vessels, and some fragments of the genshen entered the soul, making him extremely comfortable.

Soul, he has not yet developed a method of cultivation. All he knows is that devouring the demon yuan god can make his mind clearer and his facial features more spiritual, just like his eyes, he can see things far away, like the eyes of the sky, and his ears can also hear the movements far away, just like the ears of the sky.

Boom! Inside his body, it was like thunder or a volcanic eruption, and he felt blood boiling all over his body.

Whistle! Suddenly, he made a roar and rose to the sky. The sound wave shattered the thick clouds, and a powerful power emanated. Within 1,000 meters, it was razed to the ground and the mountains were stoned into powder.

The skin all over the body once again turned into fragments, revealing the toned body, bronze color, muscles bulging, and an invisible force flowing between the skin and flesh, making a crackling sound.

Huang Xiaoyao took out a sharp animal horn, which is the one-horn of a cow. It is sharp as sharp as a spiritual weapon. He scratched hard on his hand and clicked. Under the action of an invisible force, the unicorn broke.

"Haha, yes, this is the real power. I feel that I can lift a mountain. This power is called true power. In this realm, I feel that there is great potential for development, which is related to whether I can understand the mystery of the soul!"

Huang Xiaoyao feels that his "All Beasts Zhenwu" has infinite potential, and every realm should complement each other, influence each other, and never end to the development of the body.

He doesn't know how powerful his power is now. He has a feeling that if he meets the demon clan at the peak of the big demon, he can kill him with one finger.

Moreover, he vaguely felt that his true power could resist the magic power, because this was produced by the combination of mysterious power and true power in the blood. He devoured so many demons' original blood, and his blood should contain the elements that make up the magical power.

The so-called road returns together, his true power should also be a means of using the power of heaven and earth. He feels that his blood can integrate any magical elements, and then organically combine to integrate into the true power to produce true power.

"It seems that we have to find a demon king to try!" After years of fighting, he has developed a belligerent character, especially practicing true martial arts, which makes him feel uncomfortable if he doesn't fight.

If you want to fight with the demon king, you have to go to Bzhou shan. However, there are many strong people in Bzhou shan, so you must be careful.


33 days.

Demon Emperor Jun and Eastern Emperor Taiyi sat in the demon palace. On both sides of them, there were still three equal-rowed thrones, with twelve demon saints under them, 108 demon kings, and countless demons.

For 33 days, the highest floor is the Demon Emperor Sky, the second floor is the Eastern Emperor Sky, the third floor is thewa Emperor Sky, the fourth floor is the Demon God Sky, the fifth floor is the Demon Master Sky, and the other layers of the sky have no names.

However, now there are hundreds of millions of demons in every day. Because of the special aura and high quality of 33 days, they don't want to leave after they come here. They find that the speed of cultivation here is faster.

The demon emperor Jun has ordered that if he wants to become the Lord of heaven, he must cultivate to the peak of the demon saint and become a demon lord.

Although this is difficult, it gives the demon clan a strong motivation and makes the demon clan strong emerge one after another.

"I'm ready!" Di Jun's words were a little excited.

"Brother, our goal is about to be achieved, hahaha, I didn't expect that after the infinite disaster, we have the greatest achievement!" The Eastern Emperor.

"Second brother, have you found the root of the demon hunter?"

"I asked the Lion Demon King to investigate. Brother, an ant figure, we don't have to worry about it. The sacrificial ceremony is about to begin. Let's prepare quietly!" East Emperor Tianyi.

"Well, it should be a spirit that doesn't know the thickness of heaven and earth, or it may also be a demon clan. If it is a demon clan, we can receive him. This kind of killing star is most suitable for the battlefield." Di Jundao.

The sacrificial ceremony is the prelude to the establishment of the heavenly court by Dijun and Emperor Taiyi, which must be done.

And it is very strict. You can't be sloppy. Otherwise, if there are defects, you will be defeated. If you want to establish the heavenly court, you must become the spokesperson of heaven and enjoy the fate of heaven.

Sacrifices require those spirits of heaven and earth that are closest to heaven and earth, such as mythical beasts, spiritual beasts, congenital spiritual roots, etc.

With the cultivation of Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, it is easy to gather these things.

Now it can be said that everything is ready but the east wind.

Suddenly, three powerful momentum came from afar, and a Wanzhangpeng rocked up to 90,000 miles. It flew from the north and instantly came to 333 to turn into a middle-aged man. Those eyes emitted the light of wisdom. The two fairies flew from the southeast on a thousand-leaf peony. They were powerful and full of momentum. The mysterious artistic conception; the most popular one is Fuxi. He stepped on a ten thousand dragons and shuttled through the clouds and fog.

"Hahaha, Kunpeng Taoist friends, Fuxi Taoist friends, Nuwa Taoist friends, welcome, Di Jun has prepared innate spiritual fruits and agar jade wine for you, please take a seat!" Di Jun said politely.

"The demon emperor is polite!" Kunpeng was extremely happy to see that the demon emperor put his name in front.

Fuxi and Nuwa did not give Di Jun face and ignored Di Jun, but looked at each other with a complicated expression.

"Wamei, how are you?" Fuxi's voice trembled a little.

"Brother Fuxi, I'm fine, how about you?" Nuwa's eyes were a little dodged.

Qin Qianye looked at her and was a little worried. She was afraid that Nuwa's heart would resurface and said, "Sister Nuwa, let's go in, demon emperor, where is the flower demon family?"

"It turns out that Taoist friends are also flower demons? No wonder I care so much about the flower demon family. I have gathered the flower demons to the 30th floor, which is named after Nuwa's Taoist friend, called Hua Huangtian! Several Taoist friends have their own layers of heaven, and each layer of heaven for 33 days has its own attributes. I also divide them according to the road of your cultivation, and there is no difference between high and low!" Di Jundao.