Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 259 Heavenly Standing, the Power of Heaven

"Creation and gestation, giving birth to all things, the divine rules of heaven and earth are the order of heaven and earth. Today, our emperor Jun Zhao told the world, in the name of the demon emperor, with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the demon master Kunpeng, the wareswa, the demon god Fuxi, on behalf of the heavenly palm ruler rule, establish the Honghuang Tianting, manage all spirits, standardize the order, and sacrifice!"

The voice of the demon emperor spreads to every corner of the world and enters the hearts of every creature.

Boom! A thunderstorm sounded in heaven and earth, containing infinite power of creation, and countless mysterious yellow gas condensed in 33 days.

A sense of pride rose in the hearts of every demon clan, the beasts were enlightened one after another, and those demon clans that had reached the bottleneck immediately broke through the realm.

"Hate! Hathoth!"

Three birds flew from the south, a fiery red rosefinch, a five-colored peacock and a golden-winged roc bird. They were extremely fast and thousands of miles in an instant.

"Who are you? Why did you interrupt the sacrificial ceremony?" The Eastern Emperor Taiyi was going to sacrifice the chaotic bell. If he hadn't been blocked by Di Jun, he would have gone. This is something he has been waiting for for a long time, and it can't be lost.

"Since the establishment of the heavenly court of the demon clan is a grand event for all demons, I, the rosefinch, represent the southern demon clan and also want to occupy a place in the heavenly court!" Rosefinch Road.

"Southern demons?" Di Jun and others were puzzled that three such powerful demon saints were born in the barren land in the south. They could see that the realm of the three rosefinch was not equal to theirs.

"Yes, don't think that only the eastern land has strong people. Our 100,000 mountains in the south are not bad. Since the demon emperor has established the Honghuang Tianting, it is necessary to establish an immortal Tianting covering the southeast and northwest of the flood. This is the real immortal achievement!" As soon as she remembered her words, two powerful figures suddenly flew from the northwest.

"I, the White Tiger, join the heavenly court on behalf of the Western demon clan!"

"I, Xuanwu, represent the northern demons and join the heavenly court!"

"Fad! Can you represent the demons in the north? Kunpeng said angrily. Originally, there were so many strong people who came out to share merit and virtues. He was already very angry. Now there is still a strong man who claimed to represent the northern demon clan and put him where to put him?

"Humph, Kunpeng, do you want to represent the northern demons? At best, you can only represent the Northern Sea!" Xuanwu is a rough man.

"Are you the old turtle in the Northern Sea?" Kunpeng said incredulously that he hid in his inner space to avoid the infinite disaster, and now this one is still alive.

"Old Kunpeng's egg!" Xuanwu hated others to call him an old turtle or a bastard. His whole body soared, and a powerful star force gathered in his fists and was about to bombard Kunpeng.

"Hahaha, Brother Xuanwu, do you want us to help? I promise to kill this fish!" The white tiger's fierce way, and a sharp white light rose from behind it.

"You two bastards, do you want to destroy the master's major event? Be careful, I'll tell the master!" Rosefinch Road.

"Oh, my sister can't use it. Don't tell the master, hey, demon emperor Taoist friends, what do you think of us?" Xuanwu said loosely, but his eyes narrowed into a crack.

Di Jun and others are solemn. Are these three strong men in front of them actually brothers? Is there any powerful power than them in the flood? How could you teach such a powerful apprentice?

But I was soon relieved that since they could avoid the disaster, others would certainly be able to avoid it, except for those chaotic demons.

If this is the case, if you don't agree to offend the strong man who is obviously stronger than them, it will not be worth the gains if he stops him. After thinking about it, Di Jun still feels that the advantages of joining this strong man outweigh the disadvantages. Although he feels a little aggrieved, he has no choice but to do nothing.

Di Jun thought so, but the Eastern Emperor Taiyi didn't think so. Kunpeng was also angry, but Fuxi and Nuwa didn't care.

In fact, Dijun is usually in charge of big things, but it does not mean that Dijun's cultivation is higher than that of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. When it comes to combat power, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has an innate treasure chaotic clock, which is more powerful than Dijun. However, Dijun has a river map and Luoshu, which is unparalleled in calculation.

When Zhuque and others saw Di Jun's face, they were immediately happy and said in their hearts that the master was really unparalleled. If he didn't come out, he would have reached the current situation and worshiped Huang Xiaoyao even more in their hearts.

This is indeed Huang Xiaoyao's real calculation. After he sent the rosefinch to Buzhou Mountain, the spirits of the four elephants awakened one after another. Huang Xiaoyao still felt that he had to send Baihu and Xuanwu to come in order to maximize the benefits in the heavenly court.

If only the rosefinch goes, Di Jun and others may not agree to join the heavenly court. After all, the rosefinch is a strong man they don't know. At that time, it is possible for them to unite to kill the rosefinch.

However, it is different when Xuanwu and Baihu come. They can not only reveal the identity of the same division, create a strong master behind them, make Di Jun and others worry, and occupy more luck in the heavenly court, which is very helpful for him to seize the power of heaven.

"Dare you ask your teacher to respect the big name?" Di Jun said that he stopped the anger of the Eastern Emperor and Kunpeng.

"Our master is..." Bai Hu was about to say it.

"Sit up, do you want the master to split you? He can kill you with one thought!" Xuanwu suddenly became abnormal and severely stopped Bai Hu's words.

"I'm sorry, our master won't let us say his name, but I can tell you that he is the same as you!" The rosefinch apologized and said, in fact, his heart was already happy, "Cluck, the acting is really fun. Can it reach the master's so-called Oscar?"

Like you, this sentence made Di Jun and others fall into thinking, and the look on his face was very colorful. Di Jun and Donghuang thought of Huang Xiaoyao, Kunpeng thought of Yangmei's ancestor, Fu Xiruo thought about it, and Nuwa thought of Hongjun Taoist and hoped to be Huang Xiaoyao.

"Hahaha, since you are an old friend, welcome three Taoist friends. Now I have three more demons in my demon clan. Congratulations!" Di Jun changed his face.

"Hmm!" The Eastern Emperor snorted coldly with a stinky face.

"It's easy to say!" Xuanwu said with a smile.

"In this case, the sacrifice begins!"

With the addition of rosefinch and others, the luck of the sky is stronger, and the qi of Xuanhuang has more than doubled.


The heaven and earth suddenly played the sound of heaven and the rain of merit.

The luck of heaven and earth was integrated into 33 days, forming another layer of sky above the demon emperor's sky. This layer of sky is nothing and can be seen by any creatures. Only Di Jun and others can feel that power.

This power is similar to the power of the fruit position, but there is an essential difference. Under this power, they are like the unity of heaven and man, as if they are closer to the essence of heaven.

"Is this the power of heaven? Sure enough, Xuanqi, I feel that as long as I retreat for a thousand years, I can break through the realm of demon saints!" Di Jun said to himself that he is the demon emperor and enjoys the most powerful luck, that is to say, his throne is the strongest.

The power of heaven is the most powerful protection. Even if you are a weak person with no cultivation, as long as you have the power of heaven, others dare not kill you, because killing you is against the sky.

Like the emperor of later generations, he said that any general can kill him by force, but he has the power to protect him and is naturally supported by everyone.

This is a heavenly rule.

So, as long as the emperor or emperor at that time, wouldn't he be invincible? Not to mention invincible, but life is worry-free.

However, to rule out the situation of his own death, there is a good saying that if he does not die, he will not die. Most of the replacement of the imperial dynasties in later generations is because the emperor is mediocre and makes the people unable to live. After losing public opinion, his power will disappear and the imperial dynasty will perish.

The same is true of Di Jun. He is now the emperor of heaven. If he manages the world conscientiously and makes the world orderly, he will only become stronger and stronger, and even become a saint with boundless merit.

But when the saint is born, will they make Di Jun a saint? No one can answer the impermanence of fate.

"The way of heaven is clear, and the emperor swears that the world will be orderly, the universe is clear, and the creatures are born to practice the Tao. The strong protect the weak, promote the development of the heavenly way with the power of all sentient beings, and promote the prosperity of the tunnel with the power of all sentient beings. The three paths of heaven and earth will go hand in hand in hand with the eternal, immortality and humane!"

"I, the Eastern Emperor, vowed to assist the demon emperor, manage heaven and earth, and suppress luck with chaotic bells!"

"I swear..."


When everyone swore, the sky and the earth were golden, and the infinite merits landed, and there was a rain of merit. Dijun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi got one-third, and the other two-thirds were divided equally by Kunpeng and others.

Everyone's head is shaped into a successful golden light. Under the golden light, everyone is sacred.

"The merits of the demon emperor are boundless!"

In the sky, on the earth, and in the sea, there was a voice of praise for the demon emperor, making the power of the throne more powerful for 33 days.

At this moment, an invisible portal moved in the void and integrated into the heavenly realm of the three rosefinches, silent without a trace of waves.

Di Jun frowned, but found nothing wrong.

"Is this a split of the master? Sure enough, Xuanao, the master is too insidious to let us respond and encroach on the power of the heavenly throne step by step. He is simply a thief! But I like it!" Xuanwu's heart was extremely dignified. The more he knew more about Huang Xiaoyao, the more he worshipped and worshipped Huang Xiaoyao, and even had a trace of fear.

Xuanwu was born in ancient Juao. He experienced more disasters and knew more things about Huang Xiaoyao. It is normal to have fear.

White tiger and rosefinch were awakened with the help of Huang Xiaoyao. Their minds are much simpler. They are single-minded to work for Huang Xiaoyao. As long as they need it, they never ask right or wrong.

Is it wrong to steal the heavenly fortune? History has always been written by winners. In this world of the law of the jungle, in order to live, we can do whatever we can.

Huang Xiaoyao is such a person. He is not tolerated by heaven and earth now. As the spokesperson of heaven and the way, he must try to get rid of his variable. Therefore, his plan to seek the three forces of heaven and earth is unwavering.

Through the news from Zhuque and others, what happened outside the sky is like a live broadcast. Huang Xiaoyao's heart can't help but raise a feeling of admiration for Di Jun. This is a person with great ambition.

"Well, you just need to be your emperor and enjoy the power of heaven. Why do you include tunnels and humanity? It's really greedy. Aren't you looking for death? Will the saint make you a Taoist? Huang Xiaoyao said in his heart, and then ignored it and sank into the road of chaotic beads.