Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 392 Bloody Sky Curtain, Accurately Picking Out

"Hutify hundreds of millions of miles of land, gather the luck of the whole family, take the five elements as the basis, take the chaotic five elements ring of the ancestral weapon of the human race as the treasure of the town, and open up the divine world!" Wuxing did not look at the huge axe that was cutting at him at all. His eyes were extremely firm, which was his final way.


Phoenix Mountain has been shattered, and all the infinite air transportation accumulated over thousands of years has been absorbed by the five planetary clouds, and the endless earth reincarnation gas emerges from the cracks of hundreds of hundreds of millions of miles of abyss under the earth, all of which are absorbed by the five planetary clouds.

This is the last fight of the Five-eun clan. Because the five-planet cloud has been conceived to the end, he has been fully integrated. The chaotic five-e elements ring has also become the core of the five-planetary cloud, which has infinite potential. No matter how much earth reincarnation gas is inhaled, it has been refined in an instant and become the power of the five-planetary cloud, so he is At the last moment, the chaotic five-elegment ring was released, destroying the land covered by the human fortune of Phoenix Mountain, and even Phoenix Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race, would be destroyed.

He was born after death, and he stood up after being broken. He also hoped that the witch would provide him with strength.

"You bastard, sinner!"

"You are looking for death, and the human race deserves to die!"

"God the Father will destroy the human race today!"

"Humanity should not rise. In the future, there will never be peace in this world. After ten thousand years of birth, it will be so aggressive!"


The huge axe carries the supreme power of destruction and splits on the five planetary clouds. The five elements of divine power roll over, and the nebula is like a grinding wheel, driving the power of destruction brought by the giant axe, stirring up the wind and clouds, making the nebula rotate more quickly, and concentrating infinite power in the center.

The center of the five planetary clouds forms a point, which is chaotic, like chaotic regeneration.

The earth was finally smashed, as if all the creation had been deprived and became hundreds of millions of miles of death. The divine eyes of heaven appeared in the sky, and the infinite god of destruction thunder split into the five planetary clouds.

However, just when all sentient beings thought that the five pedestrians could not escape the extinction, countless human races still alive in Fenghuang Mountain knelt down, knelt down and worshipped God and said, saying, "May God, our human race was born weak and virtuous, leading the human race to rise. Although the road to rise is bumpy, it has destroyed hundreds of millions of miles of rivers and mountains. However, the ancestor of our human race, I just want to create a place for our human race to live and create a divine world. The divine world also belongs to heaven and earth. My human race is disaster-came and difficult. May God have mercy on me. The people of my human race may sacrifice their bodies with blood and return the cause and effect of heaven and earth!"

This words is full of the determination of the human race. Countless human races committed suicide, self-destruction, blood stained the earth, gathered into rivers, and a blood rose to the sky and a blood-red sky curtain across the sky. Before the punishment of heaven, the sky was blocked by blood.

A sad breath spread all over the world. All sentient beings in heaven and earth, from weak as a plant to strong as saints, are infected by this sadness. They can't help sighing in their hearts, what race can unite as a human race?

Although the human race is weak, the real strong are only those, but it is undeniable that the outbreak of ants can also shake the sky.

The actions of the five pedestrians are admirable. Even the quasi-tireed and guide people stopped and no longer move forward, because they clearly saw the causal power that could scare the heaven under the blood-red sky, and their hearts trembled.

He trembled and said with a sad face, "Sure enough, as I expected, the human race is a race that is born to carry infinite cause and effect. In the future, there must be endless causality in the human race, that is the world!"

"In the world, if I can understand the Tao, there should be endless causality in my dream of three thousand worlds, so that I can teach people in the West to experience the value of bliss in endless cause and effect!" The right way.

"Brother, are we going to help the five pedestrians?" Pick up the lead.

"Ha ha, didn't you see that bloody sky? Without our help, they can survive the disaster. Look, this five-emining clan is unstoppable. In the future, maybe this human race represents the humanitarian trend. Now that the bloody sky curtain covers the sky, we can have a good relationship with this divine emperor!" The right way.

"Do you mean witches?" Acoustic sound.

"The witches are indeed a trouble. They are not saints, but they can form one of the four innate arrays, and they are comparable to Zhou Tianxing's array. There are means to threaten the saints. Brother just felt that Pangu's real body, with intelligence, can shake time and space, so we dare not be at will. Walking in space, if this bloody skydisperses in the future, we will definitely not be able to take action. If our Taoist system wants to spread in the flood and barren land, it must be greatly restricted!" Zhun Ti squinted.

He nodded and quickly flew to Phoenix Mountain.

Sure enough, the five elements in the sky were full of grief and indignation. He watched a human race bleed and self-destruction there. He hated heaven and earth. However, the divine world was still opening up, which could not be stopped, otherwise so much human blood would be in vain.

"Brother, these five elements are opening up the world with our strength. What should we do?" Candle nine*.

"Even the heavenly way has been retreated by the blood of the human race. Even if we exterminate the human race, we can't shake this Wuxing clan. His way is unstoppable. I really hope that the earth girl will come out of the customs. She will cultivate the motherhood of the reincarnation of the earth, which is equivalent to the Lord of the earth and can compete with this Wuxing clan for the spirit of the reincarnation of the earth!" Dijiang said helplessly.

"Can't you let him do it?" Zhu Rong said angrily.

"What else do you want? Now leave quickly. Some saints are staring here. When they see our power that can threaten the saints, they must not trust us. After all, they are all about to spread Taoism in the wilderness, and they must be afraid that we will hinder them in the future. Now the bloody sky of the human race is blocking the sky. They must think it is a good opportunity to take action!" Dijiang Road.

"Yes, this five elements clan is a trouble. Our arrival led to the almost extinction of the five pedestrians. We must hate us to the bone. Perhaps the first thing to become a Tao is to deal with us. At that time, we will face a saint with chaotic spiritual treasures!" Candle nine*.

All the witches became solemn, and they couldn't figure out why the ending would be like this. Why are their powerful witches limited to a weak human race? Why can't this weak human race be exterminated? Why did you still escape?

All the great witches and witches are very unwilling, and the eleven ancestral witches feel even more ashamed. When will they suffer such cowardlyness? When do you tie your hands and feet like this?

Endless human blood, their blood is integrated into the bloody sky, but their souls are floating in heaven and earth, and there is nowhere to go. Their wisdom slowly dispersed, leaving only lonely souls, turning into wild ghosts. Soon, the heaven and earth were stained with a layer of black gas, and unexpectedly formed in some underworlds. A very special race - ghosts.

For a long time, the war between the jungle and the jungle has not stopped. I don't know how many creatures have died. However, those creatures were born from heaven and earth and returned to heaven and earth after death, which is the role of the power of reincarnation in the world.

However, after the death of the human race, the soul drifted and absorbed the yin of heaven and earth into such a special life form, which is also the special feature of the human race.

When the human race was born, they were born with the power of the sun, moon and stars. Although the souls came from heaven and earth, they formed a more special soul under the mysterious humanistic power. After their souls died, only the earth souls and heavenly souls returned to heaven and earth, but their souls had nowhere to go between heaven and earth.

That is to say, their souls do not belong to the category of the great reincarnation of heaven and earth, but the category of the six reincarnations.

Speaking of these souls, the witch army has been retreating rapidly, quickly moving to the ancestral land of the witch clan, and soon away from Phoenix Mountain, but it is still under the bloody sky.

At this time, the figure of the Taoist appeared in front of them, staring at the witch with a smile, with a compassionate face, as if they had won the Taoist Buddha.

"Why are you in a hurry to leave? There must be some understanding when watching the great achievements of humanity here. To the Taoist friends of Dijiang, the flag in your hand is so magical. It's really hurtful. Why don't we bring it back to the Holy Land of Lingshan in the West? We wash away the magic with the infinite merits of the eight-treasure merit pool and return you a set of sacred flagpoles!" Zhun laughed and looked at the expression as if he was really thinking about the witch clan.

"Amitabha, such a magical spirit will damage the luck of your witches in the future. I will attract Buddhas for the West and attract people to enjoy themselves. Why don't you put down your obsession and enter my world of bliss? Amitabha!" The face is full of compassion.

"I have seen two saints, whether it's magic or evil spirits, whether it damages the luck of my witch clan or not, it's all my own business. I won't worry about the two saints. Goodbye, I have to hurry!" Dijiang Road.

Dijiang said, using his original magic power and combining it with the original eyes of ten other ancestral witches to form a temporary original world, covering the witch clan, turning it into the body, and retreating into the endless void.

However, for the saint, there is no distance from the void. With a wave of hand, the space will be transferred, and the Dijiang River can't leave the original place, as if walking in an endless maze.

This is the power of the world, that is, the power of saints. How can Dijiang, the source of space, which has not yet controlled the laws of space, break through?

"What does it mean for the two saints to block me? Do you bully the big and the small? Are you not afraid of the suppression of heaven if you use the power of saints? Dijiang said solemnly.

"Ha ha, Dijiang Taoist friends, I'm doing it for your own good, for your sake, or give me the flag of the great array of the gods. After ten thousand years, you can go to Lingshan to get it! And isn't it good to look at the five elements Chengdao here? He must say with a smile.

"I won't bother you!" Dijiang is really aggrieved. He was originally the boss of the witch clan. Now his ambition has just*, but he has been stopped by two invincible saints. How can he bear it?

At this moment, there was a boom! It seemed that something had happened, and I saw five stars shining all over the sky, and even the bloody sky was covered up.

"The five elements exploded, broke and stood up, and the divine world became!"