Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 393 Five elements of the God Emperor, the witch was robbed

The divine world was opened, and the chaotic node in the center of the five planetary cloud exploded, forming a dark black hole vortex. There are infinite avenue runes in the depths of the whirlpool, forming the most simple avenue true shape. These avenues interpret the most initial mystery. This whirlpool seems to be connected to the long river of time and space, time and space. Breath flow.

In an instant, the power of the five elements converged into five long rivers, connected to the beginning and tail, intersecting with each other, forming the endless five elements of heaven, separating the turbid qi derived from the chaotic explosion, the clear air rises to the sky, the turbid air falls to the earth, and the earth evolves into mountains, rivers and vegetation...

The breath of the Five elements suddenly soared, and a colorful yuan god appeared above his head, like a giant, with a mysterious rune there, manipulating all the vitality in the five elements of the world.

"I am an ancestor, from man to god, evolved from life, derived from the god of the tunnel, and the five elements of the yuan god entrusted to the earth for the immortal emperor!" As soon as the words of the Five elements fell, the earth suddenly roared. The power of the five elements of heaven and earth converged and turned into immortal breath into the body of the Five elements. His body and the yuan god merged to form the immortal god emperor.

He was shocked, and his divine power turned into various magic weapons, like an infinite road of evolution. This is the mystery of Shinto. In his divine world, the Five elements are omnipotent. This divine world integrates into the land and becomes a middle world. This divine world is a kind of world, but it belongs to the wilderness, just like a saint. The chaotic land opens up a Taoist temple.

The vast divine power makes all the creatures worship on the land, which is an invincible spirit. With a wave of his hand, he brought all the remaining human races into the divine world, was baptized by divine power, and instantly converted into a divine body. All human races, whether weak, powerful, or just born, are in an instant. Transformed the life form.

These creatures are not so much human as the Protoss. This is a new race, which belongs to humanity and becomes an evolutionary road for the human race. It also belongs to the tunnel and contains immortality.

"I am the authentic god emperor, bringing the five pedestrians to manage one side of the land, combing the power of the five elements of the earth, so that the earth will live and never die!"


A thick cloud of Xuanhuang appeared in the sky, which is the power of vast merit. It integrates into the divine world, becomes the wall of Xuanhuang in the divine world, and partly integrates into the divine body of the Five elements, making him appear more sacred.

"What vast merits are more powerful than the merits of our forty-eight vows. Is this heaven and earth's reward for the first authentic saint? If you don't cut three corpses, first become sanctify and then surrender merit, it is not to prove the Tao by force. Is this another method of proof? He sighed.

"This five elements set an example for all sentient beings. This is the demolition teacher's platform. As Xuanmen saints, we used to preach the road, saying that only Hongmeng purple gas can become a way. Now these five elements do not have Hongmeng purple spirit, but they have the power of a family to achieve saints. Is it the time when the hundreds of flowers blooming families are competing? Has the substitute come yet?" The right way.

The mighty people in heaven and earth, including the saints of Sanqing, have a sense when they see the five elements. Their vision is no longer limited to the way of heaven. Any power knows that except heaven can carry saints, the tunnel can also carry saints, and humanity can also carry saints.

All the powerful minds are alive, and those strong people who survived in ancient times, such as the Styx River, Kunpeng and overseas mysterious sea beasts, are looking for the way to become a road.

At this time, many creatures remembered the gate of eternity tens of thousands of years ago, the way of freedom that seemed to have been destroyed, and the words of the free Taoist priest at the beginning - as long as there is hope, it can be eternal.

Many strong people have truly understood what Huang Xiaoyao said about the "way of change" and the so-called glimmer of life. They even remembered the future dream set by Huang Xiaoyao at the beginning.

Many creatures have an idea in their hearts that Xuanmen is not necessarily the only way out. Sticking to the way in their hearts may one day enjoy eternity.

The Five elements finally absorbed the power of Xuanhuang's merit and restrained his breath, full of sacredness. His invincibility appeared on the divine body, full of humane spirit and authentic richness; unlike the heavenly saints, their invincibility was reflected in the yuan god, which was quite illusory.

The way of heaven is ethereal, thick, humane and inclusive.

"Congratulations on the achievement of the divine emperor!" Accurate lifting and connecting to the road.

"Congratulations on the achievement of the divine emperor!" Congratulations to Sanqing.

"Hahaha, the five-line Taoist friends are congratulated! Xuanhuang is here to congratulate you!" A sound sounded from the void.

"Thank you, Taoist friends! Thank you for recommending and picking up your Taoist friends!" Five elements of the divine emperor.

A majesty pressed down to the Dijiang River, and countless witches fell out of the void, and they were overwhelmed by this divine power.

God's power is like a prison, and all sentient beings finally realized it.

"Wu, very good. Look at the bloody sky. This is the evil you have created. You can bury it for hundreds of millions of people!" The Five-line God Emperor is ruthless.

"Well, if we have a choice, we are still like this. We stand in different positions. Even if our clan perish, there is nothing to say!" Dijiang Road.

"Brother, let's be a big one this time. We are descendants of Pangu and should stand upright. Even if the saint is present, we dare to shake the sky! Let's work hard this time!" Zhu Rongdao.

Other witches were suddenly full of energy, and the infinite will of witches gathered. The twelve heavenly and evil flags rose ten thousand feet, covering the sky and the earth, and Pangu's real body appeared again.

This time, Pangu's real body is particularly powerful. The witches are desperate. All the power is gathered and turned into the power of Pangu's real body. All the witches are turned into a drop of blood, integrated into the source, and all integrated into Pangu's real body. There is no witches on the ground, only a complete Pangu real body.

Roar! Pangu's real body roared, and his breath could compete with the god emperor of the Five elements. There was an upright Pangu will, which contained a pure way of destruction, as if it could smash the world.

"Five elements God Emperor, come on, let's see if you are the authentic saint, or the real strength of Pangu of my witch clan, roar! Destroy the road and open the sky axe!" Pangu Zhen has a spiritual wisdom, which is transformed by the heavenly soul of eleven ancestral witches and is dominated by Dijiang.

"Hmm, Pangu's method of real body is indeed powerful. The power of this flesh is enough to break the sky, but there is only power, but there is no law. In the powerful power, how can it resist the power of the sacred law? Just like a mortal, even if he has a thousand pounds of strength, it is impossible to lift his body. In front of the saint, the ant is ultimately an ant, and the five elements circulate, and the god suppresses it!" Wuxing snorted coldly, and a powerful force like order was used to change the laws of the earth. He seemed to have become the master of the earth and the creator.

The endless power of the five elements forms a five-color thick chain, binds the neck and limbs of Pangu's real body, and then extends into the earth, as if fixed in the depths of the endless earth.

This is the strength of saints. The saints use the power of heaven, like a big hand that controls all things and manipulates the cycle of all things. This is the law of heaven, an order, a law, an unstoppable law; the tunnel also has authentic divine principles, which can communicate the trajectory of vitality under the earth, just like the controller Generally, control the operation of everything.

Pangu's real body has infinite power. In terms of quantity, it is comparable to a saint, but it can't manipulate the law by force. It can only be regarded as a power, so it can't break free from the chains formed by the five elements, but the power is so powerful that it still makes the earth collapse and the ground fire surge out of the earth.

Wow... The 100,000-foot real body of Pangu is too powerful, and the sound of the big sound resounds through the world, shocking people, stirring up the motherhood of the earth, and many creatures have been extinct.

"Let you see the truth. Why are all the ants under the saints? The glorious earth, the five elements of the gods turn into the oven of heaven and earth to refine the sinners in front of them. Let them return to the earth. Witches, you regard yourselves as the descendants of Pangu and think they are noble, but you can't recognize the situation. You think that the descendants of Pangu can be in this world. Is it protected? If you don't become holy, you can't finally see through the origin of heaven and earth. If you can't see through the opportunity of heaven and earth, let's perish!"

A 100,000-foot earth oven rose from the ground, and with the endless authentic divine fire, it spread to Pangu's real body, so that the witches inside began with the feet of Pangu's real body and slowly were slowly refined by the five elements of divine fire and turned into flying ash.

"Ah!" A scream came out, Pangu's real body struggled, his magic was surging, and he had the power of Pangu's combat skills. He wanted to destroy the earth oven, but the power of the earth was endless, and the earth oven was destroyed and formed again, and the cycle was endless.

Eleven ancestors hate witches, hate the injustice of heaven and earth, and hate these saints. Why did they suffer such disaster as the descendants of Pangu? They claimed to be the guardians of the earth. Why were they destroyed and swallowed up by the earth in the end?

"Pangu Father God, why is it like this? Why are we devoured by the earth when we protect it? Why is this? Pangu's real body roared, and full of sadness rose to the air.

"I tell you why, because you witches are no longer pure. If you purely protect the earth, you will not come to my five tribes to prevent me from opening up the divine world and preventing me from becoming an authentic god emperor. You can't see the general trend of heaven and earth, immerse yourself in your past glory and your noble blood. Among them!" Five elements of the divine emperor.

"You talk nonsense..."

"It's not nonsense. Those who don't cultivate the yuan god have only two ways, that is, to prove the Tao, break through the barriers of heaven and earth with strong power, and see this world clearly. One is eternal seclusion. Witches, originally you flourished in Pangu Hall, but now, your ambition has begun to emerge. The clue shows that your will to compete for hegemony will hinder the Taoism of saints. We saints are the spokespersons of the Tao, and spreading Taoism is to serve the Tao of heaven. You who hinder the Tao are people who do not like the Tao of heaven! You are self-destruction!" It is a meaningful way.

The scream continues, the earth is collapsing, and Pangu's real body is struggling, becoming the only picture between heaven and earth. All sentient beings in heaven and earth are trembling and have an intuitive understanding of the power of saints.