Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 407 Prison of Death

"Don't worry, this Tiandao butcher array is basically unsolved. Although you are not saints, you control most of the world power of the demon emperor and the Eastern Emperor. This Tiandao butcher array can even slaughter saints, not to mention the free demons that have not yet been sanctified?" Yuan Shidao.

"Yes, this array is very powerful. If you want to break the array, you can't rely on combat power. Even if the free demon can break the master's mysterious world with power, it can't break this array. This array imprisons the soul and imprisons the yuan god. If you can't become a saint of heaven, you can't break through the rules of heaven. Imprisoned." Taiqing Road.

"Wait, we don't have to take action now. This is the judgment of heaven. The death rule of heaven contains the death power of heaven and earth. It's not something that the free demon can escape. It's just a matter of time!" The right way.

In the cage, Huang Xiaoyao has sat down, with green light in his eyes and the eternal door of hope on his head, fighting against the rules of death of heaven.

The continent opened by the Suiren clan is crumbling, and a series of death rules invade, trying to refine the continent.

"It seems that Hongjun is about to come out. Sanqing's quasi-citation absolutely does not have such calculation power. Perhaps, when I entered the heavenly court from the land of the witch clan, they stared at me. Every step of chess was so realistic that it was wonderful to the top. First, they forced Suiren to a desperate situation and let me take action, and they didn't do their best. , let me relax my vigilance and set up a real Tiandao butcher array!" Huang Xiaoyao said in his heart.

He is sure that Hongjun's ancestor may come out. At that time, maybe not only Hongjun will come back, but also a lot of power.

"Heavenly Slaughter, what a Heavenly Slaughtering God, this is the essence of the heavenly way. This big array is simply the nemesis of monks, especially the practitioners, who must not escape the sanctions of heaven. This is also the reason why in a big universe, the heavenly saints can never escape from heaven and earth. The sanctified people are invincible in a world. , but it is also self-imbid!" Huang Xiaoyao said in his heart.


The rules of death of heaven are extremely powerful, and the pervasive invasion of Huang Xiaoyao's body and want to corrode the defense of the sea of souls. Wherever they pass, all the magic power of laws on Huang Xiaoyao are absorbed by the rules of heaven and transformed into the power of death, making this cage stronger.

Huang Xiaoyao can see clearly that all magical powers will only become the power of this array. It is difficult to deal with this heavenly cage.

At the beginning, in the ancestral land of the witch clan, the Tiandao slaughter array laid by the five saints could instantly destroy Pangu's real body, and divide his soul into hundreds of millions, which is extremely powerful. This time, the Tiandao slaughter array is many times more powerful than at the beginning.

This time is his real body. The powerful blood force contains endless vitality, and the constant confrontation with the power of death makes him sound. However, this cage relies on the flood and the wilderness, and its power is endless. Sooner or later, it will exhaust all his power.

The power of his blood has achieved the realm of saints, and the heart of blood has turned into a blood world, and the blood grinding disk is constantly rotating, supplementing the vitality of his body.

And in the sea of his soul, the power of the soul turns into a secluded sea, constantly rolling, expelling the power of invading death.

The power of blood forms a sea of blood and appears on the soles of his feet. The power of the soul forms a canopy and covers the sky. The two combine to form a guardian world, temporarily preventing him from being attacked by the power of death.

There is nothing on the continent opened by the Suiren clan, because within the continent, the book of humanity and the pen of humanity have become powerful, forming a vast protective force, so that the rules of heaven's death turn into nothingness as soon as they approach the mainland, so that the Suiren clan can understand it at ease.

Everything that happened in the cage was in the eyes of the Five Saints and Emperor Dijun. They were shocked, because even they themselves did not dare to get too close to this formation. They were afraid of the death rule. They all had a feeling that if the way of heaven had subjective consciousness, it would be easy to want them to die.

"So powerful means can't refine him? Why is this so? How can that book of humanity resist the rules of heaven?

"What on earth does he practice? Why does that sea of blood contain such a huge vitality? This vitality is extremely high and has reached the level of a saint. If Xiaoyao Mo becomes a saint with this power, he will definitely become a saint, and the canopy above his head is also mysterious. Is this the power of his soul? If you don't cultivate the yuan god, the power of the soul alone is so powerful?

The five saints are incredible, and they are very interested in the cultivation method of Huang Xiaoyao.

"No wonder the master told us to be careful not to show any flaws when we play this game of chess until the last minute. It turns out that this free demon is so horrible!" Taiqing Road.

"Don't worry, this formation is not that simple. The Tiandao slaughter array is a heavenly judgment. If you don't achieve your goal, you won't give up! Xiaoyao Demon is powerful, but can he still be stronger than the flood and famine? The right way.

At this time, the world was quite calm, and all the powers staring at the heavenly court wondered why the war that destroyed the heaven and the earth would suddenly stop, making them feel incredible. They all thought that when the mysterious Xiaoyao Taoist appeared, there must be another war between the five saints and the heavenly court, but the result was amazing. They expected it.

"The breath of humanity has disappeared! Did the Sui Renshi fail? The five saints of Xuanmen are too short-sighted. Alas, do we have to enter the endless chaotic wandering again? I just saw a little hope, and now I'm disappointed again!" Deep in the East China Sea, a sound came from a willow tree.

"If the way of heaven refines humanity, even if humanity is born, it can only become a vassal of the way of heaven. Heaven and earth and people cannot develop in balance, which means that we can't be born, which means that those things will always be suppressed by heaven! Let's find a way to control the world of reincarnation, and maybe find a way to rebirth in the wilderness. A whisper came from under the earth.

"The heavenly way suppresses humanity. At that time, the heavenly way will become stronger. Maybe even the endless starry sky will be controlled by the Honghuang Tiandao. It's really difficult. It's hard to see the hope that my star universe will be perfected. Now it seems that it's going to be stranded. The bastard Hongjun must be his calculation. I said, since entering the flood. After the world, no trace of him was found. Did he hide somewhere and plan us? Does he still have to catch all the chaotic demons? In the endless starry sky, a Taoist in a star robe said.

"My ancient demon heart..." A voice full of magic sounded.

"My destruction grinder..."

Anyway, in various mysterious places, at the same time, a lot of ideas were sent out.

In the heavenly court, the five saints seemed to feel something, frowned, and used the great thoughts of heaven and earth to capture the source of those thoughts. However, when their thoughts entered some places, they were cut off.

"Sure enough, I felt the breath of the ancient Luo Hu demon ancestor, as well as Yang Mei's ancestor, Xingchen ancestor, and some people I don't know. Sure enough, as the master said, the chaotic demon gods are back!" The right way.

"In the thoughts sent by the master, they did not say what these demons and gods came back for, but they have never come out before. Since the birth of the human race, their thoughts have appeared, and every time the human race changes greatly, their thoughts will come out, as if they care about the human race. Do they have taken what they have taken and Is it related to the human race?

"Maybe it has something to do with humanity. Now, in humanity, there is an authentic god emperor. In the pure tunnel, there is a reincarnation world, and the yuan god of the later earth has turned into the heavenly way of the great world of reincarnation. It can be said that there are saints in heaven and earth. If there is pure humanity, another Taoist emperor, will it make heaven and earth produce one? A big change? Is this the source of the catastrophe? Pick up the lead.

"Change the world, and the saint can fall. Is that the true meaning of the saint's fall? If the Sui people can come out of the Tiandao slaughter god array, it may make a big change in heaven and earth!" Taiqing looked at the world and didn't know what he was thinking.

In the hearts of the saints of Taiqing, he used a secret force and was introduced into the Tiandao Slaughter array. His cultivation was the most powerful among the five saints, and his means were not noticed by other saints.

Huang Xiaoyao's eyes in the Tiandao slaughter array shot a light, looked at somewhere in the void and said, "This Taiqing saint's plot is very big. Do you want to escape from the flood and wilderness? Yiqi turned into three Qing, which is really powerful. Let him understand the true meaning of heaven. Hey hey, since you want people to be born, then I will push the boat along the water!"