Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 408 Heaven's Seal, Eternal Light

This is a vast continent, and the Suiren restrained its powerlessness and saluted a virtual shadow.

"Shuaren, I hope you will always remember the spirit of humanity. Don't let people's orthodoxy be assimilated by the way of heaven and earth. The essence of humanity lies in tolerance. Among humanity, there can be both heaven and tunnels and Shinto. Among humanity, there should be flowers and hundreds of schools of thought contend. This is the prosperity of humanity!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Thank you for the teachings of the Holy Father. At the beginning of my birth, I received the favor of the Holy Father and embarked on the pure humanitarian road. I will lead the real people out of countless possible roads!" Sui Ren said respectfully.

"Hmm! Go! After entering the flood and famine world, you will integrate this continent into the flood and famine world and achieve the human world!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Siren's whole body was shocked, and the whole continent seemed to have been summoned and turned into nothingness into his body. Then he followed a flaw that appeared in the Tiandao Butcher's Array and jumped into the space crack and disappeared.

"Wad, where are you going?" Di Jun and Dong Huangtai were shocked when they saw this and were furious. A Zhentian Tower and a South Tianmen appeared and bombarded them in the direction of Sui Ren's disappearance.

However, Dijun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi forgot that this Suiren was no longer the ancestor of the person who was slaughtered by them, but a veritable humanitarian emperor.


The roar of countless real dragons came, making time and space crack, shaking the Zhentian Tower and Nantianmen out of the space. A fist came down and made a crack appear in the Zhentian Tower.

"Hahaha, thank you for your success. In the future, our real people will take care of your respective Taoism, especially the demons, which will become our food. Once humanity comes out, we will change the world!" Suiren's voice came from nothingness and didn't know where it was.

The strength of Suiren shocked everyone. Even the five saints were frightened, and a slight regretful expression appeared on the face of the Taiqing saint flashed away.

"It is worthy of being the first saint of humanity, just like the master is the first saint of heaven and Taoism. The potential is infinite, and even the Tiandao slaughter array can't be suppressed!" It's a pity for the sage of Taiqing.

"Unfortunately, Dijun and Donghuang Taoist friends are not saints. There are flaws in the Tiandao butcher array laid, and most of their power is used to suppress the free demons, giving Sui Ren an opportunity to take advantage of!" Yuan Shidao.

zhun ti said meaningfully, "Don't be annoyed by the three brothers. It's good to be able to suppress the free demon!"

Dijun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi were extremely angry. They couldn't say anything about their suffering. In their hearts, the five saints bullied people too much. They secretly made up their mind that after this battle, they must close the heavenly court for 33 days and vow not to control 33 days. They have suspected that the escape of the Sui people must be the conspiracy of the five saints.

Huang Xiaoyao stood up under the pressure of the death rule of heaven and saluted Sanqing, "Thank you for the three Taoist friends. How are Hongjun Taoist friends? When will you come out of the long river of time and space? In those years, every time he talked with Hongjun Taoist friends, he benefited a lot. This time he entered the long river of time and space, he must be stronger!"

Hmm? Dijun and the Eastern Emperor Taihuang stared at Sanqing angrily, while Sanqing looked at each other doubtfully. Taiqing saint secretly scolded Huang Xiaoyao for being shameless, but his face pretended to be innocent.

"Well, the saint is really shameless. Dear friends, please, my heavenly court will be closed from now on. I won't be far away!" Di Jun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi quickly retreated and manipulated the power of the Eastern Emperor and the Demon Emperor to form a guardian. They have completely recovered the power in the Tiandao Slaughter array.

It's not that Emperor Jun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi are irrational, but that they are too rational and smart. In order to get the supreme seal, they originally promised the cooperation of the Five Saints and set up the heavenly slaughter array, but now that the Suiren clan has left, and it is impossible to get the supreme seal. They immediately made a decision to let the five saints deal with Xiaoyao alone. Devil, let them both lose.

There are no eternal friends, but only eternal interests. This sentence is vividly reflected among these powers. I saw Dijun and the Eastern Emperor Tai turn into the sun and the power of the sun and the stars, allowing the demon emperor to ignite the sun to ignite the real fire. Nantianmen and Zhentian Tower burst into powerful power, slaughtering the five saints and Tiandao. All the divine arrays launched the demon emperor.

The sun stars in the ancient starry sky shine brightly, as if they have ordered the ancient stars to shoot a series of star power. They gathered three days later, and countless demons integrated into these stars.

"Zhou Tianxing array, with ten thousand demons as stars, Hetu Luoshu as the base, Nantianmen as the Fengtian Road, Zhentian Tower as the Fengdi Road, the Eastern Emperor Bell suppresses the heavenly court, and the stars seal the array, sealed!"

Dijun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi did these things in one breath, as if they had planned for a long time. In an instant, the 33 days of heaven emanating great power disappeared, as if there was no heaven and earth.

"What a Dijun, we underestimated him, but he didn't do his best!" The right way.

"It seems that they have been plotting for a long time. We plan them, and they also plan us. Don't care about this first. Let's deal with the free demon first. This time we can't reserve anything. Let's do our best!" Taiqing Road.

The five saints are very uncomfortable. They didn't expect that they thought the plan was perfect, but now such a thing happened. It really echoed that sentence. The sky is unpredictable and the sky is unpredictable.

The Tiandao butcher array suddenly broke because of the recovery of the power of Dijun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and the cage disappeared, leaving only countless chains of Tiandao rules wrapped around the yellow demon, as if tied fairy ropes.

"Break!" Huang Xiaoyao was all over his body for a while, and the power of his blood turned into a blood dragon, roaring and biting the chain of Tiandao, making the chain of Tiandao break one after another.

The five saints became serious, and they saw two more figures each. The treasures in their hands were integrated into the two bodies, which were the good and evil corpses of the five saints.

"Let's begin! We heavenly saints are in charge of the fate of Tiandao, and Taiqing Tiandao enforces the law!"

"Yuqing Tiandao Law Enforcement!"

"Law enforcement in Qingtian Road!"

"Da Meng Tiandao Law Enforcement!"

"Cause and effect law enforcement!"

The five powerful powers flew from the sky, carried the magnificent Tianwei, and integrated into the Tiandao slaughter array. The originally broken Tiandao death chain reappeared and became more powerful, emitting white light, like eternity.

"Law enforcement!" At this time, the creation goddess flew from the sky, used the creation of heaven, and integrated into the white light.

"Friends of creation, what do you want to do?" The five saints were alert. They all knew that the goddess of creation had a close relationship with Huang Xiaoyao. This creation was transformed by Nuwa's obsession, and Nuwa was also a Taoist couple of Huang Xiaoyao, so they had to pay attention.

"I am a heavenly saint. Since I am a heavenly law enforcement, how can I be missing?" The goddess of creation means a long way.

"Okay, I hope you're not here to make trouble! Otherwise, when the master comes back, he will definitely deprive you of your destiny!" Yuan Shidao.

Huang Xiaoyao's face was serious, and there was a joy in the seriousness. Looking at the white light condensed in the sky, the eternal door above his head suddenly trembled, as if he was strongly attracted.

A white light appeared in the eternal gate, rising high in the sky and confronting the eternal light of heaven. In this mass of light, it is unpredictable.

The eternal light of heaven is the sanction power of the 49 heaven. It is known as eternity. It is entered by the eternal light. Only death will forever imprison people in a time and space and can never escape. It can be said that it is a kind of eternity in a sense.

The white light emitted from the Yellow Demon's Gate of Eternity is the light of variables. At the beginning of the formation of the Gate of Eternity is the source of variables. The variables reach the extreme, and it is also a kind of eternity, so it is called the Gate of Eternity.

The eternity of the 49 Heavenly Way is an inherent eternity that turns life into death, while the eternity of the eternal gate turns death into life, which are two extremes.

"The Gate of Eternity, whether it can compete with the 49 Heavenly Way or not depends on this time. I have waited for so long and finally waited for the opportunity. After all, the Eternal Gate is acquired. It is formed by the true spirit split transformed by the soul of my heavenly way to collect the vitality of the ancient heaven and dissipated between heaven and earth. I want to achieve a complete 19 Heavenly Tao , we must absorb the eternal light of the forty-nine heavenly way, completely shape the eternal gate with the eternal light, and change the variables to the extreme. At that time, my eternal gate can occupy half of the land of the flood and famine, and the eternal gate will completely integrate into the flood and famine, and become one of the two mainstream Taoisms of the flood and famine!"

Since Huang Xiaoyao realized the 33-day treasure, he let the eternal door absorb the power of heaven. Originally, he thought that the eternal gate could be completely perfect and the background was enough. As long as he integrated into the world, he could make a big change in the way of heaven, collect all the vitality of heaven and earth, and then form a complete one. Jiutiandao can compete with the existing 49 Tiandao, but in the end, it is found that the gate of eternity lacks one crucial thing, that is, the will of heaven.

This is the biggest defect of the eternal gate formed.

To talk about the will of heaven, these saints are in charge of heaven. Their will is part of the will of heaven and can also be integrated into the eternal gate. However, Huang Xiaoyao is not satisfied with this. Even if the eye of heavenly punishment appears, he cannot be satisfied. He wants to be perfect and let the eternal gate evolve in a perfect posture.

What is the most perfect will of heaven? It is the eternal light of the core will of the 49 heavenly way, which is the most powerful sanctioning power of the will of the heavenly way. Only when the will of the six heavenly saints are combined can the heavenly way form the most perfect eternal light.

The eternal light of the 49 Heavenly Way can imprison all the existences covered by the Heavenly Way in the wilderness in the depths of time and space. Even saints will be sealed forever.

The eternal light came down and kept shining on the door of eternity. The afterglow shone on Huang Xiaoyao's body. The place where it was illuminated actually decayed and lost its vitality, as if this part of the body had entered another time and space.

However, Huang Xiaoyao didn't care at all, because in the chaotic beads, the time and space treasure box that had not moved for a long time finally opened slowly, but in order not to let the five saints doubt, he let the eternal light imprison his fur all over his body.