Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 536 Secrets of the Four Realms

"It's time! They have remembered the breath of the space god. It's time for me to go out of the mountain!" Huang Xiaoyao said to himself.

It's very strange. Next to the world tree, the soil suddenly loosened, and two white hands stretched out from under the soil, followed by a head with white hair. His handsome face was full of an evil smile. However, the next moment, he was like the most sacred sage, and his eyes were full of vicissitudes.

He stretched his waist, twisted his neck, and breathed deeply, as if he enjoyed this state, as if he missed it.

"It's still comfortable to come out. After so many years of turning into a heart lotus, I'm about to forget the feeling of my body!" Huang Xiaoyao said to himself.

He has now integrated the balance point of the world. In essence, he has cultivated the power of the soul to an extremely profound state and has reached the supreme state of the universe. If the space god creates the universe with power and road, then Huang Xiaoyao creates the universe with his heart, creates the world with one thought, and destroys the world with one thought.

For the slowly forming universe, Huang Xiaoyao understands all the processes, the mysteries of the mountains and world trees, which are no longer mysterious in his eyes. He knows everything the space god does. He feels that he can create this perfect universe that is forming with one move.

Of course, in his current world, he can only create an inevolvible world, because although the power of the soul is powerful, it still cannot replace the road and create the kind of creation in the road, which Huang Xiaoyao can't do at present.

However, Huang Xiaoyao believes that with the formation and evolution of the perfect world, the power of his soul will also evolve, because the source of the power of his soul is the heart lotus that has integrated the balance of the world.

"Who are you?" The space god suddenly opened his eyes, and he was extremely shocked, as if he had seen something incredible.

It's really incredible for the god of space. He controls the power of balance, integrates space Shinto, eternal Shinto and the road of heaven and earth, and nurtures the perfect world with powerful power and mysterious avenue. It can be said that he is omnipotent in this emerging world, because he is creative Lord, he can feel every existence in this world, and his realm has been sublimated and has ignored any creatures, because those creatures are real ants to him.

But now, in silence, a creature that he can't see can only be seen from the Wuzhou Mountain. This creature can only be seen with the naked eye, and the omnipotent mind of the space god can't be explored.

How is this possible? Even Allah dares not appear in front of me. Who is he? The original high mood of the space god suddenly surged.

The so-called suffering from gains and losses is a portrayal of the soul of the space god.

Huang Xiaoyao said meaningfully, "Good origin in the mainland! Because your death will come soon!" Then leave a back of the space god to disappear on the mountain, and even the space god doesn't know how he disappeared.

"..." The god of space was speechless. He wanted to speak and wanted to figure out what was going on, but he found himself powerless, because he could no longer find that person. His heart could only be entangled, and then sink down to feel the road, so that the world could constantly absorb endless chaos and nothingness.


Beyond the endless chaos, a figure flashed by, extremely fast, and the power of endless chaos and endless nothingness could have any impact on him. He seemed to be between existence and non-existence, which was very mysterious.

In a short time, he appeared in a place full of eternal divine power.

"Is this the eternal divine world in the four worlds? What? As soon as Huang Xiaoyao came to the eternal divine world, he found something that made him curious.

His eyes emitted a mysterious light. In an instant, the eternal divine world turned into a crisscrossing net in his eyes. This big net is more vast, denser and tougher than the previous flooded world. Moreover, every silk thread contains great power. Huang Xiaoyao is very clear that this net , is truly immortal. Even if Huang Xiaoyao uses the fire of the soul, he can't destroy him.

The fire of the soul is the inherent flame of the heart lotus. It is the most powerful flame, which contains the power of balance and will never be extinguished.

Huang Xiaoyao wants to understand why the net of the eternal divine world is not extinguished. He is curious, because with his current knowledge, he knows that only someone in a world can truly immortality if someone controls the balance of the world.

So, does the eternal world mean that someone controls the balance of the world? If so, who controls it? How can the four world exist at the same time as the long river of fate and the world of Hongmeng?

Huang Xiaoyao can consider deeper things, such as the origin of the Hongmeng world, the origin of the long river of fate, the origin of the four-way world, etc. If every existence has a creator, then the real mystery of Tao is very intriguing.

Controlling the fire of the soul, burning, it is easy to break a wire. At this time, an eternal divine power came from other places and repaired the net in an instant. The time was very short. If it hadn't been for the sharp power of Huang Xiaoyao's heart, it would hardly be felt.

"Is this the so-called eternity? The eternal divine world is eternal because no one can find its origin, the source is immortal, and the earth is immortal!" Huang Xiaoyao said in his heart.

His body flashed and instantly entered a world with a completely different breath, full of reckless power. The creatures in this world are all huge, cultivation power, and strange creatures. The creatures in this world are always fighting, extremely wild.

The yellow demon used his magic-breaking eyes and instantly attracted the web of the world's road. It is not so much a net as a strange giant ape. Every silk thread is composed of this giant ape. This giant ape is infinitely high and can't see the end.

"The reckless universe, practicing the reckless road, the law of power has been cultivated to a very high depth. Yes, but it is still flawed. If it comes to talk about potential, it is not as good as Pangu's law of power, but it is weird in this giant ape. I didn't expect that the power form of this world is actually a giant ape! Where is the head of this giant ape? Huang Xiaoyao said doubtfully.

He wants to figure out the real secrets of the four world. Only in this way can he pave the way for the flood.

Leaving the reckless universe, Huang Xiaoyao entered a large plane composed of hundreds of millions of worlds. These worlds, like the number of sand in the Ganges, are countless. Huang Xiaoyao knows that this is the so-called Hengsha world.

These worlds are like cells in the human body, and there is some kind of secret connection with each other. In the eyes of Huang Xiaoyao, this constant sand world is like a bubble, and there are countless small bubbles in the foam.

"It's really strange. First, it's an eternal net, then a giant ape with a law and silk thread, and now it's a bubble starry sky connected to each other like cells. What about the next purple virtual truth world?"

He entered the purple virtual truth world, and the net of the law of the purple virtual truth world was normal. It was a real dragon-like existence.


There were bursts of real dragon roaring in the purple virtual real world, and eighty-one purple virtual real dragons appeared in front of the yellow demon.

"I've met Elder Xiaoyao!" Zixu Zhenlongdao.

"Ha ha, creation is really wonderful!" Huang Xiaoyao said, "You have a good opportunity now. After all, the purple virtual real world contains the powerful purple virtual true dragon road. By the way, where did Zixu Allah go?"

"We don't know whether the master is haunted or not, and we rarely see him, but we knew that he and other Allah suppressed the space god before, but now we don't know what's going on?" Zixu Zhenlongdao.

"Hmm! Practice well. Remember that in any case, you all have the original atmosphere of famine. Ao Ling is your true ancestor!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"What happened to the real ancestor?" Zixu Zhenlongdao.

"You will see her soon! Practice well!" Huang Xiaoyao said and disappeared into the purple virtual real world.


Huang Xiaoyao's spiritual power remains in the four worlds, with Xinlian as the center, and connects the four world's laws with each other. He wants to find the common point between the four worlds.

Slowly, Huang Xiaoyao found that his heart lotus was slowly moving in one direction under the influence of four forces, and the four forces were the power of the road from the four world.

I don't know how long it took, and his heart lotus moved to a strange place. This place unexpectedly integrated the breath of the four world. The end of the laws of the four world gathered here.

"What a strange and powerful world balance point. In the four worlds, there is no independent world balance point, but share a world balance point! Is the four-way world just a powerful world? Huang Xiaoyao said doubtfully.

Huang Xiaoyao is too familiar with this scene. This place, like the previous Taiji ball, is the gathering place of the power of balance. The difference is that in addition to integrating the balance power of the four world, it also gathers the source of the road of the four world.

The reason why the four world is immortal is that this place protects the origin of the world with the power of vast balance.

With the power of balance, Huang Xiaoyao believes that if he doesn't find a way, even Hongmeng can't enter this place.

However, Huang Xiaoyao's power is derived from the supreme heart lotus, which is the balance point of the world and the core of the power of balance. For him, although it is not easy to enter this place, it is not difficult for him.

Because the power of balance is different from other forces, the power of balance in any world is essentially the same, only the size of quantity, which is determined by the strength of the world.

Huang Xiaoyao is not in a hurry to enter this place. He wants to understand all the origin of the four worlds. Only in this way, when he enters this place, he can directly understand the real origin of the four world, which has a significant impact on the balance point of the world that he devours the four world.

The power of the wilderness, the eternal divine power, the infinity of the constant sand, the law of the purple virtual true dragon, the sky and earth, the four combine to give birth to a wonderful creation.