Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 537 Saving Pangu and Chaos Green Lotus

The power of the wilderness, the eternal divine power, the infinity of the constant sand, the law of the purple virtual true dragon, the sky and earth, the four combine to give birth to a wonderful creation.

This is Huang Xiaoyao's perception of the four world. He felt that the four world was originally one. These forces should be the composition of the original big world, but for some reason, he was finally separated by a strong mana.

He knows that secrets are where the original laws of the four world converge.

Xinlian has moved to that place. Huang Xiaoyao has realized the origin of the four-way world to the final stage, and it is also time to understand the secrets of the four-way world.

His mind moved, turned into nothingness, and entered the invisible heart lotus. The heart lotus was extremely strange. He came into contact with the power of balance and integrated into the power of balance. In a moment, his heart lotus entered the inner layer of the cycle, gathered in the inner layer, and penetrated into a strange world.

Most of the world is nihilistic, but in the center of the world, there is a round stone. The stone looks very ordinary, but the true dragon pattern and the shape of the giant beast on the stone show its extraordinary. In the stone, there are starlight points, exuding an eternal and reckless atmosphere.

The stone is floating. Under the stone, there are four people. In the center of the four people, there is a chaotic green lotus. Obviously, the four people are suppressing the green lotus.

"I didn't expect that the defense of this chaotic green lotus is so strong that it can't be refined with the origin of the four of us. It's really incredible. I think this Pangu and chaotic green lotus may come from that place!" Eternal God.

"Only in that place can there be so much Hongmeng power. My master, the previous purple virtual Allah, disappeared just to pursue the source of Hongmeng power!" Purple God.

"Our master is the same, but the real Hongmeng power is only truly understood by the Zilei Taoist at the beginning, and the door that appeared when he broke through the air may be the door of the legendary Hongmeng. I hope we can use the power of Hongmeng on this chaotic green lotus and Pangu to attract this strange world. It's secret!" God in Hengsha.

"The Purple Thunder Taoist was born in this strange place. Maybe there are really secrets here that we don't know. The token he left in the four worlds at the beginning was the key to enter this place, otherwise we could not have entered here. Since he left the key, he must want the four worlds to find a more profound road!" The way of Allah.

"Communicate the origin of the four worlds, and can't wait any longer!" Purple God.


Allah used the origin of the four worlds and communicated with the round stone. With a loud sound, the originally gray and ordinary stone turned into a bright pearl with hundreds of millions of feet of light.


The real dragon on the bright pearl came back to life. A purple light spewed out of the dragon's mouth and was absorbed by the purple virtual Allah. The purple virtual Allah was shocked and his strength greatly increased. Dragon-shaped runes appeared in his hand and suppressed the chaotic green lotus.


A series of real dragon runes wrapped around the chaotic green lotus, absorbing the Hongmeng purple gas on the chaotic green lotus became stronger, turning into a real dragon, happily devouring the Hongmeng purple gas.


A huge thing stood in the round stone. His whole body was powerful and looked extremely wild. It was a giant ape. His eyes burned with golden fire, as if he could see the eternal things.

The giant ape cracked its mouth, and its ferocious teeth sparkled, as if smiling. He double punched his chest, took out a heart-shaped stone from his heart, exuding a vast atmosphere of wildness, and flew into the body of the reckless Allah.

The breath of God rose sharply, and his body was twice as long, and invisible forces suppressed the chaotic green lotus.

In the round stone, not only the real dragon and the giant apes came to life, but also the eternal power of the stars worked one by one, connected with the eternal God and the eternal God of Hengsha. They seemed to have changed in an instant, many times stronger than before.

"The origin of the four directions, refining!"

The chaotic green lotus purple gas permeates, as if it is being refined by the origin of the four directions. With more and more purple gas, the chaotic green lotus seems to be greatly damaged, gradually becoming hypocritical from the original fullness.

Allah was overjoyed. They absorbed these purple gas and immediately realized that the bottleneck of the past was suddenly broken and entered a more mysterious realm.

Just as they fell into surprise, they did not find an invisible force entering the chaotic green lotus.

"It's worthy of Chaos Green Lotus and Pangu!"

Huang Xiaoyao's figure appeared in the chaotic green lotus and saw a big man sitting opposite a woman. Although their faces were tired, they looked more relaxed, and their eyes were clearer, as if they had seen through fate and lost their body origin, but the road was more mysterious.

"It's surprising to use the origin of the world to refine the seeds of Hongmeng planted on them. Although it consumes its own origin, it can be out of the control of Hongmeng. It's good! However, they underestimate the four world. If the four God only uses the origin of the four world outside, he may be able to balance with these Hongmeng Qi. Unfortunately, the four God can actually use the source power of this strange world!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Huang Xiaoyao has understood that the round stone of this strange world is the world balance point of the four-way world, and what surprises Huang Xiaoyao is that the world balance point is not as pure as the balance point of the flood and famine world, but integrates the core source of the four-way world.

However, what Huang Xiaoyao didn't expect was that the balance point of the world was so powerful that it could force out the Hongmeng spirit in Chaos Qinglian and Pangu's body, and could devour the origin of Chaos Qinglian and Pangu.

"Who is the strong man who created the world? How dare you use the balance of the world to devour the source? What is he going to do again?" Huang Xiaoyao said doubtfully.

He vaguely felt that the balance of the world was not as simple as he thought. He understood that the strong man who created the four-way world must have nothing to do with Hongmeng.

Moreover, the mysterious strongman's calculation is far-reaching, which must be the same as Huang Xiaoyao's calculation. He wants to compete with Hongmeng and fate with the four worlds.

When Huang Xiaoyao saw that the Hongmeng purple gas on Chaos Qinglian and Pangu had disappeared, he immediately stopped the devouring power of the balance point of the four worlds with the power of Xinlian.

Pangu opened his eyes and said, "Thank you for your help!"

"In those years, there were good causes, but now I have obtained good results. Thank you for your help. Unexpectedly, the Xiaoyao in those years is not what it used to be!" Chaos Green Lotus Road.

"Are the two Taoist friends safe?" Huang Xiaoyao appeared and smiled.

"Hahaha, now it's more relaxed than ever. Taoist friends are so unfathomable that even we can't see through it!" Pangu Road.

"We have now got rid of Hongmeng's surveillance, and in the future, the flood world will be our original place! Xiaoyao Taoist friend, since you can come here, the world must have merged with the world of gods and demons, right? Chaos Green Lotus Road.

"Well, the world of the wilderness and the world of gods and demons have coincided. Now it is called the origin continent, which can contain an endless world. As long as the origin of the continent is formed, the origin continent will be the infinite world of origin in the future. You can integrate the origin into the continent, and you can evolve with the origin continent and be immortal!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"We understand that before we entered the reckless universe, knew the cultivation methods of Allah in the four directions, and also knew that the reason why they were extremely powerful was because they integrated their origin into the four worlds, we understood that whether it was endless chaos or endless nothingness, it was just a place of drift and would be swallowed up one day! If you want to be truly immortal, you can only create an immortal world and integrate the origin into the immortal world!" Chaos Green Lotus Road.

"As long as you understand! The current origin continent was opened by the god of space. When the origin continent was formed, it once shocked the long river of fate, opened the door of Hongmeng, and shocked those Hongmeng masters even more. Now the seeds of Hongmeng in your body have been absorbed by the four worlds and will not attract the attention of Hongmeng masters. Now you can return to the origin. Lu, I hope that in the future, I can do my best to live and destroy the origin continent together!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Chaos Qinglian and Pangu have a solemn face. They understand Huang Xiaoyao's words. They have now got rid of the control of Hongmeng's master, but they have fallen into a more dangerous situation, because they have got rid of Hongmeng, which means that they have come to the opposite side of Hongmeng. That is to say, in the future, they will fight with Hongmeng.

They know the power of Hongmeng's domination. Now they are just ants in front of Hongmeng's domination. The reason why Hongmeng's domination is that they can dominate the origin of the Hongmeng world. If they want to compete with Hongmeng's domination, they can only create a world that can compete with Hongmeng. Moreover, they are this Part of the world.

"The calculation power of Xiaoyao Taoist friends is really unfathomable, and even the master of Hongmeng is counted!" Pangu said, "Since this is the situation now, we can only lose both glory and loss as the origin of the mainland!"

"Free Taoist friends, there is such a strange place in the four world. Can the origin continent devour the world of the four world?" Chaos Green Lotus Road.

"If it's just the power of the god of space, it can't compete with the four world, but it's easy to have this place now!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Chaos Qinglian and Pangu didn't understand, but when they saw that Huang Xiaoyao didn't intend to say anything, they no longer delve into it and said, "Since Xiaoyao Taoist friends can enter this place unconsciously, there must be a way out!"

"Hmm! Get ready, go out and you will definitely startle Allah!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

After a while, Huang Xiaoyao's mind moved, wrapped the chaotic green lotus with the power of the heart lotus, got rid of the four God, and then threw the chaotic green lotus and Pangu out of this strange world.

"Hmm? Still want to escape? Purple gas real dragon claws!"

"Eternal Hand!"

"The Domain of Hengsha!"

"The power of recklessness!"

Four powerful forces wanted to seize the chaotic green lotus, but were stopped by a strange force. Moreover, this strange force formed a Taiji pattern, which turned the direction of the four forces and attacked Allah in all directions.