Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 539 Heart Lotus Derivatment, Deception

They embarked on different roads for the sake of Taoism. Chaos ancestral gods used endless chaos to nurture the sons of chaos, formed the oldest world, gave birth to endless creatures, interpreted the 'road of chaos', wanted the continuous differentiation of chaotic paths, and finally reached the extreme of 'there', which is equivalent to that Chaos ancestral gods want to turn themselves into more Smaller and weaker splits, these splits interpret the smallest avenue runes. When theseda dao runes are interpreted to the extreme, as long as they are united, they can definitely break the balance of the power of the two instruments, thus devouring the nihilistic ancestral gods and controlling the most primitive Tao.

The nihilistic ancestor gods created the Hongmeng world and incarnate Hongmeng creatures. They were initially very powerful and wanted to stop the way of chaotic ancestors with supreme power. Therefore, Hongmeng dominated the things that affected chaotic civilization. Moreover, they regarded the four-way world as an old enemy to stop the degradation of the four-way world, and instead let the four-way The first birth of the world's way of understanding is to instill some memories in the four world and let them know the power of Hongmeng, so that the creatures in the four directions world continue to practice and step into Hongmeng and become Hongmeng creatures, thus weakening the power of the chaotic ancestral gods.

"It must be like this. The Hongmeng masters transformed by the virtual ancestor gods want to destroy the Hongmeng masters of the chaotic ancestral gods to create the Hongmeng origin stone with the power of Hongmeng and throw themselves into the chaos. They want to devour the power of chaos with the Hongmeng origin stone, and the world opened up by the Hongmeng origin stone is a fusion of the power of nothingness and endless chaos. The world of power is the closest existence to Tao!" Huang Xiaoyao suddenly realized.

"And the world in which my future generations are located is the ultimate of the degradation of chaos. There is no so-called aura. All sentient beings cannot practice and their bodies are weak. However, the weakness of the body cannot let creatures perish. On the contrary, it stimulates their spiritual power and come up with countless truths, philosophy, science, etc. In fact, this is the derivation of nihilism and chaos with the smallest runes. These runes have been transformed into so many wonderful things in future generations, and those things are endless. The science fiction imagined by people in future generations is actually the continuous evolution of these runes. If the next generation continues to evolve, it should be harvested by the nihilistic ancestors. The day he returned to Hongmeng's original stone was when he devoured the chaotic ancestors!"

"Unfortunate, fate has appeared! The so-called impermanence of fate makes the calculations of the virtual ancestor god and the chaotic ancestor deviate. They can no longer control the situation and grasp the direction, because even they themselves are fighting against fate! And I am a part of the impermanence of fate. It is the hand of fate that borrows the ancient hand and let me come to the beginning of the flood.

"What is fate? Is it the so-called river of fate? Why does fate have such a powerful power that can deviate the calculations of chaotic ancestors and nihilless ancestors? Huang Xiaoyao was puzzled.

However, there is a speculation in Huang Xiaoyao's mind that since the power of balance between the two instruments appeared when endless chaos and endless nothingness was born, which was for the balance of endless chaos and endless nothingness, so what did the balance power of these two instruments finally form besides the birth and creation?

In Huang Xiaoyao's heart lotus, the power of the soul is constantly interpreted. Half evolved into endless nothingness, and half evolved into endless chaos. Between endless nothingness and endless chaos, a clear isolation belt was formed.

However, no matter how Huang Xiaoyao evolves, the isolation belt cannot give birth to the so-called creation. Huang Xiaoyao knows that his understanding of Tao has not yet reached that level. If he can interpret creation with heart lotus, maybe he will reach the level of fate.

He was not in a hurry, but kept Xinlian chaotic and nihilistic. He understood that after the space god manipulated the origin of the continent and devoured the four world, it would be the time when all the truth was revealed, because at that time, there must be a war between the hongmeng representing nothingness and the origin of chaos.

"Now, my advantage is to understand the power of balance and integrate with the balance point of the world that originated on the continent. Moreover, I am sure that the masters of Hongmeng certainly do not understand the power of balance, because there is no so-called balance, and the power of balance has a huge threat to Hongmeng's creatures, otherwise they It will not regard the power of balance as a taboo force, which means that the virtual ancestor god did not understand the power of balance, and in the four-way world, only the purple-lei Taoist man understood the power of balance, but did not integrate the world balance point of the four-way world. Perhaps, the power of balance is also the virtual ancestor god and the chaotic ancestor god to open up Hongmeng and the four world. After the world, it was formed by stealing and creating! This is my powerful killer. Huang Xiaoyao said in his heart.

Huang Xiaoyao stood in place and considered, and Allah did not dare to move. They all felt the most primitive power from Huang Xiaoyao, which was the source of power they pursued, but they did not know that it was just chaos and nothingness simulated by Huang Xiaoyao with heart lotus.

"Do you want to get the power of Hongmeng? Do you want to follow the path of your master? Huang Xiaoyao asked.

"We don't know how many billions of years we have been trapped in this realm and want to integrate into the origin of the four world, but because the natural spirit cannot be fully integrated, we can only pursue the way of the teachers to make progress!" Eternal God.

"I hope Elder Zilei will give me some advice!" Purple God.

Huang Xiaoyao grinned and said, "It's not impossible, but you know that your master is dead!"

"What! How is that possible?" Allah was shocked.

In the eyes of God, it is impossible to die in their current state, because they can be reborn in the four world at will. In the four world, there are traces of them everywhere, and the origin is integrated into the four world. As long as the four world is not destroyed, they will not be destroyed.

What's more, the last tetrahes who was more powerful than them?

"It's impossible. The last time I saw the master, I already had my current cultivation. At that time, I felt like an ant in front of the master!" Purple God.

"Ha ha, the frog in the well! Compared with the vast chaos, the four-way world is just a drop in the sea. Although the previous four-way God is powerful in the four-way world, he can only protect himself in endless chaos. Do you think that endless chaos is only your four-way world? Huang Xiaoyao said.

"We know that there is also the world of the wilderness and the world of gods and demons. Now the two worlds have merged, but we have been there. Even if the two worlds are merged, the origin cannot be compared with the four worlds. Among them, there is also a space god who can compete with us. Pangu and the previous predecessors released Chaos Qinglian is also the best among them, but it's worse than us!" Eternal God is confident.

"Endless chaos, the reason why it is called endless is that no one can see the end of it. Do you really know how many strong there are? What's more, your master is not going to chaos, but nothingness!" Huang Xiaoyao fooled.

In fact, what Huang Xiaoyao said is almost the same as the actual situation. Since the four-way world is calculated by Hongmeng, it will definitely guide the strong in the four-way world to enter nothingness, so as to eradicate it and weaken the power of the chaotic ancestors.

"Noh? Is Hongmeng in nothingness?

"Yes, Hongmeng is not only in nothingness, but also the center of endless nothingness, carrying the strongest and core power of nothingness. How many waves can the strongest in the four worlds in Hongmeng? Besides, don't you understand the calculations of the legendary chaotic ancestral gods and nihilless ancestors in your memory? Through the information I have sought over the years and combined with your memories, I can also get a rough idea. Huang Xiaoyao said.

"I would like to hear more about it!"

"You also know that the predecessor of the four-way world is the son of chaos and the son of the son of the chaotic ancestor god. Then, Hongmeng is the son of nothingness bred by the nihilistic ancestor god. Since the chaotic ancestor god and the nihilistic god competes, what do you think will happen if the four gods enter Hongmeng? Moreover, why do you feel that Hongmeng is the highest power in the depths of your hearts? Why don't you master pursue the highest power of chaos but enter Hongmeng? Huang Xiaoyao asked.

"Ah! The senior said that all this is a conspiracy of Hongmeng? Does Hongmeng's strongman want to weaken the power of the four worlds? God in Hengsha.

"Yes, I almost said at the beginning. I entered Hongmeng and was immediately besieged by Hongmeng. If I hadn't understood the core origin of the world, it would have been impossible to escape. Moreover, if you want to enter Hongmeng, there is only one way, that is, to go upstream through the long river of fate, because you can't You can survive in nothingness for a long time! Everything that enters nothingness will soon be assimilated by nothingness!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"The seniors are so powerful that they can survive under the siege of the strong in Hongmeng? Does the senior want to fight against Hongmeng when he comes back this time? The way of Allah.

Allah is guessing the purpose of Huang Xiaoyao. Since Huang Xiaoyao said that he could only pass through the long river of fate, he can return to chaos and must pass through the long river of fate, which means that Huang Xiaoyao can go in and out of the long river of fate at will and go wherever he wants. An infinite admiration arises in the hearts of Allah in the four directions.

When Huang Xiaoyao saw the success of the deception, he immediately said in his heart, "Yes, according to theory, the creatures in chaos are born from chaotic creation. The struggle between chaotic ancestral gods and nihilistic ancestors is also the struggle between our chaotic creatures and nihilistic creatures. No matter who wins in the end, it will only become chaotic ancestral gods or nihilistic gods, because We are just the split of the chaotic ancestral gods. In the end, we will be taken back by the chaotic ancestral gods. Since we exist, we have a reason to exist. If we want to survive, we must grasp our own fate!"

"Can we control our own destiny?" Hengsha Allah suspected that a sense of powerlessness rose in their hearts. The more they knew, the more powerless they became. Their teachers, such powerful people, could die, let alone them?

The reason why they believe Huang Xiaoyao's words so much, in addition to the strong man of Huang Xiaoyao, is actually the strength of Huang Xiaoyao's heart lotus.

"If you want to grasp fate, you can only get creation, and only control the balance between endless chaos and endless nothingness to form a three-legged momentum!" Huang Xiaoyao said.