Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 540 Successful calculation, the wind rises

"If you want to grasp fate, you can only get creation, and only control the balance between endless chaos and endless nothingness to form a three-legged momentum!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Three-legged tripod? Do you want to compare with the chaotic ancestor god? How is this possible? They are the oldest creatures, the children of Taoism. At best, we are just born afterlife!" Eternal Allah is incredible.

"Have you forgotten the calculations of the chaotic ancestors? Since he wants to degenerate the creature to the extreme, it shows that the more acquired the creature, the greater the potential, because when a creature is born strong, they don't know how to cherish the innate power. He has not gone through any disaster or struggled. Those forces are just given to him by God, not his own power, but, An acquired weak creature, he came step by step and experienced endless disasters. One day when he reaches the realm of those strong, he must be stronger than those strong, because his soul has experienced the double training of years and suffering!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"What the predecessor said is very true! However, it is so difficult for us to control our own destiny! Now in our four world, we are calculated by the strong men of Hongmeng, and there is only one strong predecessors!" Purple God.

"You are wrong. The virtual ancestor god calculated the chaotic ancestor god and let the strong man of the four world find the door of Hongmeng to enter Hongmeng, thus weakening the power of the chaotic ancestor god. Didn't the chaotic ancestor god have a plan?" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Huh? The senior said that there is more powerful power in the depths of endless chaos? By the way, since Hongmeng is so powerful and represents the power of the nihilistic ancestor god, how can the chaotic ancestor god leave only the four world? God in Hengsha.

"Yes, I came back from Hongmeng and once saw a mysterious chaotic area in the long river of fate. There are powerful chaotic fruits there. I even suspect that it is the cemetery of the chaotic ancestors!" Huang Xiaoyao fooled.

"Cemetery?" Allah is shocked.

"Yes, there is the supreme power of Chaos! However, it is difficult to go there, and you must understand the balance between the two instruments!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Huh? Isn't the power of balance between the two instruments greater than the power of chaotic ancestral gods and virtual ancestral gods? How can we understand it?"

"Of course, you can't understand the power of balance between the two instruments at that level, but no one can imagine that the power born in Hongmeng or chaos will naturally form a balance, and there is the power of balance between the two instruments. This is the root of the world. The four world is the son of chaos. You can only If you understand the balance power of the world, you can find that place!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Is it that the balance between the two instruments in the four world is here? Is this also the power to lead to fate and Hongmeng? Purple God.

"Yes, I was born adhering to the origin of the four world here. When I was born, I had already realized the power of balance between the two instruments, so that I could freely enter and exit the long river of fate and escape the siege of the masters of Hongmeng! Since I tell you this, it shows that I have a way for you to understand the balance between the two instruments!" Huang Xiaoyao said and made a move to attract four balanced forces from the shining round stone, forming four runes containing the origin of the four worlds.

"These four runes contain the core source of the four worlds, and contain the balance of the two instruments. If you integrate into the source, you can go anywhere!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Thank you very much, senior!" Allah everywhere rejoiced that they felt different power from the four runes. That power was exactly what they felt from the ball, and they had no doubt at all.

Allah enters the enlightenment, while Huang Xiaoyao is a heart lotus, possessed on a round boulder, and feels the origin of the four world. In fact, it is also the core road of the son of chaos.

In fact, the four runes are only simulated by Huang Xiaoyao with the power of Xinlian. Huang Xiaoyao can solve the problems of the four world without any effort.

Because he can feel that the crisis is getting closer and closer, it is impossible for him to wait for the Hongmeng master to wake up completely, because he has a guess that when the Hongmeng master is completely awakened, there must be a change in endless chaos, and that kind of change should be related to the chaotic ancestors that have never appeared.

"Is this the way of the son of chaos? Chaos ancestor god is easy to calculate. The way of Hengsha is to let the children of chaos divide the four worlds, thus creating countless worlds. In fact, it wants to divide all the huge chaos and give birth to more splits, which is in line with the so-called 'degeneration'. However, if you just want to degrade the creatures to the extreme Therefore, it is impossible for the chaotic ancestor god to recover all the splits in the future, because it is impossible for creatures that have degenerated to the extreme to survive for a long time, let alone the chaotic ancestor enlightenment. However, the eternal way allows them to keep their bodies eternal no matter what level of life they have degenerated to. Even if they die, they can be reborn in reincarnation. The way of purple virtual is to keep the soul of living creatures with a true dragon-like will, and the way of recklessness is to let the power of living creatures continue to evolve! It turns out that the meaning of the existence of the four world is like this!"

The son of chaos gave birth to the origin of the four-way world. The origin of the four-way world has undergone the acquired evolution, and the four-way avenues are intertwined to form this ball, and the balance point of the world was born in this ball, which has led to the current integration of balance and the originality.

Why were creatures born in the world? It is because there is creation in every world, and the source of creation is actually the origin of various avenues. Just as the two sources of endless chaos and endless nothingness were born in the initial way, and then the two sources interacted to produce primitive creation. The reason why the four worlds of the future can give birth to the power of balance between the two instruments is also various great The result of Tao interaction.

"Sure enough, the Zilei Taoist was born in the origin of the four worlds, and the balance point of the world was also born in the origin of the four worlds. Unexpectedly, the initial spiritual wisdom has been produced. If the world balance point becomes a real creature, then he is the real master of the four world, no matter how powerful the four world is born after the four world. It is impossible to pose a threat to it, and as long as the balance point of the world is not extinguished, the four worlds will not be extinguished, or no matter how many small worlds the four worlds degrade to, how many small worlds it can be truly destroyed. One day it will be reborn. Is this also one of the calculations of the chaotic ancestors?

Huang Xiaoyao is now confused, because he finds that as long as the real chaotic ancestral gods and nihilistic ancestral gods are involved, his heart lotus cannot evolve. He knows that his strength is still too weak.

However, he found that he was so lucky that he could meet the world balance point of the four-way world that gave birth to weak intelligence.

Huang Xiaoyao has experienced everything along the way, which can be regarded as omnipotent. At present, only fate can be calculated, or that infinite sentient beings are calculated in fate, and he is no exception, and chaotic ancestral gods and nihilistic gods are no exception.

However, Huang Xiaoyao's personality is like this. He will only do what he can do, and the balance point of the world that devours the four world is what he can do now. No matter how powerful the four world is, no matter how powerful the balance between the two instruments is, without strong intellectual control, it is just equivalent to a child holding a huge axe. .

He moved and said to Allah, "You can go out!" If you want to survive in the future, you can only go to the cemetery of the chaotic ancestral gods to get the inheritance of Chaos! I'm in the world, and there won't be any accidents. You don't have to worry about accidents from your origin!"

Allah has no defense against the yellow demon, because in their opinion, they are just ants compared to the strong in front of them.

"Yes, senior!"

Allah left this strange space and entered the world. Suddenly, they were shocked and a trembling fear rose in their hearts. They felt as if they were being targeted by something.

Their eyes looked through the chaos and saw a looming purple giant door in nothingness, and they were shocked and said, "The door of Hongmeng, the real person of Zilei is really right. The world of the four directions has always been monitored by Hongmeng. If we hadn't been granted by the real person of Zilei, we wouldn't have found it! Go, the door of Hongmeng belongs to nothingness, and it is impossible to enter the endless chaos. As long as we find the cemetery of the chaotic ancestors, we can protect ourselves in the future!"

When Huang Xiaoyao heard the words of Allah in the strange space, he pouted and said, "You have so much power of balance that it's strange that you don't attract the attention of the master of Hongmeng!"

If Hongjun and others, who are familiar with Huang Xiaoyao, see such a situation, they must shout firmly: "Don't be against Xiaoyao Dao Zun, or you will be sold by him and help him count the money, and thank him if you are calculated, this is the highest level of calculation!"

"Add a few more pieces to the master of Hongmeng, which is enough to confuse their sight! However, I still have to strengthen my card quickly, otherwise it is impossible to form a three-legged power with the chaotic ancestor god and the nihilless ancestor god!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Huang Xiaoyao deceived the four-way Allah. In addition to making them become his pawns, he also wanted them to leave the four-way world, let the origin continent encroach on the origin of the four-way world and prepare him for the balance point of swallowing the four-way world.

He turned into a heart lotus again and entered the round stone to feel.


In the mysterious Hongmeng world, a giant turned over again, as if to wake up from his sleep. The most powerful power spread into nothingness, forming the doors of Hongmeng. Those Hongmeng doors, like their eyes and ears, absorbing endless chaos, endless nothingness and the long river of fate.

At this time, a vast and eternal powerful source power appeared from somewhere in endless chaos, causing endless chaos to blow chaotic storms. A peerless divine mountain appeared in endless chaos, and there was also a divine tree emanating endless creation on the mountain.