Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 541 The shape of the origin of the continent, all sentient beings wake up

At this time, a vast and eternal powerful source power appeared from somewhere in endless chaos, causing endless chaos to blow chaotic storms. A peerless divine mountain appeared in endless chaos, and there was also a divine tree emanating endless creation on the mountain.

The creation of the divine tree, its trunk branches and leaves continue to stretch, and the chaotic atmosphere full of destruction immediately dissipates, turning into the origin of the world full of creation, absorbed by the divine tree, and then integrated into the divine mountain and disappears, and the divine mountain also grows ten feet tall.

"The heaven stands, the earth stands a divine tree, creates the underworld, and the origin is immortal. From today on, the origin of the continent floats in endless chaos. Taking the qi of endless chaos as food, the endless origin of creation is born. Endless chaos is immortal. The origin of the mainland is endless. I coexist with heaven and earth, and all sentient beings coexist with heaven and earth! hua!" A figure emerged from the space, forming a mysterious fingerprint in his hand. Each fingerprint resonates with the divine tree of Shenshan.


A light shines in the endless chaos, as if it were a kindling, bringing endless hope to the creatures. The light illuminates the whole endless chaos, and the chaos where it passes dissolves and blends into the divine tree.

In an instant, a piece of land extends from the bottom of the mountain, gradually turns into a land of tens of millions of feet, and quickly expands out, as if it were endless.

At this moment, there seems to be a sharp blade that cuts through the whole endless chaos. The clear air rises to the sky, and the turbid air falls to the ground. In the middle, there is a vast divine mountain and a divine tree full of creation, standing up to the sky, emitting the immortal power of creation.

If someone's eyes can tolerate the whole emerging world, they will know that this origin continent is not a flat earth, but the whole divine mountain, or no matter how the earth expands, its center always sits on the divine mountain, and the edge of the earth is the edge of the divine mountain, and the sky The height is the height of the divine mountain.

This is an unimaginable divine mountain, a divine tree on the divine mountain. Every leaf is absorbing and creating, as if it is nurturing a cosmic world, and every branch is the connection channel between these universes.

The reason why endless chaos is called endless is that there is really no end. The so-called road is endless, and the endless chaos and endless nothingness born are also endless. Therefore, the divine mountain and the divine tree are also endless.

Under the effect of creation, creatures in the world of famine and gods and demons in the past awakened and were born one after another. They stepped on the earth. Because of the height of their vision, they felt that this was not a mountain, but a flat earth.

"What a strong origin, and this origin is extremely perfect without any shortcomings. Let's quickly understand that only now is our greatest opportunity. The origin of the continent is endless, and our Tao is never-ending. When the origin of the origin of the mainland is perfect, it will not be so easy to understand!" Nuwa said.

"Sister Nuwa, do you think there is anything strange about this endless land? Why do I think this breath is so familiar? Although the space god merged with the Wuzhou Mountain and the world tree to give birth to the continent, we have all fallen into endless reincarnation, but because my initial origin contains in the reincarnation, my true spirit has not slept at all, so I feel very familiar with it!" Back soil road.

"I also feel very familiar with this land, with the smell of mountains, and every grain of dust on the earth, I feel that it contains the universe! It seems to be the core source of the earth!" Nuwa said.

At this moment, a fairy Taoist priest and a middle-aged man full of virtuous temperament came from a distance.

"I've met Nuwa's Taoist friend, Houtu Taoist friend!" Taoist priest.

"I've met Hongjun Taoist friends, Taoist friends in time and space! Huh? Why is the breath of the two Taoist friends like this? Nuwa and Hou Tudao.

"Ha ha, now, I really admire the free Taoist master. Only those who are never covered by the fog can create such an endless world! Maybe you have just awakened and have not yet understood the way of this new world. At that time, you will know what a great world this is!" Hongjun Road.

"Yes, now we can be regarded as the first creatures in this new world, and also the creatures who understand the original road. Grasp it well, I have understood my original road and the future civilization of the mainland, which is dominated by me!" The ancestor of time and space.

"I will dominate the future days of the continent of origin!" Hongjun laughed.

"Ha ha, the two Taoist friends understand the road. Congratulations. Let's go to find other creatures in Xiaoyao Road. Farewell!" Nuwa said.

Nuwa's eyes are full of mystery, and the creation appears on her body, and then the earth is full of the power of reincarnation. They seem to see their own origin road from heaven and earth.

"The creation is indeed the creation! I really envy Xiaoyao Taoist. His confidant is the biggest beneficiary after the birth of the mainland! Even ordinary creatures who practice the free way are the beneficiaries of the origin of the continent!" Hongjun said with envy.

"I finally understand that at the beginning of creation, it looked very weak, but when the creation reaches a certain level, it can be transformed into thousands of paths. At the beginning, Nuwa's free Taoist environment was the root of qualitative change, and so is the later soil. No matter how the origin of the continent changes, reincarnation is crucial!" The ancestor of time and space.

"Ha, let's go. Now that the world is endless, we no longer have to fight with each other. The gifts of heaven and earth are inexhaustible. We are really free people!" Hongjun Road.

"Hahaha, now that I think about it, our original calculation was too pediatric. If we had succeeded, we would have become the strongest in the world at most, but it is impossible to be free, because there are countless strong people in chaos, but now, the foundation of the origin of the continent has been formed, devouring the creatures in endless chaos and endless chaos. Sooner or later, we will enter the life of the origin continent. At that time, we must be one of the strongest people in this origin continent, and this is the real freedom!" The ancestor of time and space.

"This is the great ambition of the free Taoist master 'everyone is like a dragon, and everyone can become the Taoist'. Only now have I really understood that the heart of the free Taoist master is so vast and endless. It can be said that his heart contains not only heaven and earth, but also endless chaos and endless nothingness, and even the mysterious enlightenment are all in his heart. Among them, his heart is the real endless, this is the greatest power, the greatest way!" Hongjun Road.

"Hongjun Taoist friend, our original road now has no end, and I am also satisfied. Let's go in the direction of the world tree, which is the center of creation!" The ancestor of time and space.

originated from the mainland, and countless creatures were born. Hongjun and the ancestors of time and space are just the best among them. The strongest in the last era, the twelve gods and three thousand chaotic demons can find traces in this endless earth.

However, some creatures still retain the memory of the previous era, while others have experienced the baptism of reincarnation and no longer remember anything. However, even so, they are also the beneficiaries of this era, because they were born from this world of inexhaustible resources. There is no struggle, only a firm heart for Taoism. .

The road is no longer just the so-called three thousand to eight hundred side gates, nor is it just the so-called twelve sources. It is not just magic power, but ubiquitous. One grass and tree are the way, every flower and one stone are the way, every move is the way, and every sand and dust are the way...

"Tao, endless, only the heart is free, no scruples, can hide in the world, can be born in the mountains and fields..."

This sentence is an immortal obsession and belief in the heart of every creature!

In the endless earth, every creature can see a divine tree, which is the world tree. As long as they look at the world tree, they seem to see the endless historical dust from it and can understand it.

In the endless land, they interpret their own visions every day. They are all scenes of life enlightenment. Each vision is different and has a unique personality.

Of course, not every vision can be seen by all sentient beings. What can be seen by all sentient beings is a powerful road full of creation.

People have a strong heart towards Taoism, and there is an innate yearning for this vision of the road.

For example, there are three visions between heaven and earth, which are called the innate three paths by all sentient beings.

The first is the world tree in the center of the earth, which is a place where all sentient beings can never reach. No matter how difficult it is to walk, it seems that the distance is always so far away. Therefore, the world tree is also known as the land of the soul, because only the soul can reach it.

The second is a chaotic green lotus that covers the whole east, which is called the wonder of creation. This kind of creation attracts all sentient beings, but not all creatures can reach that place. It is said that only a few people in heaven and earth can enter the lotus platform.

The third is a giant with a huge axe in his hand. He chopping endless chaos on the edge of the world every moment. Every axe always interprets the pure road of power and can always see a new life from destruction. Therefore, many creatures who practice the road of power and the road of destruction want to worship the giant as their teacher. However, many people can't get close to it, because it is full of the power of destruction, and only strong creatures can get close to it.

All sentient beings, whose vision is limited, can never see the deepest mystery. Therefore, they only see the endlessness of heaven and earth, but they can't see the end of the world.

Is the origin of the continent really endless? At least, in the eyes of the space god, chaotic green lotus, Pangu and yellow demon, it is not endless.

The space god saw the four world in the depths of endless chaos, chaotic Qinglian and Pangu, saw the door of Hongmeng in the depths of endless chaos, while Huang Xiaoyao saw the endless nothingness, saw the nameless long river in nothingness, and another purple world on the other side of the unknown long river.

A giant finally woke up from their sleep. They opened their hazy eyes, and there were thousands of lives and death in their eyes.

And in the depths of endless chaos, there is also a mysterious place. Allah also found the strange place where the yellow demon fooled them to find.

Is this really the cemetery of the chaotic ancestors? Huang Xiaoyao, why do you know?