Prince of Flowers

042 There are many benefits of peeking at beautiful women

Zhang Yuan can penetrate the power into the angle mill by turning on the power of the giant elephant when he is working. At the same time, he can do ten times more work than skilled workers. If he is strong enough, he can top 50 people alone!

Zhang Yuan finished grinding the 100-meter edge in less than half an hour. The factory director came over and was very surprised and didn't understand how he did it, but he was happy that the job was really beautiful.

"Xiao Zhang is really capable. He will go to the finance department to get 200 yuan later. There is still work tonight, more than 5,000 meters of double edge, 151 meters, you can do it happily."

The factory director asked people to install the plate to go to the construction site. Zhang Yuan gave his list, and the factory immediately arranged for production. If the relationship is good, you will naturally take more care of it!

The factory director went to the construction site. Zhang Yuan's work has not been processed yet. After finishing it, he will also follow the construction site to coordinate the installation and supervise the workers' work. It is necessary to be careful when installing the stone. After all, sometimes it will kill people if the installation is not good, and no one can bear such a responsibility!

Ms. Zhang's work is not big. After cutting the plate on the bridge, Zhang Yuan processed it by himself.

Zhang Yuan pulled the board to the cutting machine and brushed it with two knives. He can use the machines here. Compared with those machine tools in the school, the machines in the stone factory are too simple. As long as you look at it for a while, you can use them skillfully!

Dry, stick edge, edge grinding, waxing and polishing, protection, crystal film, end the battle!

"Xiao Zhang, you haven't had lunch yet. Let's eat some watermelon."

"Thank you, sister. I'll treat you to a barbecue later. I'm in a hurry to install it. Let's go."

"Be safe."


Zhang Yuan waved to the beautiful sister of finance, wrapped the finished table in foam, took a bag of tools to the door of the stone factory, and called the lady's friend's phone: "Hello, I'm Zhang Yuan. Sister Zhang asked me to find you."

"Oh, Xiao Zhang, right? Where are you? Is the table ready?"

That was a woman's voice. Zhang Yuan guessed that the other party should be in his twenties and may be a beautiful woman.

"It's done. I'm at the gate of Yatai Building Materials Market now. It's very close to Shuangyang by highway from here."

"I'm just nearby. I'll go to your place in 15 minutes."

Zhang Yuan hung up the phone and sat on the stone next to the door to rest. Since someone helped deliver the goods, he saved a lot of effort, which was a good thing.

I didn't eat at noon, and Zhang Yuan's stomach gurgled. He regretted that he didn't go to the beautiful sister of finance just now to order something to eat. She has a lot of snacks. Although she is not full, it's not bad to fool her stomach.

Didi sounded two car horns, and a black Audi stopped beside Zhang Yuan. The window fell. A beautiful woman wearing glasses asked, "Are you Xiao Zhang?"

"Hello, I am. Can I put these in the trunk?"

"No problem."

Zhang Yuan carefully put his things in the trunk, where there are golf clubs. People who can play this kind of aristocratic sport are rich or noble. From the perspective of beautiful women's behavior and dress, she should belong to the latter.

Zhang Yuan got on the car, Audi shook its tail and drove smoothly on the road smoothly, passed the West Union International Stone Market, went 500 meters north and turned right on the Fifth Ring Road. The speed of the car climbed, and the beautiful woman drove fiercely.

The beautiful woman wears a snow-white skirt, and her beautiful legs are more fierce.

Zhang Yuan originally thought that Zhang Anran, Tianmi and Zhao Shu's beautiful legs were charming enough, but they were still two grades worse than the long snow-white, slender and round legs beside him!

Why do you think of Zhao Shu's little bitch? Zhang Yuan feels a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Yuan put aside Zhao Shu, he felt that he had a lot of luck recently, otherwise why did the beautiful women he saw be so excellent?

Zhang Yuan just glanced at it, but this glance made his scalp numb!

"Capture the beautiful leg scenery of a 12-level beauty and get 2,000 life points!"

"No way, her beautiful legs have increased so many life points at a glance. Is it possible that her beautiful legs are so powerful? Let me try again!"

Zhang Yuan peeked at it again, and his scalp was numb again. He got 1,500 points of life, but he felt that the strength in his body had increased a lot. These beautiful legs were too strong. He didn't want to be a pervert, but in order to improve his strength faster, he had to make it difficult. Shame once.

Zhang Yuan wore sunglasses, which provided convenient conditions for him to peek at the shameless behavior of beautiful legs. As a result, he peeked all the way. When he came to Shuangyang Garden, he had a cold war and his life point rose a little.

At this time, Zhang Yuan inadvertently glanced up along his beautiful legs, and the snow grave jade was infinitely enchanting. His blood slammed up and almost came out of his nose!

Zhang Yuan subconsciously covered his nose, and the beautiful woman asked, "Why did you think of a nosebleed after watching it all the way?"

Zhang Yuan's face suddenly turned red, and he seemed to be ashamed. The first time he peeked at others, he was caught. He was really shameless, but in fact, it was just a kind of his conditioned reflex, which was a very deceptive conditioned reflex!

The beautiful woman smiled: "I know that shame is still saved. In fact, it is not a crime to peek at the beautiful woman, but if you can only peek at it all your life, it will be a great sadness!"

The beautiful woman's words were thought-provoking. Zhang Yuan was stunned for a moment and thought about the meaning of this sentence. For a moment, he thought a lot, but forgot the embarrassment just now.

"Capture the beautiful scenery and get 10,000 life points!"

As soon as the mechanical sound fell, Audi had stopped on the second underground floor. Zhang Yuan took off his sunglasses and stuffed them in his pocket and said, "That's very kind of you. Thank you!"

Zhang Yuan opened the trunk and took the stone and tools. The beautiful woman locked the car and walked in front of him to press the elevator. Her beautiful black and white eyes looked at him. It was not until his face turned red again that she covered her lips and smiled: "You are so easy to blush now. Why are you so bold when you look at my legs on the road?"

Zhang Yuan didn't want to answer her. He thought about it and said seriously, "In fact, I have always been very bold, but it has never been reflected in the matter of peeking at beautiful women. This is the first time I have peeking at beautiful women for so long. The main reason is that your legs are so beautiful that I can't help but be attracted, and I wear sunglasses to avoid looking at them. Yes, I covered my ears and thought you would definitely not find it, but you know, I just wanted to find a seam to get in!"

Zhang Yuan calmed down so quickly and talked. The beautiful woman was slightly surprised. The elevator opened, and the two walked in. The beautiful woman looked at him playfully: "It seems that you don't feel ashamed now. Why is that?"

The beautiful woman has a lot of problems, like a curious baby. Zhang Yuan took a look at her beautiful legs without sunglasses. He got more energy and trembled slightly. He felt like he had been electrocuted. It was very cool!

The mechanical sound keeps, and Zhang Yuan's life point soared!