Prince of Flowers

050 Journey

"Who is he? Why did he dig his grave?"

"He is my enemy. I didn't expect him to leave first. I had no choice but to dig the grave."

This is the first time Zhang Yuan has heard a beautiful woman in a black dress. Her voice is very similar to that of Lan Shimeng, but it is more gentle and beautiful.

Zhang Yuan looked carefully at the beautiful woman in black and said, "Aunmother, I don't think you are any different from normal people."

The beautiful woman in black said, "You are very smart. I am really no different from normal people. The reason why I sleep in the coffin is to absorb energy. I have no choice but to lie there. If I can be like a normal person, I also hope to be with my daughter all the time and have a good time with her. Every beautiful night and day in life, I think all mothers have the same dream as me, but no mother will let me get such a strange disease.

Zhang Yuan said, "So what are you going to do now? Do you want to whip the body to relieve your hatred? I don't think so. You don't look like the kind of person who has to report.

The beautiful woman in black skirt said, "I'm doing this old man's body. There are many things in his body that are very beneficial to clear the toxins in my body, so I'm going to take him back to the stone room to study it.

After saying that, the beautiful woman in black skirt dodged and hid into the bushes next to her, but Zhang Yuan did not move. He stared at the man curiously. It was a middle-aged man who came. He saw Zhang Yuan from afar and was stunned. Then he saw the excavated tomb coming angrily and looked at Zhang Yuan coldly and said, "Did you do it?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "If you did such a thing, would you wait to be caught here? Only an idiot will do this. I just passed by. Unexpectedly, I ran into here. I was a little curious to see that I was about to leave you. That's the thing!"

The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Yuan suspiciously and suddenly took action.

Zhang Yuan didn't expect that the man would suddenly take action. He didn't have any preparation at all, but he didn't need any preparation. His fine fist immediately hit out like a conditioned reflex, just hitting the man's elbow. The man's elbow was horizontal, and there was a buzzing sound of gold and iron. The two people's bodies collided with each other. The two pieces of steel collided together, which was extremely hard.

Two people fought together with one punch and one foot. The middle-aged man is good at it, but he is not as brave as Zhang Yuan, and his body is becoming more and more powerful, because his body is crazily absorbing all the things that can be absorbed. This is an ability discovered by Zhang Yuanxin, if he is not busy now. He will definitely feel extremely happy about the work at hand.

After fighting for a long time, the beautiful woman in black skirt suddenly appeared and slapped the middle-aged man's neck. The middle-aged man immediately fainted. The beautiful woman in black skirt quickly put the old man in the coffin in a black cloth bag, and the middle-aged man was buried in the coffin.

Zhang Yuan buried the grave again, and the beautiful woman in black walked out of the cemetery with a bag. She even prepared an off-road vehicle, as if it was the one that had an accident in Changping last time.

The beauty in black skirt threw the cloth bag into the car and jumped into the car. Zhang Yuan also got on the car, and the off-road vehicle disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

Zhang Yuan sent the beautiful woman in black skirt home. He answered the phone and left in a hurry. When Lan Shimeng chased her out, there was no shadow. Since her mother had come back, Lan Shimeng was relieved. She quickly went back to see how her mother was doing.

My mother has quietly lay back in the iron coffin, as if she had fallen asleep!

Time flies. One morning, Zhang Yuan set off with Ning Xiaorou and Li Qin.

It takes more than 20 hours to drive from Jincheng to Inner Mongolia by yourself, which is really tiring, so Zhang Yuan took the two women to go there by train.

In the soft sleeper car, Zhang Yuan looked at the flying scenery outside the window and sighed, "Time flies. It's autumn again, and then winter. It's a year in a blink of an eye. Time is probably the easiest thing to consume."

Ning Xiaorou said, "Yes, I still feel very small now, but in fact it is not small, but every time I dream back at midnight, I feel as if I was six or seven years old at the last moment, but the next moment I became like this. Then one day in the future, I may find that the last moment was It's like this now, but the reality is that I'm old."

Li Qin stretched her body and sighed, "I really hope to be a child all the time. I have always lived that kind of carefree life in my childhood. I don't need to think about anything, as long as I have fun. Such days are the real fairy days. How can it be so annoying as growing up? When Ben falls in love, get married and have children, there is no time to calm down. It's really annoying and annoying.

Ning Xiaorou said, "Sister Qinqin, you said you are not a nurse, but a doctor?"

"Yes, I'm still a psychologist. I have an international practice certificate in both aspects. What's the matter? You want me to help you see if you have a psychopath. You certainly don't, but Zhang Yuan has it. He is crazy."

Li Qin doesn't have the strength now. Zhang Yuan tossed her and Ning Xiaorou in his small yard room all night last night. At that time, she felt very happy, as if it didn't matter if she died immediately, but now it's not like that when she recovered, and her body hurts so much. It seems to have fallen apart.

And now Li Qin's bottom is still very painful, which was also made for her by Zhang Yuan last night. Of course, she also made it herself in order to covet that touching feeling.

Although Li Qin is a little dissatisfied, she is very satisfied, because Zhang Yuan is actually the kind of man she dreams of looking for. Although he has a girlfriend, it doesn't matter. Which of the powerful man now is not three wives and four concubines.

In fact, Li Qin's father has many women, including six or seven of his wife and concubines alone, but Li Qin is born in a big house. She has the absolute right to inherit the family's property, so it is impossible for those women and their children to change this fact no matter what they fight for.

In fact, Li Qin doesn't care about the wealth of the family. If the women and their children in the family can live quietly, she won't mind splitting the family's property equally in the future. She can also take a penny, but the premise is that they and them are worth it.

The reality is not worth doing that, so she doesn't have that kind of compassionate intention. It is precisely because of this that the family is very polite to Li Qin on the surface, but they want her to die immediately so that they can divide their property!