Prince of Flowers

051 Lori is fierce

Although it is such a current situation, which can be said to be a bad lesson, Li Qin doesn't think there is anything wrong with that. The problem is not that a man has several women. The question is whether those women can have some careers or have their own peace of mind. Don't always worry about those who shouldn't worry about. Something to remember.

Li Qin can do it without thinking about Zhang Yuan's property, no matter how much it is. In the future, she and Zhang Yuan will have a child, and the child will inherit her property in the future. She believes that she will not be worse than any man and can create a business kingdom!

"I'm really a madman. This is an indisputable fact. Living in this world full of paranoia, if I don't go crazy, I will survive on the snowstep. I think there is nothing wrong with being crazy. What's wrong is the world. If the world becomes normal, I think I will also become normal. "

Zhang Yuan yawned and said, "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette. Are you hungry? I haven't eaten anything in the morning. I'll get something to eat later.

The two women nodded and lay on the bed feeling sleepy. They didn't sleep last night. Now it's time to make up for it.

When Zhang Yuan saw that the two women looked sleepy, he quietly left the carriage and asked them to lock the inside so as not to let the indifferent people come in.

Nowadays, there is all kinds of garbage in this society, and you may encounter anything if you are not careful, especially for particularly beautiful girls.

Zhang Yuan came to the smoking place, lit a cigarette and stood there smoking.

Zhang Yuan called the women again and chatted for a while. In a blink of an eye, the mobile phone was hot for more than half an hour, and then he hung up the phone.

Zhang Yuan yawned, and he is also a little sleepy now. It's not because he was ridiculously with Ning Xiaorou and Li Qin last night, but because he didn't have a good rest these days. The accumulated sense of burnout made him want to have a good sleep and have a good rest.

"Boxed lunch, hot boxed lunch, 20 yuan a box."

The car pushed over, and the boxed lunch seller kept shouting. Zhang Yuan looked at the contents of the boxed lunch and found that it was okay, so he asked for four boxes, two bags of steamed buns, and took them back to the soft sleeper car. The two girls had fallen asleep. He opened the door lock vigorously and put two boxes of bags of steamed buns there. He stood in the aisle with the remaining box of lunch and a bag of steamed buns and ate it.

Zhang Yuan wanted to find a place to sit for a while, so he strolled to the front. The car in front was not too crowded, and occasionally he could see one or two empty seats. He found a place to sit down, which happened to be near the window, holding his chin and looking at the flying scenery outside in a daze.

When is the happiest time in life? If Zhang Yuan is asked to answer, it is when he is free to be in a daze. Even if he is happy at rest of the time, he must persevere and work hard. He must work hard, except for sleeping. At that time, there is no clear consciousness at all.

Zhang Yuan smelled a faint fragrance. He turned his head and looked at him. A little girl was looking at him, sucking her fingers, and her pink face was full of two words: cute.

This little girl is wearing a small skirt with strawberries on a white background, with small blue sandals and cute short hair. She looks three or four years old, and her big black and white eyes do not blink. Obviously, she is very interested in Zhang Yuan.

"Little sister, why do you look at my brother like this? Do you think my brother is very handsome?"

People at several tables nearby laughed and thought the joke was really good, but Zhang Yuan felt that he was not telling a joke. He was already very handsome. Even if he was not a handsome teenager, at least he was super Zhengtai.

Little Lori smiled and shook her head and said, "Brother, I'm wondering when the rice grains at the corners of your mouth will be eaten or fall off!"

Zhang Yuan was stunned and reached out and touched the corners of his mouth. The people around him smiled more fiercely. Another person laughed disgustingly and scolded, "This fool was actually confused by a little girl's film. What a fool!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said to Xiao Luoli, "Little sister, you are very smart, but your brother is not a fool. My brother just likes to hit people. You are blindfolded. My brother is going to do it!"

Zhang Yuan said that he had stood up, walked two steps to the tall bald head who scolded him, and punched the bare skull. Suddenly, a big bag bulged up there. Then Zhang Yuan picked up the bald head and hit his chin. The bald head had no power to fight back, and soon turned into a blue-purple duck. Egg, I can't see what it really looks like.

The bald head is not alone, but the three people did not have a chance to stand up at all. They were all seats. Zhang Yuan picked up the stainless steel tray and banged a few times and were stunned.

Zhang Yuan said to the bald head, "If the policeman comes, if you dare to say that I hit you, I will skin you and put a dog skin on you. I heard that you can grow together, then you will become the most legendary human-headed and dog monster in this century!"

Zhang Yuan glanced coldly at the gloating people nearby. Those people immediately went back and sat down. He saw that the little girl suddenly flashed her big eyes and was not blindfolded at all, but he did not mean to be afraid at all. He was curiously, "Little sister, do you see such a violent thing at all? Don't you feel scared?"

Little Lori smiled and shook her head. Her attitude is always so good. Zhang Yuan believes that the family that can teach such a polite little girl without saying a word must not be an ordinary family, and the parents who can teach such a cute little girl must not be ordinary parents.

"Why don't you feel scared?"

"There is no bleeding."

Little Lori smiled and said that she answered quite naturally. Zhang Yuan suspected that it was not the first time she had answered such a question, but she felt that it was ridiculous to think so. Who would always ask such cruel questions?

"Is there no bleeding? Will you be afraid of bleeding?


Little Luoli continued to smile. Zhang Yuan was very confused. He felt more and more that the little girl was unusual.


"I'm not afraid of anything, brother. Do you think I might be afraid of bleeding?"

Little Lori suddenly sighed and said, "I've always wanted to know what it feels like to be afraid, but I'm afraid I won't know it in my life, because there is nothing I'm afraid of in this world."

Zhang Yuan shook his head and said, "Little sister, you still have something to be afraid of. For example, you will be afraid of losing your loved ones."

Little Lori shook her head with a smile: "I have no relatives. I'm an orphan."

Zhang Yuan was stunned and said, "Even if you are an orphan, there are people you like. Aren't you afraid of losing those people?"

"I don't have anything I particularly like and things I like. It doesn't matter if I lose myself, because I can take care of myself and I can get what I want."