Prince of Flowers

260 Ling's old friends

Zhang Yuan looked at her disdainfully and said, "I'm now. You are really cheap. If I had known your virtue, I should have let you give it to that garbage brother and those scum, so that you would be happy. "I'm a bitch!"

He stood up and said, "Sister Shushu, Qingfu, come with me. I'll take care of your affairs. Isn't it just to arrange a job and find a school? It's a big deal! Let's go!"

Wang Shu and Zhu Qingfu grabbed Zhang Yuan. Zhu Qingfu said, "Xiaoyuan, sit down and talk well. Wutong is also confused for a moment, and it's not really your fault!"

At this time, Qing Wutong also realized that there was something wrong with his attitude. Moreover, the only hope that she can ensure that she and her family will not be hit by the Li family is all placed on Zhang Yuan.

However, she had just said those words, and she couldn't do it even if she bowed her head. She just sat sadly on the sand and cried aggrievedly.

For women, the most powerful weapon is obviously not soaring, but tears. Men are made of mud, and the most irresistible thing is the attack of women's tears.

Zhang Yuan looked back at her and looked at Zhu Qingfu and Wang Shu with eager faces, which was a little helpless. He sighed and said, "Forget it, I won't care about you. Here comes someone! It came so fast!"

As soon as the three women heard his words, they all came to follow his eyes and looked downstairs. Several police cars stopped downstairs, and a large group of policemen rushed into the building aggressively.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan quickly dialed Ning Hao's phone. Ning Hao asked, "I said Xiaoyuan, what's wrong?"

Zhang Yuan frowned and asked, "Brother Ning, have you really settled this matter? A group of police can kill and fast-forward to where I'm staying now!"

Ning Hao was stunned and then scolded, "I scolded the one next door. The man named Li seems to want to protect his shortcomings and shamelessly. I haven't settled with his son's good deeds. Don't worry, don't resist. In less than ten minutes, you will be free!"

At this time, the police had broken into the door and pointed the black muzzle at Zhang Yuan and others!

Zhang Yuan raised his hand obediently, but still beat the leader. Zhu Qingfu shouted to stop them and slapped them a few times. Zhang Yuan was about to burst out, but later he still resisted and gritted his teeth and said, "Your mother is Gobi, let's wait and see!"

This group of policemen escorted Zhang Yuan and others. Before they got on the car, they took a gun against a group of people of the armed police force! The person said respectfully, "Mr. Zhang, you are shocked!"

Zhang Yuan nodded with a smile and said, "Hello. It doesn't matter if I'm shocked, but my relatives and I beat them for no reason. Look at their faces.

The middle-aged man of the leader frowned and asked, "Mr. Zhang, who hit them?"

Zhang Yuan remembered very well, pointed to those people and said that they had hit each other several times. The leader nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhang, you and your relatives will never be beaten in vain. We will deal with this matter well when we get to the place!"

At this time, those police guns have been given. The leader scolded, "Which one are you?"

A fierce big foot kicked his lower abdomen and suddenly swallowed all his words. The police leader fell to the ground and pumped.

The armed police quickly pressed the police and left. Zhang Yuan and others were invited to a very good riot car and left the community with the cars in front of them.

In the car, Zhang Yuan rubbed Wang Shu's little face sadly. He didn't care about the shocking world. He took out the ointment and silver needle and removed the swelling and pain on Wang Shu's face in a few strokes!

The people in the car were a little dumbfounded. Except for Wang Shu, who knew that he had some strange skills, these people didn't know. Middle-aged people are so surprised that they are all stupid. Zhu Qingfu and Qing Wutong didn't feel any pain until their faces hurt. They wanted to ask, but they felt that it was a little inappropriate now, so they forced themselves to hold back and did not ask this question.

The vehicle entered a troop station and stopped in a large warehouse. Those policemen were so scared that they didn't know what was going on. The leading police officer didn't know. At this time, his stomach was better and he asked, "What on earth do you want to do? We are police, and you are committing a crime!"

"I committed the crime next door, and I also committed a crime. As long as I don't kill you, it's not a crime. You are the crime. You pretend to be police and illegally hold firearms. This is a big crime!"

A young man came out, wearing a camouflage suit, tall and powerful, with a hidden murderous spirit. With a wisp of madness between his eyebrows, he disdained these policemen.

The middle-aged man walked over, saluted, and said, "Report, the task has been completed. These people beat Mr. Zhang!"

The young man glanced casually and said, "The useless hands and feet are all moved, and people are useless!"

The middle-aged man said righteously, "Yes!"

The police leader was about to call, gave a knife to the armed police who was holding him and knocked him unconscious. As soon as the middle-aged man waved his hand, these policemen were taken away.

The young man put away his frenzy: "Mr. Zhang, I'm Ling Juebi, and my family and the Lan family are close friends!"

Zhang Yuan was stunned and asked, "Does the feelings have anything to do with Ning Hao?"

Ling Juebi was also stunned, and then smiled and said, "Ah, Ning Hao, he and I are buddies. Do you know him too?

Zhang Yuan said with a smile, "Don't call you. I don't care if Ning Hao is still called brother. I'm not used to you. Brother Ling, how did you know about me?

Ling Juebi is very happy to see that he is easy to get along with and sincere. He said, "Then I won't be polite. Let's call you Xiaoyuan. Ning Hao told me about you and said that you are very good. However, he obviously doesn't know that you are better than doing business. Ha ha. Coincidentally, today we have a mission near the place where you are staying. When we were monitoring, we just captured the scene just now. I have seen your information before, so I am familiar with it. I sent someone to pick you up. It's a little bold."

Zhang Yuan shook his head and said, "Don't be bold. There is no boldness in saving people. Your people came in time. Otherwise, I guess I would have to be beaten. I'll call Brother Ning to report that he is safe.

Ling Juebi nodded and motioned him to be free. As soon as Zhang Yuan's phone was connected, Ning Hao asked, "Xiaoyuan, are you all right? Our people have passed by. Why didn't we see anyone?

Zhang Yuan said with a smile, "I've been saved. I'll tell you more about this later. Anyway, thank you, Brother Ning!"

Ning Hao laughed and scolded, "Fart, you have learned to be polite. Well, it's good to know that you are fine. I have to settle accounts with the old bastard of the Yu family. Hang up."

Zhang Yuan put down the phone and Ling Juebi said, "Xiaoyuan, come with me to my office and sit for a while. After I finish this matter, you can leave so as not to be in trouble."

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "Okay, that can't be better. Let's go!"

Zhang Yuan and Ling Juebi greeted three still stunned beautiful women and went out of the warehouse together to the office in the second-floor building of Ling Juebi.