Prince of Flowers

261 Goodbye Ye Qingfan

The office decoration is simple but comfortable. After the serviceman sent some drinks and fruits to the three women, Ling Juebi took Zhang Yuan to the second floor to talk about something in private.

After Ling Juebi greeted Zhang Yuan to sit down, he said seriously, "Xiaoyuan, how many more days can you stay in Beijing this time?"

Zhang Yuan nodded: "It's only a few days, and then I'm going back."

Ling Juebi said again, "How is Master Shuiyue doing recently?"

Zhang Yuan was stunned for a moment, realized that he was talking about the fierce beautiful master of Shuiyue'an, and nodded: "For good, do you also know my master?"

"Master Shuiyue is my grandfather's savior. How can I not know him?

Ling Juebi's words changed: "You may not know that Master Shuiyue has always been a royal doctor in the top circle before living in seclusion. It can be said that he not only saved many lives, but also saved the country many times. Now, her old man is living in seclusion, and Master Xianyu will not come out of the mountain for the time being. You are the successor of Master Shuiyue!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Brother Ling, I think you should also be a cheerful person. If you have something to say, just say it directly!"

Ling Juebi smiled and said with some embarrassment, "Then I'll say it directly. My grandfather's health has not been very good recently. Please come and take a look!"

Zhang Yuan nodded without hesitation: "No problem, you have circled so much in one sentence. Just as you saved us just now, can I not agree? Besides, you and Brother Ning also know each other, and we also know each other now. For people who I think are very close to, doing things has always been a one-sentence thing. If you can do it, you can do it, and if you can't do it, you have to create conditions. Let's talk about it, when?"

Ling Juebi was a little excited. He said, "Okay, Xiaoyuan, you are a good brother. I recognized you, a buddy. If there is something in the future, just squeak. Can you go now?

Zhang Yuan stood up and said, "Yes, what can't be done? Let's go!"

Ling Juebi likes cheerful people. Zhang Yuan's nature is very similar to him. Immediately, he was welcome to drive away from the military region with Zhang Yuan and three beautiful women and disappeared into the vast night!

On the way, Ling Juebi arranged the three women to live in a luxury hotel opened by his house. It is absolutely safe here. In this capital, no one has dared to come here to make trouble, unless the man is crazy. But even if it's crazy, it can't be anything!

Zhang Yuan is more confident about Ling Juebi's confidence. Thinking about the family power of this benevolent brother that Song told him, he had no choice but to be full of confidence in him!

Ling Juebi took Zhang Yuan to the villa area where high-level personnel of the Beijing Suburbs Military Region lived. The scenery here is very beautiful. Although it is at night, it can be seen that the environment here is not ordinary.

Zhang Yuan thinks this is normal. If the place where the army's brains live is like garbage, it is abnormal!

Through several levels of checkpoints, Ling Juebi and Zhang Yuan entered the interior of this villa area. The villas here look old, but they are all elegant.

There are all kinds of vehicles parked in the garden or outside the villa. The bad ones are military jeeps, and the good ones are all kinds of world-famous cars. It can be seen from this that the families and themselves of the leaders of these military regions are very business-minded.

Zhang Yuan suddenly saw a familiar shadow in the garden of a villa. He immediately shouted, "Brother Ling, stop!"

Ling Juebi braked sharply, with a creaking sound, which was a little harsh in the quiet night. The woman in white skirt with a beautiful shadow looked back and met Zhang Yuan's eyes in the falling car window!

The woman's beautiful face was full of smile, but suddenly froze at this moment. Zhang Yuan looked at her smile and the man beside her who took her hand and smiled proudly. A moment of happy and excited smile appeared on his face, turning into a self-deprecating sneer!

Zhang Yuan withdrew his eyes and said lonelyly, "Brother Ling, let's go. I'm a little carsick. Drive faster!"

Ling Juebi thinks Zhang Yuan is too strange, which is simply a little nervous. He glanced at the men and women who moistened me in the villa garden next to him. When he saw that she was still looking this way, his expression was indescribably strange. He suddenly moved and thought of something, but he felt unlikely.

He started the car, sped away, and quickly disappeared in the deepest part of the villa area!

In the garden of the villa, Ye Qingfan still looked in the direction of the jeep disappearing. The man holding her little hand asked, "Sister, what's wrong with you? Do you like the fool who went to Ling Juebi?

Ye Qingfan came to his senses, pulled out his hand, shook it a few times and said, "You quack, my hand was a little sour, but now it hurts." She looked down at her hand, with a faint sadness in her eyes.

She suddenly raised her head and said, "Little brother, I didn't hear what you said just now. Can you say it again?"

Ye Qingtian's eyes turned around and ran away. Ye Qingfan stood up and shouted, "I let you swear. You can't run away from the temple. Wait for me to clean you up for a while!"

After saying that, she sat down on the lounge chair again. Her snowy little feet were taken out of the slippers and stepped on the steps of the lounge chair. She sighed faintly and looked at the void, muttering in her little mouth: "How could he come here? Still sitting in a car with a cliff.

Zhang Yuan didn't know that the so-called truth he just saw was not the situation he thought. He didn't know that he had misunderstood Ye Qingfan, so he was in a very bad mood now!

However, when he was in a very bad mood, some people were uncomfortable with him, and the worse he was!

Zhang Yuangang and Ling Juebi walked into Ling's villa and saw Bai Runrun chattering with several beautiful women in the living room. Suddenly saw him, and the smile on his face immediately disappeared, as if he had eaten a bunch of big flies. He asked disgustingly, "Bad hooligan, why did you come here?"

Everyone was stunned. Ling Juebi quickly said, "Runrun, don't talk nonsense. He is specially invited by me to treat your grandfather. It's a little polite!"

Bai Runrun was stunned for a moment, then laughed, pointed to Zhang Yuan and said disdainfully, "With him, a person who can only play hooligans? If he can cure the disease, I will be a magic doctor and cure the disease. My cousin, I think you cheated him, right?

Bai Runrun really won't let go of any opportunity to bury Zhang Yuan. Maybe the two are born with each other.

Zhang Yuan was in a bad mood, but now he is about to explode. Ling Juebi saw Zhang Yuan's ugly face and immediately scolded with a cold face, "Runrun, can you learn to respect people!" Auntie, you have to take good care of her when you have time. What are you talking about? It's a mess. Xiaoyuan, go inside with me. Don't be like a child like her!"

Bai Runrun has always been very afraid of this cousin, so when she wanted to say it, she swallowed it obediently, stared at Zhang Yuan, and snorted coldly.