Golden Pupil

Chapter 258 North and South Carving Works

"Old man. If you have anything to do, please feel free to tell the boy as long as he can do it.

In the face of this, he is as famous as the ancient master. But he is already a sculptor in his twilight years. Zhuang Rui respects him very much in his heart. If he hadn't considered that those rings and other decorations were too ostentatious and his mother might not like them, Zhuang Rui would have wanted to give this jade to the old man to carve.

In fact, for the old man's hand shaking, Zhuang Rui doesn't know whether his aura will help him. But this is different from gambling on a few pieces of the best jade. If it is leaked out, I'm afraid I won't have a good life.

Although Zhuang Rui is now small and has a small family. But he knew that there were too many people in the world who could swallow his belt bone, so Zhuang Rui suppressed this idea. However, Zhuang Rui is already considering whether he will learn acupuncture or something, even if he makes a look. What are the more urgent situations in the future? It can also hide the existence of Reiki.

Young man, with the skill of his old brother. You should be able to cut out the materials of four pendants, and there will be a little bit left at both ends, old man. "I'm thinking, can you sell me the rest of the jadeite? Of course, I won't let you eat it at the price

The old man was also a little helpless when he made this request. This stone fast was all supported by his fame, but in recent years. The competition in the jade market in Zhangcheng is relatively fierce. In addition, he is not feeling well, so he rarely picks up the business of old customers. In this way, the popularity of Shizhai is much worse than before.

The old man wants to use the scraps of this jade to polish such a ring face. As the treasure of the store in the store, it can also slightly relieve the pressure on his granddaughter. With his eyes, he can basically tell what kind of materials can be made of this jadeite and how many materials will be seen.

Zhuang Rui did not agree directly, but asked the old man, "Old man, the materials left behind. What other objects can be made?

The old man took the emerald on the table. He made a comparison back and forth and said, "You can also make two ring faces with small nails, or two pairs of earrings with small dots. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do.


Zhuang Rui's heart moved. He knew that his mother had ear piercings, but he had never seen her wear earrings. In addition to pendants, it was also very good to make a pair of earrings for his mother. With his mother's temperament, wearing such earrings must be very beautiful.

"Sir, to tell you the truth, I didn't intend to sell this jade at all, but since you have spoken, let's do it, if you can save two materials, one. I want to make a pair of earrings, and the other one will be given to you. Is that all right?"

After thinking about it, Zhuang Rui said his thoughts. Although he respected the old man very much, he would not take his own things as a favor.

"Empt, okay, you can bring back the rest of the materials. I'll call the earrings for you. I'll call Lao Gu. If he can't save this material. One day I have to go to Beijing to scold him.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, the old man stood up excitedly. This is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. Since he has fulfilled his dream of carving the emperor's green jade, he can still leave a ring face to support the facade, the old man is already very satisfied.

"Sir, I'd better talk about this by myself,"

Look at the old man who is going to make a phone call. Zhuang Rui quickly stopped it. If the call was made by the old man to Uncle Gu, he would definitely eat the head. If you have a good object, don't show it to yourself first. It is inevitable that there will be a burst of smens.

"Yes, yes, you say it yourself, as for how to know the old man and me. In this way, you can say that you are my classmate with my granddaughter, um, that's it. Get closer to you young people, haha, "

After living such a year, the old man knew what Zhuang Rui meant with a little thought, and he was also secretly praising the young man for his etiquette and reason.


Zhuang Rui looked at the girl next to him. Although she was good-looking and her smile was sweet, Zhuang Rui did not provoke her. Qin Huangbing called twice a day, and occasionally the greetings from Officer Miao, had already made Zhuang Rui a headache.

"I'll call Uncle Gu when I get back. That's right. Old man, I would also like to ask you where there are many jade carvers. I have some other materials, and I want to ask someone to carve them.

Zhuang Rui thought of his red jade wool. Sooner or later, he still had to ask someone to carve it. There are a lot of jade in it, and the bracelet material can be taken out of seventeen or eighteen. Can't you bother Uncle Gu again?

"Ha ha, the jade carving workers in the world. Push Yangzhou, I am a sculptor from Yangzhou. If there are a lot of materials, you can go to Yangzhou to invite a few masters to come over. The old man mentioned his inheritance, and his face was full of pride.

Zhuang Rui has also heard of Yangzhou Diao, but he doesn't have any friends there. He ran away with dark eyes, and the ghost will come with him, so he continued to say, "Sir," can you introduce me to one or two masters when you see it? The price is not a problem. Xin Chan is willing to come"

"Master? Ha ha, the person who can be called a master now. They are not a few years younger than me. They won't come out for money, but don't worry. When your material is untied, I'll call one. The apprentice came to help you carve. His craftsmanship is not much worse than mine in those years, and now he is also the best sculptor in Yangzhou.

The old man gave Zhuang Rui a reassurance. Several of his apprentices in other places are now independent in various jewelry companies. As long as Zhuang Rui can afford the price and he opens his mouth, the apprentices must be able to sell the master's face, and they are all between 30 or 40 years old, which is the golden age of craftsmanship.

"Is the ancient uncle also a Yangzhou sculptor?" Zhuang Rui is a little curious. It seems that this teacher is different from the south and the north. He is the gossip of the younger generation to the elders. Always very enthusiastic.

"No, the old brother is from the Beijing Institute of Technology

Seeing that Zhuang Wu was a little puzzled, the old man continued: "Since ancient times, jade carvings have been divided into northern and southern engineering. Northern workers are centered on Beijing, also known as Beijing; Southern workers are centered on Suzhou, also known as Suzhou or Yangzhou workers, and the ancient brother is from Beijing.

"Is there any difference between the two?" Plasili Rui really doesn't know anything about sculptor. Ha ha, the difference is great. The southern process is delicate, and the details are realistic and fine. It is especially shown in jade ornaments.

And the northern craft is mostly performed by simple knife methods, usually leaving a large area on the jade, forming the characteristic of "sloof running horses, fine and not permeable". With a few knives, you can talk about the shape of characters, flowers, birds and animals, and the outline is vividly and vivid.

The second is the difference in shape. Let me give you an example.

The old man stood up and walked to the safe. An object was taken out of it and placed in front of Zhuang Rui.

"This. It is the famous "squirrel eating Portuguese island" among the sculptors in the Qing Dynasty. The north usually uses a large leaf as the base, highlighting the shape of each Portuguese on the surface; and you see, this is to carefully carve out the whole grape and hollow out the jade under the grape.

The old man turned over this exquisite jade sculpture and pointed out the hollow place inside to Zhuang Rui


"Our southern workers have always "do not hesitated good materials" to sacrifice unnecessary parts for a high-quality product; while Northern workers have "sacsidered materials" to keep the integrity of jade materials as much as possible. For example, "squirrels eat grapes" weighs four hundred and fifty-eight grams. If it is replaced by Beijing carving workers, it can keep at least 600 grams.

In terms of art, Southern workers are more extreme and perfect, but now the materials of Hetian jade and jade are gradually decreasing, and most collectors or consumers use weighing as one of the criteria to measure jade carving, so Southern workers now also learn from many Beijing carving techniques.

It's just the current jade market. Southern workers account for the weight of the skin, while the northern workers only have no paste. And there is a tendency to shrink more and more.

"Isn't it? Will the gap be so big? Then why is Uncle Gu still so famous?

Zhuang Rui was shocked by the old man's words, and the Beijing sculptor was a little disappointing.

The old man smiled and said, "Mainly in the Qing Dynasty, those emperors recognized Yangzhou's sculptor." So now, the price of Yangzhou's workers is higher than that of Beigong, and there are more jade carving talents in the south than in the north, and there are successors. Moreover, jade carving has been industrialized, with good exhibition and wide influence, but the number of practitioners in the north is decreasing day by day, and it is difficult to achieve scale.

At my level, there are still many people in Yangzhou. But now the ancient brother of the Beijing sculptor can be said to be a tree. If he hadn't supported it, he would not have been raised by anyone.

I can see it. The old man is very proud of his hometown as a Yangzhou worker, but he also admires the craftsmanship of the ancient man.

After listening to the old man's explanation, Zhuang Rui finally understood the inside story of the carving industry. The old man is the only one in Beijing. No wonder he has such a high position in the industry.

In fact, Zhuang Rui still thought of his uncle simply. Gu Tianfeng is not only very talented in carving, but also knows jade and jade, so he has been prosperous for decades. His position in the jade industry is similar to that of the master surnamed Aixinjueluo in the antique world.

Although the purpose of this trip was not achieved, Zhuang Rui also benefited a lot after saying goodbye to the old man. Driving home, Zhuang Rui picked up the phone but hesitated. He went home online for two days. And the white lion is still sick. Do you want to go to Beijing right away?

"Tap first. Let's get on the phone,"

I usually don't burn incense, so I'm a little careless when I'm in a hurry. After thinking about it, Zhuang Rui still dialed the old man's phone.

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