Golden Pupil

Chapter 259 Going to Beijing

When he entered the villa with his mobile phone, his nephew rushed into his arms to complain. Zhuang Rui took a look. The old sister is competing with her Passat's instruction manual. Seeing Zhuang Rui come in, he just looked up and said hello.

"Well, don't pay attention to her, girl, go and play with grandma

Zhuang Rui was going to coax his nephew, but then the phone was on and he quickly walked out of the door with his mobile phone.

Boy, I made a lot of money from Pingzhou and ran away. I didn't know how to say hello to your ancient uncle. I took care of you for nothing"

The old man's cheerful voice came from the phone, but most of the words were ambiding. But I'm not really angry.

"Hey hey, uncle, didn't you leave early at that time? Besides, that piece of wool was also taken by me and Brother Song. It's not my own

After playing with the old man several times, Zhuang Rui knew that the master was informal, and it was more relaxed to talk.

"Well, my uncle is not against your gambling stones. However, in the future, you have to do it according to your ability. There are many people who gamble on stones, and you are still young. You need to know how to wait

The ancient man really loves Zhuang Rui and treats him as a nephew. In other words, he won't say such a thing at all, but it will be annoying. "Thank you for your teaching. I will remember it, right. Uncle, have you been in the capital these days? I was just about to see you. Zhuang Rui took out the tissue and wiped the sweat on his forehead. It was really a little fake to say this.

"Come and see me? You must have something else, don't you? Don't be careless to me. I have something to say.

Who is the old man? I can't tell the meaning of Zhuang Rui's words, and now I laughed and scolded him on the phone.

"Then I'll be honest, Uncle. I also bought a batch of black sand materials from Mameng Factory in Pingzhou. I have nothing to do today and get a good piece of jade. I just want to carve a pendant for my mother. This is not to bother you. I can't trust others

When Zhuang Rui spoke, he was a little moved. He didn't dare to say that he only bought five pieces of black sand, and deliberately said that he had bought a batch. He was sure that the old man would not investigate these little things.

The old man laughed at the other end of the phone and said, "You boy, don't wear me a high hat. I can tell you that I haven't been jade for more than a year. Tell me, what kind of material is it? I won't do anything about ordinary materials

"Hey hey. If it's ordinary goods, I dare not come to you. Uncle, guess what." When Zhuang Rui heard that the old man was in a good mood, he actually sold it.

"Stinky boy, I'm here to take the exam. The material of black sand jade and black leather in Mameng Factory, black silk, black ground and white fog. It is good to grow water in colored places, but the green is very concentrated. I often hear that the emerald is solved there

When the old man said this, he seemed to think of something, and his voice was eight degrees higher: "Zhuang Rui, you won't solve the emperor's green, will you? Hurry up, what kind of water head is it?

Zhuang Rui was at the end of the phone, which was admirable. The old man didn't see anything. With only the three words of Mameng factory, he actually guessed it. At present, he didn't sell his fault and said, "Uncle, I'm convinced of you. You're right. It's the emperor green And it's glass

"But uncle, why did you guess that it was the material of the emperor's green? Without waiting for the reply on the phone, Zhuang Rui then asked again.

"Nonsense, the material of the glass seed emperor green has appeared four times over the years, all of which are from the Mameng factory. Your boy's level is not very good, but you have a high vision. If you can say that it is a good material, it is estimated that only the emperor is green except me."

"Uncle, how's it going? This material is worth your action, right? Zhuang Rui said with a smile.

"It's worth it, of course it's worth it. If you dare to carve for others, don't call me uncle in the future. Well, don't be wordy. Bring good things to buy tickets. I'm going to Beijing right away. I'll check the material first

The old man's reaction was a little beyond Zhuang Rui's expectation. He just wanted to find a way, but he didn't expect the old man to let him go directly, but he hadn't figured it out yet.

However, the old man's words also made him a little lucky. Fortunately, Gao Jia's grandfather was not feeling well. Otherwise, if the material was left to him to carve, it would be really unexplained if he was known by the ancient man in the future.

Hanging up the phone, Zhuang Rui was a little entangled. It hasn't been two days since he got home. I have to go out again. I don't have a job now, but it seems to be much busier than when I went to work.

"Mom? What's the matter?

Zhuang Rui turned around and was about to go back to his room when he saw his mother standing at the door looking at him.

"Do you have something to do? Why do you want to go out again?"

Zhuang's mother also can't understand her son more and more. Since she encountered a robbery in Zhonghai, she has become calmer and more confident. And it seems that it's also good luck to buy such a big family business at a young age.

Zhuang Rui nodded helplessly and said, "Well, I found a carved jade master and promised to help compare jade. If you don't have to ask me to tip Beijing, I will specialize today." Zhuang's mother frowned and said, "This thing is not in a hurry, and my mother is not in a hurry. What are you doing so quickly? Didn't you go to school in Beijing after a while? Just do it by the way."

"I want to do that too, just"

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly and briefly explained the experience of his acquaintance with the old man.

Hearing that this person still has some connections with his own family, Zhuang's mother said, "Go ahead and come back early after finishing your work. There are a mixture of fish and dragons in the capital. Don't provoke trouble.

Although she knew that her son was not a troublemaker, Zhuang's mother still explained.

"I see, Mom, don't worry."

Zhuang Rui agreed, went back to his room to pack a few simple clothes, and then walked out.

Pull the sister who is reading the instruction manual up from the sofa. Let her take her to the railway station, but Zhuang Rui doesn't want to drive to Beijing anymore. After several long trips in a row, he is about to feel nauseous when he smells gasoline.

"Sister, you have to feed the white lion every day. Don't forget it."

It should be said that Zhuang Rui is the most reassuring now. It's the white lion, but I really can't take it with me to Beijing, but it shouldn't take long this time. And the white lion has almost recovered now, and it no longer needs to instill aura in it every day.

"I know, don't worry, remember, give me a pair of earrings, I don't want to hang them around my neck."

Zhuang Min knew the purpose of her brother's trip to Beijing this time, but she was not interested in the pendant Zhuang Rui said, so she asked Zhuang Rui to give him a pair of earrings.

Pengcheng is a hub connecting the north-south traffic arteries. There is an endless stream of trains. Basically, every half an hour, there is a train bound for Beijing. Zhuang Rui asked. Twenty minutes later, there happened to be a special express from Zhonghai to Beijing, which only took more than five hours to reach Beijing.

Zhuang Rui is going to Beijing for the first time, and he is looking forward to it. You know, Beijing's Daganlan and Liulichang are the famous antique market in China. Coupled with Beijing's long history and cultural heritage, that kind of heritage is not comparable to that of Zhangcheng Zhonghai and other places.

Beijing is also the most concentrated place for antique lovers in China, and there are many auction companies. There are several antique auctions almost every month, and the original old quadrangle courtyards. It's a good place to dig out of the old house, but the water is also quite deep, and it's common to pay the tuition fee inadly.

After four or five hours on the train, it was past eight o'clock in the evening. The train pulled the whistle and made a loud roar. Drive into Beijing Station.

Zhuang Ruiwang came out of the air-conditioned car, and the hot air almost suffocated him. Beijing is a little hotter than Pengcheng. And it's that kind of dry heat without any moisture.

"Old man, old man, I'm here"

Just as he was about to take it out for the second brother, he heard his shout and followed the sound. Brother Yue, who is a little short and fat. He was jumping and waving to himself.

"Second brother, I'm sorry to bother you. You have to pick me up so late"

Zhuang Rui walked over and hugged Yue Jing. As early as he got on the train, he called the second brother and told him the train number and arrival time. Zhuang Rui was not familiar with Beijing. You can't let the old man pick up the car, can you?

"You boy, don't tell me in advance if you want to come. If you let me know earlier, I will drive my father's car to pick you up. I can drive directly to the platform."

The second brother punched Zhuang Rui hard on the shoulder and picked up Zhuang Rui's backpack. He had been waiting here since seven o'clock. It was so hot that he sweated all over, and he hadn't even had dinner yet.

"I just decided to come at the last minute. By the way, second brother, what kind of car is our uncle-in-law? Can you drive to the platform?

Zhuang Rui followed his second brother out of the station and asked curiously. In Zhuang Rui's impression, it seems that in the TV series, the police car catches bad people, or greets some big man, so that the car can drive to the platform.

"The car is worthless, mainly because the brand is valuable. Let's stay at my house at night. Maybe my old man is at home today." As the two talked, they came to the parking lot of the railway station, and the second brother opened the door of a car.

"Oh, second brother, have you driven a BMW? Aren't the people afraid that you, a government civil servant, are embezzled and bribed?

Zhuang knows that the second brother has a background in his family. However, in his imagination, these officials and eunuchs will definitely pay attention to the influence in the capital. He didn't expect Brother Yue Jing to be so ostentatious.

"It's not my car. Drive my sister's. I'll take you to a place for dinner later. If you drive too much. Drop the share."

Zhuang Rui sat in the car and looked at it. It was really a faint fragrance and those feminine furry bear pendants. It shows that the owner of this car is a woman.

Ratio: Ask for monthly ticket recommendation tickets, and throw them out for inventory.


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