Golden Pupil

Chapter 459 Dark Label III

Two million euros, Pu Jiang..."

Looking at the big screen in front of me, people as elegant as Tai Haoran can't help but swear. Now it's still an hour and a half before the bid opening time. If we follow this trend, what kind of sky-high price will this piece of wool will be?

It was the four pieces of wool that Zhuang Rui and Fang Yi were staring at. After someone gave the price once, there has been no change, which made Qin Haoran feel at ease and could concentrate on saying goodbye to the I mark. Three eggs, it seems that one party has quit..."

Tai Haoran informed Zhuang Rui and Fang Yu of the situation, staring at the big screen without blinking. "But he has been patient. From beginning to end, there is no sign of taking action. At this time, Qin Haoran is like a hunting beast. Only at the last moment will he show his fangs." Dad, this is three-fifths of our capital. Is that piece of bad wool really worth that much?

In another exhibition hall, Xu Qi was much more anxious than Coon Haoran. In this air-conditioned hall, his forehead sweated nervously. He knew the current situation of his company. If the 50 million yuan was lost again, it would be doomed. Look at your unsapsing appearance, sit there honestly..."

Xu Zhendong sighed in his heart. Originally, he wanted to train his son, but his son could not be helped after all. In the future, Xu's jewelry could not be given to him.

Xu Qi didn't know that after his words came out, it didn't take long for him to go back to Myanmar and enjoy the previous treatment. He received a sum of money every month to eat and wait to die.

Xu Zhendong did not look at his son again, because he found that the number on the screen had changed to 39.6 million euros. Now Xu Zhendong's heart was raised, and he was only 400,000 euros away from the psychological bottom line of 4 million.

Gritted his teeth, Xu Zhendong entered the number of 4 million euros on the display screen of the bidder, and then took the confirmation button fiercely. At this moment, Xu Zhendong's old face, which was like orange peel, was a little ferocious. Lao Ma, are you sure you are not sure? Damn it, there are already tens of thousands of shackles. What if the bet collapses? I said, do you want to fight with a back cushion?

In the No. 1 auction hall, Song Jun was looking at Fatty Ma with an unhappy face. He didn't know what he had done. He was pulled by Fatty Ma Fatty to throw this 5,200 piece of wool. The gambling stone master he brought said that the performance of this piece of wool was very poor, much worse than the piece of material that

It's just that Fatty Ma seems to have been hit by Wu. He has been guarding the piece of wool for the past two days. Today, he also came to gather members to bid. At this time, Song Jun was full of fire in his heart.

"Hey, I said Brother Song, you don't care about this little money, do you? Although I, Fatty Ma, can't look at stones, I have never looked at people. Don't look at the people who have looked at this wool in the past two days. When they leave, they are all scolding. I guess they are full of mind. Those who raised the price just now are all people who like this piece of wool...

Fatty Ma has entered the state now. The bidding of 45 million RB can also make his blood boil a little, because now, except for the pit stone, Fatty Ma can't feel much political situation even in women. By the way, the unconventional position of this man and woman is very easy to bruise Ma Pang. Self-esteem." Then why don't you raise the price now?

Song Jun asked puzzledly. He didn't care much about money, but face was important. Before he came, he said to the gang in Beijing. Dude, this is going to Myanmar to make a fortune. In case the bet collapses, it will be in their ears, but there is no face. Son is very.

"I estimate the price of 4 million euros, which is almost the psychological price of the other party. Let's wait. When the bidding time is about to end, we will directly invest six million. I don't believe that that person can react..."

Although Fatty Ma's voice is very low, the fat on his face is trembling, showing his mood at this time, which is absolutely not calm. It can't be helped to say that Fatty Ma has a good ability to figure out human nature, and he doesn't even know who his opponent is at all.

But Fatty Ma forgot the old saying that the mantis caught the cicada and the yellow finch in the back. Just now, he and Xu Zhendong fought for the bayonet to see red, but they absolutely didn't expect that there was still a person who had never done anything, staring at this piece of wool. 4 million euros, what a big deal..."

Wan Haoran was completely relaxed at this time. Anyway, he had decided to take this piece of wool in his heart and fight for funds. Qin's jewelry brought nearly 100 million euros this time. He was not afraid of anyone. Anyway, this piece of wool is not worth so much. If anyone fights his life, his head will be kicked by a donkey . Zhuang Rui is also a little speechless. If this piece of wool is put in the dark label area, he can definitely take pictures of it at the most affordable price, but for the clear label, Zhuang Rui is willing but not strong enough. No matter how powerful the aura in his eyes is, he can't see through other people's thoughts. Xiao Rui, you can operate the No. 5220 label, and give me the rest..."

Qin Haoran's words made Zhuang Rui stunned and said, "Uncle Qi, how can I operate it? I'm inexperienced?" If you have more, you will have experience. You like this material first. At that time, you can solve the jade, and you can sell half of Qin's jewelry at the market price..."

This is Qin Haoran's unwillingness to take advantage of his son-in-law. If this piece of wool is true, as Zhuang Rui said, it will be worth more than 200 million yuan. After it is made into jade jewelry and sold, it will be doubled and he will shoot it by himself. It will mean to rob his son-in- Uncle Qin, this...

Zhuang Rui was stunned by Qin Haoran's words, but he also admired himself, the future Lord of Taishan. He didn't eat the fat meat sent to his mouth, and he had to buy the jade according to the market price. This kind of heart is not what ordinary people can do.

"Oleve, it's still half an hour. You should pay more attention. If no one bids again within this half an hour, you can definitely get the last 8 million euros. If someone bids again, you can tell me..."

Qin Haoran waved his hand and paid attention to the other wool numbers. He knew that Zhuang Rui also poured his bag this time, and there was no problem in taking this red jade. There is still 1 minute left, Uncle Qin, there is still no change...

Zhuang Rui's hands were full of sweat. The atmosphere in the auction hall was so depressing that people could hardly breathe. Especially with the passage of time, the closer it was to the end of the bidding, the pressure was like a mountain, getting heavier and heavier. Don't be nervous, you must be happy..."

Qin Haoran will have to operate three marked branches and bids, which is already distracted. On the bidder in his hand, he has entered the words of 2.8 million euros. He only waited for three minutes to throw it out, and then immediately had to operate the other two. He really can't afford it. Zhuang Rui. " Did you make a mistake in your own judgment? Is there no one fighting for this original stone again?

At this time, Xu Zhendong's heart in another auction hall has also become a little up and down. This 4 million euros can be said to be all the working capital of Xu's jewelry. He has confiscated all the employees' workers next month. That is to say, this Burmese public offer, otherwise Xu's jewelry will be reborn. Otherwise, it will be doomed." Three minutes, I said Ma Fatty, are you ready? Brother, the section I'm going to shoot has lost the good price..."

The scene changed to Ma Pangzi and Song Jun. This emperor's super-rich man also has a tight face. The fun of gambling stones actually lies in this. Whether it is the bidding with open and hidden bids or the on-site solution, no one knows who will be the final winner until the last moment. 6 million euros, this piece of wool must be ours..."

Fatty Ma said with a relaxed face. Starting from the price on the big screen to 4 million euros, no one raised the price any more. This added 1 million euros, that is more than 10 million RB. Fatty Ma finally raised the price to 6 million euros, which felt that it was already ten.

"Fat man, do you want to say hello to Zhuang Rui?" Song Jun suddenly thought of Zhuang Rui. To be honest, when he came to Myanmar this time, he was very unhappy with Zhuang Rui. The boy actually came alone and did not disclose any information to himself and Ma Qianzi.

"He doesn't need us to take care of it. Maybe this piece of wool will be targeted by him, but I haven't seen him come to see this stalk in the past few days. It's hard to say..."

Fatty Ma shook his big head and stared at the countdown number on the big screen. In 60 seconds, it would be clear. However, Fatty Ma had a bad feeling in his heart. He quickly picked up the bidder, cleared the number above, and re-entered the new price of 700,000 euros.

When Ma Fatty finished the operation, the time also jumped to the last five seconds. At this moment, hundreds of fingers pressed the OK button on the bidder at the same time. The numbers on the big screen jumped in an instant, and no one could see the final result clearly.

When the countdown returned to zero, everyone in the auction hall breathed a long breath. No matter what the result was, today's marked auction was finally over. These two hours, in everyone's hearts, seemed to have gone through a century.

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