Golden Pupil

Chapter 460 Dark Mark IV

What? How is that possible? When the big screen finally stopped flashing, the most shouted sentence in the auction hall was "impossible" to look at the static numbers on the big screen, just in line with the old song. Some people are happy and some are worried, and some people have prepared the numbers on the big screen and paid everything. Lao Ma, I won the bid. How's it going over there? **, what's wrong with this expression?

After seeing the numbers on the screen, Song Jun smiled happily. When he looked at Fatty Ma, he immediately frowned. The fat brother's eyes were almost protruding. Coupled with his fat cheeks, the whole image of his mother's toad. No one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one"

After being kicked by the Song army, Fatty Ma came to his senses and looked depressed. He spent a lot of effort to figure out the price, and he was actually robbed of the wool with a gap of 500,000 euros, which made Fatty Ma involuntarily experience men and women with women. The setbacks when I came to power.

"You boy's work, you haven't relied on Zhuang Rui. Well, if you don't win, you won't win. Wait for tomorrow to see your brother's solve stone..." Song Jun didn't pay much attention to the wool that he didn't win. A piece of raw stone he chose himself won the bid, and he Damn, I'm going to look for it later. Who intercepted the fat man's Hu?

Fatty Ma scolded indignantly, but he also had no choice. After winning the bid, the wool was checked through the consignment procedures. Generally, no one is in the Burmese calcite, because it is also illegal to carry jadeite out of the country in Myanmar, even if your jadeite is released from your original stone. Alas, I don't know who won the bid..."

Also in another auction hall, Xu Zhendong took a long breath. When he spoke, he couldn't see whether he was lost or happy. He was under great pressure and won the bid. For Xu's jewelry, the chair was a disaster. Now he has not won the bid. Xu Zhendong's whole body suddenly looked like a deflated ball and collapsed On the chair." Dad, let's keep the money and take some dark labels. How nice it is..."

Xu Qi's face was full of joy. In his opinion, the wool that all experts were not optimistic about could not be solved by the jade. He was won by others, which just saved a lot of advice for the company. You know nothing!" Xu Zhendong stared at his son, but he was indeed much more relaxed now. Hey, I won two, Xiao Rui, the uncertain target you mentioned, didn't win..."

Huan Haoran and his wife are naturally in the ranks of happy people. Zhuang Rui gave him four marks, and Qin Haoran won three, costing a total of more than 4 million euros. For Qin's jewelry, it's just a drop of a drop. Huh? How about 7.5 million ID euros? Did you forget to bid?

When Qin Haoran looked at the number of Gambling B), his face suddenly became ugly, because he found that the blue bid number under the label was finally determined in the amount of 7.5 million ID euros, which was 4q and 9 thousand euros less than the &m;D 10,000 euros he told Zhuang Rui.

So Qin Haoran's first reaction was that Zhuang Rui did not bid, which made him very frustrated. To be honest, the most important wool in his heart was still this red! $ Material, if you had known it, you would have operated it yourself. Young people still can't stand the pressure.

"No, Uncle Qin, the current bottom is what I voted for..."

Zhuang Rui's words made Qin Haoran and his wife open their mouths wide and couldn't close for a long time. It turned out that Zhuang Rui could not withstand the pressure, but his heart was too strong. Unexpectedly, when others increased the price, he dared to lower the price, and finally he was hit by him. Good boy, I really have you. It seems that Uncle Qin is really old...

Qin Haoran punched Zhuang Rui on the shoulder with relief. The change just now scared him a lot. Thinking of his gaffe in front of his future son-in-law, Qin Haoran couldn't help but look a little shocked.

"Uncle Qin, you are not old, are you, aren't you, Aunt Fang?"

Zhuang Rui squeezed his eyes at his father-in-law, making Fang Yi stare at him dissatisfiedly.

"Well, your label should be the king of today's bid. Before there is an announcement on the radio, if you don't want to be known by others, let's hurry up to go through the bidding procedures..."

Tai Haoran was very familiar with the process of Myanmar's public market. After seeing Zhuang Rui nodding, he stood up and took the lead in walking to the window of the entrance to go through the winning procedures. Sir, please walk ten meters to the right and go to that office to go through the winning procedures..."

Zhuang Rui handed his signboard into the window, but to his surprise, the people inside actually asked him to enter the office of the auction hall to go through the formalities. I don't know if the last bid king also enjoyed this treatment, but what Zhuang Rui knew was that the bid king belonging to Zhonghai Jixiang Company came to be It's very miserable." Let's go, I'll go with you..."

Tai Haoran didn't know what had happened. After turning around and explaining a few words to Fang Yu, he went to the office with Zhuang Rui. Hello, is this Mr. Zhuang? Congratulations on getting this \{! Cui Gongpan's title of bid king so far one one r one one one

After entering the office announcement, a very thin middle-aged Burmese man greeted him. What he said from his mouth was extremely fluent in Chinese. If he hadn't been in a foreign country, Zhuang Rui would only have seriously transported people to ethnic minorities in Yunnan, Guizhou and other places. Well, it doesn't seem to need to be congratulations, right? I don't know what's wrong with me coming here?"

Zhuang Rui asked bluntly. He knew that Myanmar was a military-managed country. Maybe this middle-aged man held any position in the army. As the saying goes, it is unreasonable for Xiucai to meet soldiers. Zhuang Rui does not want to deal with the armed and violent organs in this country.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhuang is really quick to talk. It's like this. We want to ask Mr. Zhuang to cooperate. Can you solve this piece of wool tomorrow morning? Of course, you can rest assured that if the jadeite is untied, we can issue an invoice certificate completely free of charge to help you clear the customs. Don't be afraid that the jadeite can't bring our country..."

The middle-aged man did not beat around the bush with Zhuang Rui and directly said what he meant. Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words. I'm afraid that those people from the auspicious jewelry company have also enjoyed this treatment, right?" May I ask why you chose this piece of wool to solve it?

However, Zhuang Rui is also a little strange. His performance in his own Mao department is not good. If the Myanmar Organizing Committee wants to save the impact, he should find a piece of raw stone that can remove the emerald. How can he find it on his head? Cough... This... We have many friends in China. They all say that Mr. Zhuang, you have been blessed by the living Buddha, luck... that... luck is quite good..."

The official of the organizing committee was a little embarrassed. He stumbled in a paragraph of words, but the meaning of the words was finally expressed. To put it bluntly, we knew that you were lucky, so we decided to pick your piece of wool to solve the stone. Shit!" !

Hearing what the other party said was actually this reason, Zhuang Jiao couldn't help rolling his eyes. Isn't it too hasty? If your luck is not as good as the other party thinks, when it collapses again, the impact on the Burmese emerald public market will be great.

Although Zhuang Rui knew that Da Dian was a Buddhist country, for him, who had no faith, he did not understand the enthusiasm of Burmese people about their religious beliefs. Zhuang Rui's information was originally of great concern to them, so after he won the bid, the senior management of the organizing committee immediately gave instructions to solve Zhuang Rui. The wool in the photo. But... I don't plan to solve the stone in Myanmar..."

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment and refused, but he was a little nervous. He was afraid that the other party would be soft and hard. Now he is in someone else's country, and there is nothing he can do.

"Mr. Zhuang, you can think about it again, and we will make some compensation to you for this. Specifically, if you agree to solve the stone in Myanmar, we can lower your winning bid price by ten, that is to say, 7.5 million euros, you only need to pay 6.75 million yuan.

And you will also become a lifelong honorary VIP of Myanmar's jade public market. If you participate in the public market in the future, you can enter the gambling stone venue without an invitation..."

When the official of the organizing committee saw that Zhuang Rui was unwilling to solve the stone in Myanmar, he finally took out his own trump card. This kind of discount is rich. 750,000 euros is equivalent to more than 7 million RNB, which is indeed a lot of work in Myanmar.

"Ap, we agreed. We can solve the stone on site tomorrow..."

While Zhuang Rui was still hesitating, Qin Haoran agreed on his behalf.

After the organizing committee signed the "Bidding Contract" with Zhuang Rui as quickly as possible, and after Zhuang Rui paid all the money, Zhuang Jiao and Qin Haoran left the office. Uncle Qin, why do you have to solve the stone in Myanmar? Will the tree be a big wind? After walking out of the door of the office, Zhuang Rui asked Xiang Haoran with some puzzlement.

"The discount is 7.5 million euros, waiting for nearly B. This discount is a lot. After all, that person should be from the Ministry of Mines of Myanmar. He has a good deal with them and is not at a loss. Maybe you can have a jade mine in Myanmar in the future..."

Qin Haoran smiled and joked with Zhuang Rui. In fact, he mainly liked the discount equivalent to more than 7 million RB. Qin Haoran is a businessman. In business, he can take this original stone at the smallest cost. Of course, he is willing to.

In addition, if the gambling rises, then Qin's jewelry will be in the limelight in the industry. In the jewelry industry, it has never been afraid of the four words of trees to attract the wind. The more popular it is, the better. It saves a lot of money to invite stars to advertise.

P: The eighth update, before four o'clock, I completed the promise. I forgot whether the monthly ticket at 12 o'clock is the eighth update or the ninth update, but I'm prepared not to swallow the foam star back and continue to write the ninth update. If yesterday's monthly ticket doesn't arrive, it will be regarded as today's first The brothers who are there throw a few monthly tickets to refresh the eyes and strengthen the eyes, brothers D