Golden Pupil

Chapter 473 Under the bid opening

The so-called "one knife, heaven, one knife hell" circulating in China are talking about the cutting stones on the Burmese jade market, and the opening of the Burmese public market every year is a grand event of gambling stones. It can be said that the real gambling stone has just begun.

On this jade public market, although the people of those jewelry companies also keep an eye on the original stone, they also have spare money to buy ready-made jadeite, so that they can not bear the risk of gambling stones, but also get the raw materials needed by their own company. The attitude of these jewelry companies also makes those who want to get rich overnight. People are more crazy to invest in gambling stones.

In addition to Qin Haoran's labels obtained by Zhuang Rui this time, which is a desperate gamble to put all the money into the dark label, many jewelry companies have people staring at the calcite area, and the organizing committee also has a special person there to go through the customs clearance procedures for the ready-made wool. Of course, it is only limited to the Stone. " Xiao Rui, after lunch, I also want to untie a piece of material. Will you come and have a look? Qin Haoran's words stunned Zhuang Rui for a moment. What's the good way to do? It's almost enough to solve a piece by yourself.

Qin Haoran is actually not sure. Although there are a lot of wool that won the bid, and he won three pieces in the morning, it is hard to say whether there will be jade in it. Chu Haoran wants to see it together. If it doesn't perform well, he still wants to buy some mid-range jades solved on the spot according to the Cui, although it is much greener than the original stone, it is always better than the company's no material carving jewelry. Wait, wait, one, one, one, one, one"

Zhuang Rui's mind suddenly lit up and stopped. Yes, he didn't have enough money, so he simply untied the piece of wool worth more than 300,000 euros and sold it on the spot. Anyway, he didn't lack that little ice seed material, and it didn't matter if he sold it for emergency relief.

"Are you ready?"

When Qin Haoran saw that he stopped, he couldn't help asking strangely.

"It's okay, I'm not hungry, Uncle Qin, you go to eat first. I'll take out the material that just won the bid just now, and then solve the stone..."

Zhuang Rui really had nothing to say. He was smoky in the auction hall in the morning. He simply waved his hand to Qin Haoran and others, turned back and went straight to the window of the auction hall he had just passed. Only one of the children is going to solve the stone..." Qin Haoran shook his head and went to the canteen of the organizing committee for dinner with Fang Yi and others.

The organizing committee opened 20 windows to handle the procedures of the winning bidder, but it was still a little busy. In the morning, thousands of original stones were removed from the bids. Although people like Qin Haoran were not in a hurry to go through the winning procedures, there was a long queue before each window.

The people who are just here are obviously much more relaxed than those who are waiting anxiously in the hall. Many acquaintances are chatting together. Boss Zhuang, did you also win the bid?

As soon as Zhuang Rui walked over, someone shouted at him. At a glance, it was Han Pangzi of Han's jewelry. He probably just came. After coming out of the air-conditioned room, his white and fat face was full of sweat.

Zhuang Rui's heart moved and said, "I won a worthless piece. I cut it out and saw that I was a little short of money. If it could be green, I would sell it..."

In Myanmar's public market, the shortage of funds is not Zhuang Rui's business alone. In addition to some people who have other plans, almost everyone has taken out all their funds to grab the dark label, so Zhuang Rui is not afraid that others will know and said it generously. But in order to wait for the calcite, more people can compete for his piece of wool. Oh? Does Boss Zhuang want to sell the stone? Don't you still have a jewelry store?

After Han Haowei heard Zhuang Rui's words, his eyes really lit up. Except for the piece of wool bought by Xu Zhendong, Fatty Han had not seen Zhuang Rui solve the stone.

It's just that Han Haowei still has some doubts. It's all people who specialize in gambling on stones. People who have their own jewelry stores are not willing to sell jade. After all, their purpose of coming here is for jade raw materials.

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly and said, "I can't help it. I've encountered something recently. If you don't make money together, let's turn it around first. Don't I still have a piece of red jade..."

When Han Haowei heard Zhuang Rui's words, he was relieved. Although everyone's business is not small, it is often hundreds of millions! $ gold flows, but sometimes when you are short of money, you may not even be able to reveal tens of thousands of yuan. When Han Fatty's enterprise is the most difficult time, he mortgages the car and house company to the bank before lending it out to pay employees.

Zhuang Rui had previously gambled on a piece of red jade material, and resolutely refused their offer. It must have been reserved for his own use. Now the wool he has bet has untied one or two pieces and pull it back! $ gold is also a very normal behavior. OK, first of all, I wish Boss Zhuang's solution will rise sharply. Later, our brothers will praise it

Several people around Han Haowei knew that Zhuang Rui's eyes when he looked at the original stone were particularly poisonous. Maybe he would solve the good material, and now they agreed one after another.

Due to the handling of the winning procedures, the $ winning contract must be signed. If you need the help of the organizing committee to ship it for free, you also need to leave a detailed address and check the shipping procedures.

So although there were only four or five hundred people in these more than 20 windows, Zhuang Rui still waited for more than an hour before it was his turn. Behind him, there was a long queue, and even many people had just finished the formalities. After going back, he found that he had won the bid again and rushed back to queue up for the second time. Ha ha, Xiao Rui, have you done it yet?

Zhuang Rui handled this procedure in full payment and asked for the on-site solution, so he needed the organizing committee to give him a receipt. When he just got the receipt, Qin Haoran and others had already eaten and turned back. Uncle Qin, it's just right. You can go through the formalities..."

Zhuang Ruicai doesn't care about jumping the queue or not. At this moment, he is still sitting on the chair at the window and directly gives up his seat. Even if others are dissatisfied, there is no need to say anything about his identity. Everyone hangs around in a country, and there is no need to offend people because of this little thing. Let's go to see Boss Zhuang's stone..."

After Han Pangzi shouted, he immediately regretted it, because when he saw that Kui was in line, a few people gushed out. He was so mean that he was shouting his competitors to grab business with him.

Han Fatty and a group of people went directly to the calcite area to wait first. Now there are also many people in the calcite, and Xizhuang Rui took the bill of lading to the original stone area to get the wool.

After handing over the bill of lading to a staff member in the original stone area, after about seven or eight minutes, the one-phase forklift opened from the gate temporarily surrounded by the soldiers, and put the piece of wool that Zhuang Rui won the bid on the forklift. Yes, we still have to queue up..."

After coming to the calcite area, Zhuang Rui took the piece of more than 30 kilograms of wool off the forklift. Although the organizing committee provided five stone cutters here, not only five were occupied, but also a circle of wool on the ground, all waiting for the calcite. Damn, is this stone or $! Cuiyuanshi, there is no fart in it. It's a trap, isn't it?

A middle-aged man with messy hair suddenly turned gray after cutting a piece of wool, and he scolded loudly. Needless to ask, this guy's trip to Myanmar must not be happy. 380,000 euros, near Jiawan R U\{\}, this knife will be gone, ttut

Fatty Han came early and knew what was going on. He explained it to Zhuang Rui. The one who dared to get rich overnight and bet on what he thought was bound to rise. Unexpectedly, the four million RiB was was wasted with one knife.

Zhuang Rui couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the words. He has a wealth of 4 million yuan, and he can be regarded as a rich man in China. He can definitely have a car and a house, and live a very comfortable life. Why do you need to join in this?

It's just that Zhuang Rui doesn't know that gambling stones are more artificially addicted than gambling, especially for people who have made profits from gambling stones. They can't get rid of it as if they are addicted to drugs. In the end, they not only stick the ruthenium earned from gambling stones in it, but even borrow money everywhere, which makes

No matter what kind of gambling method, no matter what the bet is, the four words of ten bets and nine losses are suitable for the vast majority of gamblers. Of course, Zhuang Rui, who drives a cheater, is excluded. I don't know if there is still money to buy a plane ticket to go back..." "Lao Zhang, don't be so mean, everyone has a time to gamble..." "Yes, Lao Zhang, it's your turn, go up and cut stones and hurry up. I haven't seen so many people waiting for one by one one one one"

Since ancient times, it has been a success or a failure. After the middle-aged man left with a slight staggering pace, everyone just talked a few words and began to understand the stone again.

The man named Lao Zhang was lucky. He cut it all at once and saw green. Although it was only a medium and low-grade jade material of oil and green seeds, he was also raised by everyone. Finally, he was bought by a domestic jewelry company at a price of 1.9 million yuan, while Lao Zhang only spent 2 thousand yuan. Thousands of euros took pictures of it.

This is the power of gambling stones. Marx once said that if capital has 50% of the profit, it will take risks. If there is 100% profit, it will dare to trample on all the laws of the world. If there is 300 percent profit, it will dare to commit any crime and even risk being hanged. And this piece of wool, after a knife, generated a profit of 700 percent, which is enough to make people crazy. Xiao Rui, isn't it your turn yet?

After more than half an hour, Qin Haoran and others also followed a forklift and came to the stone area. The stalk he was going to test the water was not big, only more than ten kilograms, the size of a bowling ball.

P: The recommended tickets have passed each other, and the third update will be sent. I guess the bead is hopeless. I will continue tomorrow. I will watch it at 12 o'clock. If there are 5,000 tomorrow, I will continue to update.

By the way, it's only one or two monthly tickets to get **. Now you poke me and I'm entangled, and with the support of the monthly ticket, let's rush to the fifth stay for a few days. D