Golden Pupil

Chapter 474 Emerald King

"It's my time, Uncle Qin, or you can solve it first. This material is small, just wipe it..."

It was Zhuang Rui's turn, and Zhuang Rui was holding the taresy and was about to put it on the stone cutter. Seeing Tai Yanran and others coming, he stopped and looked at the wool that was the size of a bowling ball, which was also carried by a shovel. He couldn't help laughing. Bosses, I'll solve this later. Let Mr. Qin wipe the wool first. It won't take much time. If it doesn't work, I'll go to the back. Do you have any comments?

Zhuang Rui put the original stone he was holding on the ground, turned around and said to several people behind him that the calcite also had to be queued up. Behind him, there were already seven or eight pieces of wool. It's okay ● It's okay ● Mr. Qin, let's wipe the stone first..." It doesn't matter, it won't take much time..." "Boss Zhuang, your material can't be pushed back. It's all waiting for Boss Zhuang to solve the stone...

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, everyone shouted with great face. Although the few people who were preparing to solve the stone in the back were worried, they also knew that their energy in the gambling circle was far less than the young people in front of them, and they all nodded in agreement.

When Zhuang Rui was in Pingzhou, he was still an authentic gambling stone Xiaobai. The questions he asked could make people criticize, but after half a year, no one dared to underestimate him anymore. After gambling to the red jade, Zhuang Rui's reputation in the gambling stone garden has become like those big stars such as the kings in the entertainment picture.

Qin Haoran arched his hand around to express his gratitude, and then put his piece of material on the stone cutter.

This is a piece of black sand wool, the original stone of the old pit of the authentic Pagang factory. The whole piece of material is as black as coal. When you hold it in your hand, you will feel that it will be stained with black, which is a little like the material of Mameng factory, but the bird sand jade skin of Mameng factory Miscellaneous color.

Pagang Factory is one of the oldest jadeite mines in Myanmar. However, after hundreds of years of mining, the old pit has been completely mined and stopped production. This material should be the inventory of those mine owners and put on the jadeite public market.

The black sand of this Pagang factory does not wipe the edge. It is a full gambling material. If it is at the normal price, this material should be about 800,000 B, because the volume of this raw stone is not large. Even if the ice seed material is produced, it can only produce three or five catties, and the gambling is not too big.

It was just that Qin Haoran took a picture of it, but it cost 320,000 euros. So he waited for more than 10,000 sampas to sampas. In Qin Haoran's heart, he was somewhat disapproving, but in the numbers written by Zhuang Jiao to him, this mark was the first, so he spent a lot of I also looked at the material of this Pagang factory, but I didn't expect it to be photographed by him..." "Yes, it's an old pit material. I don't know how many years it has been left..." "This Qin's jewelry is very big this time. Just now I saw that the bottom of this material is more than 300,000 euros, and

After the onlookers saw Qin Haoran's material, they talked about it one after another. Their eyesight was very poisonous, and they could see the source of the wool at a glance.

In Myanmar, the jadeite produced by different craters in each mine has its own characteristics and different quality. Therefore, it is very helpful to infer the quality of gambling stone jade.

There is a famous saying in the jade industry, that is, "I don't know the field, I don't play gambling stones". Therefore, when buying jade stone, you must understand the origin and characteristics of jade, otherwise there is no condition to do gambling stone business. These people in front of me are all ented people, For us, it's as simple as eating. Xiao Rui, how to wipe it?"

Although Qin Turan is also a veteran of gambling stones, at this moment, after setting up the wool, he couldn't help asking Zhuang Rui. It can be seen that in his heart, Zhuang Jiao's achievements in gambling stones have far exceeded himself. Uncle Qin, the old pit seed of Pagang Factory, just choose one side and wipe it directly. I'm optimistic about this section one one one one one r

The old pit original stone of Pagang Factory has always been thin skin and fine jade crystal. It is famous for its high transparency and color. Mid-range jadeite is the most common, but the high-green jadeite of glass species also comes out from time to time. Zhuang Rui's words mean that this material should be the same, and the jade meat inside is OK, just as you said..." Qin Haoran took off his suit and handed it to Fang Yi, revealing the white shirt inside.

He did not move the stone cutter, but picked up a grinding machine. After turning on the power, he polished the grinding wheel on the side of the wool. With the friction between the grinding wheel and the stone, the black skin fell off to the ground. In Qin Haoran's hand holding the grinder, it was covered with a layer of black. Powder." " Green, green..." "Yes, green..."

In the lithode area, the onlookers were even more nervous than the lithode. Just before Qin Haoran's grinding wheel was used up, he had just polished into the surface of the original stone less than two centimeters thick. "A touch of greenishness is like the winter in the north is about to pass, and the grass sprouted It's exposed.

Qin Haoran hurriedly stopped his hand. After closing the grinder, he scrubbed the surface with the clear water that Zhuang Rui had just come. The two-finger-wide jade appeared in front of him. The clear water flowed from the jade, crystal clear and green under the sunlight, shining with charming brilliance."

At this time, Tai Haoran almost put his eyes on the wipe, regardless of the white shirt that was covered with black dust, and his voice was a little trembling. No wonder that although Qin Haoran had untied a lot of wool, the glass material began to be solved by his hand for the first time. It's soaring, it's really soaring..." "Qin's jewelry has made a lot of money in the public market this time..." "Maybe it's the material chosen by the boss of Zhuang. It's really like a light..." "Yes, let's take a look at Boss Zhuang's own material later? Maybe there will be another emerald king, one, one, one, one r"

The crowd of onlookers also became noisy. Dozens of wool were opened out of the calcite area in the morning, some of which were gambling and some were damaged. However, it was the first time to see the material of the glass seed. It was the first time that the stone was clearly marked in the front for more than ten days, and the jade of

The jade king that someone said was a living legend. The man's surname is Tang and his name is Tang Zenan. He is from Yunnan. He has been running the jade business for generations. In the Qing Dynasty, the jade offered to the palace was mostly from his family.

Since his birth, Tang Zenan from the emerald family has been influenced by the atmosphere around him. After decades of emerald life, right $! Cui can be said to be number seven. In the palm of his hand, he can estimate the price of any piece of wool without "opening", and it is sure.

Tang Zenan, who is already old, is still active in the gambling circle. He is known as the "Emerald King" and also runs two companies specializing in jade wool. If the Jade Prince is the prince of Hetian Yuzhong, then Tang Zenan is the emperor of the jade industry. The two are not well-known in the domestic jade circle. Next.

However, Tang Zenan was not able to participate in this jade public market because of his business, which made many people feel a pity, because the jade king is very angry. If someone asks him to see the original stone, he will go happily, and the opinions given are often the final result. Maybe this is also what he is respected. One of the reasons for "Emerald King". Xiao Rui, the bet has gone up!"

Qin Haoran looked at Zhuang Rui excitedly, and these two fingers were wide! Qin, its value is already more than 0 million euros, and looking at the surface, there should be a lot of jade meat in it. The glass material, even three or five public pieces, is worth millions of euros, more than 300,000 yuan was bet, Qin Haoran is a big advantage.

Zhuang Rui smiled. This result was known to him for a long time. He said, "Uncle Qin, congratulations, do you still want to wipe it?" Boss Qin, continue to wipe it down and let us see..." "Yes, it's the first time to produce glass seeds, so that we can gain insight...

Onlookers know that Qin Haoran will never sell this jade, but if you can see the high green material of glass, it will be a boast in the future! $ Ben. " No, no, this material should be carefully considered, and Mr. Qin will not be ugly: i; . . . R. . . . "

Qin Haoran bowed around with a smile on his face. At this time, he was excited. It was really inappropriate to continue to solve the stone. The stone is a very detailed work. If his hand shakes a little in the process of the stone, it may destroy the jade inside and reduce its price. Xiao Rui, come on..."

Qin Haoran happily took the wool off the stone cutter and said to Zhuang Rui. At this time, he looked at Zhuang Rui's eyes full of excitement. You know, this is only the first piece of wool given to him by Zhuang Rui. If the remaining dozens of pieces have such a performance, my God... Qin Haoran can't imagine it. It's down.

Qin Haoran has no trace of doubt about Zhuang Rui's vision. Even if Zhuang Rui tells Qin Haoran now that there is jade in the brick on the floor, I'm afraid Qin Haoran will pry it open and cut it to have a knife. Boss Zhuang, it's your turn. Let's talk about it first. You must consider my old Han first when you come out of the jadeite,: 1!! lL... R. . . .

Han Haowei is now envious of Qin Haoran. He also knows the relationship between Zhuang Rui and Qin Haoran. He can't wait for his girl who has just entered primary school to grow up immediately. Even if he is a concubine for Zhuang Rui, he is willing to have such a son-in-law, which is not like holding a golden mountain One set ● one set one one one one one one one"

Zhuang Rui smiled and held the wool under the stone cutting machine to it. After strengthening it, he turned on the power switch of the 4 stone machine. D